Hey Sup Forumsents
Took my laptop apart to clean the fan.
Then I found this. What's the likelihood of it working, simply by soldering the missing usb-port to this board?
Hey Sup Forumsents
Took my laptop apart to clean the fan.
Then I found this. What's the likelihood of it working, simply by soldering the missing usb-port to this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you do it correctly, very likely.
Location for it
The laptop is a Lenovo G580.
Would be sweet to have 4 usb-ports, instead of the 3 it comes with
I was always curious about this, PCB has place for a header, if you just solder it, will it work.
Never cared enough to actually backwards engineer anything.
Wait I thought there was originally a usb port there, never mind then, it won't work.
i think you could just replace it with the same board from a different Lenovo model that has that port populated, like this one ebay.com
but no guarantees
Might give it a try
But as far as I can find, there is no difference on this board and the one I already have (a part from the port it self) it doesn't even miss any other components
follow the traces back and see if it goes to the controller
Multilayer PCB
Does the laptop chassis have a slot you can take off for it?
If you want, solder some wires to it and actually connect it to an appliance like a flash drive. IF you want to save some time first check to make sure 5v is available on the port in the first place with a meter.
Not as such. But I could always cut a slot in the plastic.
Don't have my meter handy at the moment
It probably isnt activated in the controler, soldering it there will do nothing, it is just a waste of time.
Anyway to activate it?
Wash your hands, Op. You look like a brown person.
Can't run from that.
I am a brown person
show the other side
also very likely you will need to solder in capacitors or other crap on the same board on top of port itself, and in the end getting a hub will be cheaper and 100% working
I don't see any difference between this and this so it will most likely work.
Fastest way is soldering a cut USB 2.0 cable into there, because it's much easier than just a socket.
Fire that sucker up and check for proper USB voltage.
Ewww, someone flush that poo down the loo!!!