Ryzen 1600x benchmarks

Assuming this thing is running on 3.3 ghz, 3,7 ghz turbo, I tested the scores on my 2600k.

I got 129 single core, that means a 13% improvement in IPC over Sandy Bridge.

So Haswell/Broadwell level.

Looks like AMD has done it

Other urls found in this thread:


>So Haswell/Broadwell level.
So literally 4 year old performance? Kabylake came out you know? It's a good 20% faster per clock than Broadwell

AMDfags, getting excited over 5 year old performance

>It's a good 20% faster per clock than Broadwell

>It's a good 20% faster per clock than Broadwell

It's funny when people don't know what they are talking about.

The difference is 9%, and keep in mind that the 7700k is clocked at 4.5 ghz, versus the 4.4 ghz of the 4790k. So the difference is more like 7-8%

You were saying?

Fuck off, poo in loo shills. Official slide.

>posting marketing slides to prove your point

>promotional material
>based on Sysmark 2014
lmao retard

>AyyyyyyMD "leaks" are gospel
>officially verified Intel benchmarks are lies

How fucking delusional are you people?


>Windows desktop productivity benchmark
Kek, meanwhile AMD uses cinebench and handbrake for Zen.

My 5820k from almost 2 years ago.


>ching chong nip fong benchmarks

It's irrelevant anyway. All Kaby Lake chips hit 5.1GHz+ on air, whilst Skylake tops out around 4.7GHz at best. Kaby Lake is faster all around.

You really don't understand marketing slides do you?
Why don't you use a third party benchmark?

Yeah, sure they do, on 1.5v

try 1.35v

SYSmark is an independently-verified third party benchmark that's considered an industry standard.


And intel is a lying jew company that hasn't released an honest marketing slide in its entire history
What's your point?

Sure they do, enjoy your housefire.

>tfw to intelligent too buy ayyyymd

to be fair, 4.9GHz at 1.375v is pretty damn close to 5GHz at 1.35v

it's not hard to imagine with good enough cooling and some luck, you can get a chip that can handle 5GHz.

You mean 5% better right?

No it's not because that halfwit claimed everyone can hit 5.1+ and you're already at 1.4v at 5.0 WITH an AVX offset on a fucking golden sample sent to Anandtech of all places.

tl;dr he's full of shit and Kabylake is practically Skylake that can hit 150-200MHz higher clocks with housefire temps

>fucking golden sample sent to Anandtech of all places.

If you think intel bothers to send out golden samples to anandtech you're having a laugh.

Most anandtech reviews have shit OC compared to other reviewers desu.

I've been reading anandtech daily for about a decade now, and have read all of their launch articles on every intel and AMD release since the early 2000s.

>claimed everyone can hit 5.1+

That's a fact. All the tech sites have their 7700K set at 5.1GHz for benchmarks. It's the standard overclock.

>standard overclock is to run a 14nm chip at 1.5v

Sure, now go put out that fire already.

>Assuming this thing is running on 3.3 ghz, 3,7 ghz turbo, I tested the scores on my 2600k.
It's not, it has XFR which is auto overclock and pushes it near 4.5Ghz

In conclusion AMD's IPC is abysmal again, barely reaching Sandy Bridge

Damage control has reached critical mass and it's note even the 27th yet.

>15% better performance from Skylake to Kabylake
>15% better performance from Kabylake to Coffeelake
Oh boy I can't wait for Haswell 4.

hmmmm, that sure is an exact single thread score of an i7 6800k.

I had the multi thread score higher but my power went out. Oh well.

Where is this from?

Intel Retail Edge.

>Believing Intel
I can show you many stores that sell suicide rope, fag

So you make your own processors?
Tell about your Dickzen 6.9Ghz Housefire edition



most butthurt on Sup Forums is from people who bought an intel cpu within the last 12 months and regret doing so now.

>How can intel compete with that?

Are you retarded?


Wait for Intel "sales" to start popping up.

The butt hurt from intel fanboys is just beginning!

AMD should make combo deals with their CPU, GPU, SSD and DRAM, possibly rebrand some case too and sell it for 15-20% less than individual parts.

This would ruin the pc market. I like it.

don't want radeon trash

>AMD BTFOs 6900k live on stage
>You can literally download the very same Blender file and run it yourself
>A fuckton of leaks confirming Zen performance being competitive
>Reputable insiders making positive remarks, possibly under NDA
>It's just marketing! Wait for official benchmarks!

>Intel's """IPC gain""" has been a proven ruse
>Posts Intel marketing slides

Good for you.

Expanding upon this maybe project quantum will become a reality now?

You should see the mathematics being done over on places like anandtech and semiaccurate - the numbers are coming up at around broadwell to skylake IPC depending on workloads.

No highend rig until Vega launches, and AMD has no m2 NVMe SSDs rebranded yet.

other vendors will get real angry
it will ruin
1. vendors
2. OEM
3. and finally AMD in a long run

what realistically they could do is to offer retailers to make such combos, like nvidia did but with actual benefit of being cheaper

apparently their SSDs aren't bad so it might work

>post yfw

>It's not, it has XFR which is auto overclock and pushes it near 4.5Ghz
Source: your ass

>officially verified Intel benchmarks are lies
>marketing slides lying
Who would have thought!

XFR is black box for now, let's not burn hype railroad with hype train on it

XFR is exciting for the end user but the real secret sauce people need to be looking at is Infinity Fabric - depending on exactly how good it is it opens up a whole world of options, many of which could (in theory) let AMD get the jump on Intel and Nvidia in some growing markets.



Fabrics aren't really consumer oriented, they make or break markets with high socket rollouts though.
If your 20k CPU server has a better architecture but a shit fabric nobody's gonna use it.

Infinity Fabric controls the clock speed, voltages, and temperatures on the fly.

With next generation branch prediction, that looks at the source of the data, and what to do with it.

"Thousands of sensors" - Lisa Su

>to be fair, 4.9GHz at 1.375v is pretty damn close to 5GHz at 1.35v
It really, really is not.
Voltage requirements go up more as you try to push higher clocks. 4.9 might need 1.375 to be stable, but that means you likely need somewhere between 1.39 and 1.42 to be stable at 5Ghz, and potentially as high as 1.45.

That being said, roughly 58% of the chips bought by SiliconLottery (and they do report on every chip they get) hits 5Ghz. 28% hit 5.1Ghz.
An overwhelming majority, however, only hit 4.9Ghz, at 78%.

>ignores reality
>haswell/broadwell sell top dollar new or used
>thinks firelake is better
>posts from moms house
>no father

>post yfw all hypes aside AMD will likely be dropping six core 12 t cpu's with simmilar ipc to broadwell at prices of Intels I5's with only 4 cores and no HT

>ayymd is finished goys

Too hyped... Can't think straight.


pls die intel
no more overpriced cpus with no performance improvement

Whats the bet that suddenly AVX2 is the most important thing ever for a cpu?

all everyday software gets rewritten overnight?
we can safely bet Moore was an alien then.

Oy vey, I wonder who could pay developers to exclusively optimize for AVX2

>intel pays devs to optimize exclusively for AVX2
>suddenly their chips that even support AVX2 look like the housefires they really are (AVX2 forces their maximum TDP)
>AMD puts out a GPU driver update that intercepts AVX2 and executes it on the GPU instead (but only if running an AMD CPU)
>suddenly it looks like AMD+AMD setups are insanely power-efficient and faster than Intel+Nvidia or even Intel+AMD

Don't tell me they planned this all along.

Yes heterogeneous computer, but everybody laughed because only execute on weak APU.

Now have powerful Ryzen.

3dfx tried such bullshit and failed.

Wide adoption of AVX2 would fucking murder one of Intel's big money spinners - laptops.

AMD backing HSA is one of those things that takes forever to really get going but when it does its a game changer. Naturally we are a long way from it yet but thats where things will head. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if their new Infinity Fabric is explicitly designed to scale like that.

>Says the increasingly nervous shill for the 9th time this year

And that's at stock clocks m8
Rumors are it can hit 5.0 on an air cooler.

Top kek

>You should see the mathematics being done over on places like anandtech and semiaccurate
You mean Juan preforming mental gymnastics as to why his "predictions" are correct?

>tfw my motherboard is on its way out
>USB bus has been getting flakier and flakier over the last few weeks, to the point where my phone won't even charge normally and my keyboard misses random strokes
>but Ryzen is about to come out at the perfect time to upgrade
I fucking hope it's good, I don't think I can afford to wait much longer before this thing completely shits itself


Get a replacement USB panel, it may or may not help you.

Finally an upgrade over my 3570K

That as well as others presenting more believable numbers (whih is to say, broadwell-E performance generally speaking).

HSA looked like garbage at first because
1. nobody wanted to support it
2. nobody had the hardware to support it
3. nobody had the software to support it

Now though...
1. Everyone wants it
2. the hardware is here for it
3. everyone wants to code for it.

AMD's long term master plan really is an attack against Intel and Nvidia from so many different angles (and only few of those are taking on said two giants head-on as AMD will lose that fight).

AMD's $300 CPUs with comparable performance to Intel's $1000 CPUs is the big news. Who cares if Intel CPUs are 5% quicker. Hell, they can be 25% faster, I'd still get a Ryzen. You get 75% performance at 30% of the price. Intel should be scared.


>haha, people who bought a better cpu will be mad!

You realize this thing is trying to compete with fucking haswell? The thing that came out years ago?

Well said, goy! The performance will trickle down.

And KL is 5% better with 100% worse TIM. Bravo Intel.

they literally live demoed against a 6900k and won

lucky noob said that its well above intel

random armchair engineer says its haswell level

>All Kaby Lake chips hit 5.1GHz+ on air

how about stop lying? also after 4.8ghz ocing it is not worth since you get just 2fps more, have to use way higher voltage and temps are huge issue. Anyway it still is a bit better than Skylake but not much. Ask Digital Foundry they will say same shit

he doesnt specify if he is using a kaby lake on antartica or on amazon..

and he keeps on lying

>he doesn't liquid cool with helium to get those sexy 8.4GHz clock speeds

$2 have been deposited in your account

>Passmark multithread doesnt matter
>passmark single thread doesnt matter
>waiting for cinebench
>cinebench doesnt matter
>waiting for WoW

What's the difference between Skylake and Haswell, 10%? It's 400MHz more. AMD can clock their CPU a little bit higher than Intel. Anyway, those 10% aren't going to matter because even 10% weaker 4core for half the price is a great deal for i3 buyers. R3 1100 targets the same price tag.

1100 is for those folk with pentiums.

You can spin it however you like, in reality it's competitive with Broadwell at minimum and Intel hasn't improved in literally 3 years.

Intel have nothing to put out and actually compete for the next 4 years at best. They got caught with their pants down and they know it. We'll see a huge rewrite of their roadmap the next time they announce it with a brand new architecture slated for 2021 at best, but until then they'll be trying (and failing) to improve their process which is their only lead right now.

They're going to lose their margins and they're going to lose the performance lead by next year. AMD's already made good on their previous performance gains, and they'll likely make good on the 15% they wanted with Zen+.

Waiting for people to figure out the single core bench is an i7, not a Ryzen.