How fast can Sup Forums type?
How fast can Sup Forums type?
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>tfw rsi after all these years
you guys should reconsider what you're all doing
>RSI from typing
Odds are you were doing it wrong, user.
>making errors
As a CS major, I'm disappointed
Casual keyboardist here. I'm happy with my numbers.
>you will never type as fast as world champion typist Mavis Beacon
Does it even say anywhere how fast she is?
>Mavis Beacon
Well, fuck. I feel silly now.
>thinking a negro is the world's leading typer
The model on the cover is so mixed she's hardly black at this point.
Cooler Master Masterkeys Pro L
If you don't type at least 130 WPM MINIMUM you are a slow fuck. Don't even try to excuse yourself with "i dont have muhh mechanical gayboard", I reach 145-148 WPM with a cheap membrane keyboard and I don't even know how to fucking write with 10 fingers, I use 5-6 at best. What makes you guys so slow?
a little slow today, usually i sit at 60.
im slow as fuck
Fast enough
>no evidence
could be faster, at least no errors
10 fast fingers isn't accurate.
do a test with punctuation.
I drop about 15-20 wpm from 110 to 90 when I add real world punctuation.
Bait or kys
but i only use like 4 fingers
Get vim
lmaoing @ your life everyone ITT
I am shit.
not fast enough. i hate it
On phone now, but got 130 once
Typing fast is for secretaries and wageslaves filling excel sheets
t. 50 wpm
Pretty average.
Stop using 10fastfingers, they recycle the same 30 words over and over again in non-cohesive sentences. Use something decent like Typeracer, where you actually have to type out excerpts from works of art and articles, punctuation included.
Seeing how I haven't improved a bit over a year is depressing. Oh well.