/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

>What distro should I choose?

>What's the alternative for x?
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First for source mage

Second for Source Mage

this thread is off to a really bad start

install source mage

the next thread should be made a 280 just for good measure.

Source Mage ∞

Forced Meme

Not as annoying as the bsd shills.

>linux kernel


well it's GPL. anyway, I couldn't find a nice kernel map picture for the Hurd.

There is literally nothing in hurd to map

Recommended Twitter client? Preferably one that doesn't require a ton of dependencies (ie Choqok with KDE libs)

>hardware requires I8042 Serial module
>module not available for my architecture
>web search brings up threads from early 2000's that are absolutely useless

What dns do you guys use? My IPS's are shit so I was thinking about switching to OpenNIC

Setup DNSSEC+DNSCRYPT and use one of their dns'

there you go then I guess

shidd, I forgot to fix the moustache. THIS should be the final version of the OP pic unless someone wants to make the fonts look nicer.

you wish ;^)

I will destroy all the winkids with my brain, Linux makes you smarter.


Any sound wizards here?

I'm having an issue where any time I have sound playing from multiple sources/programs, output from the first program stops.

Ex: mpd/ncmpcpp playing some music, I'll open up a browser tab for YouTube and start watching something. The YT video won't start until I stop ncmpcpp and restart the browser. Or, in reverse, I can start watching a YT video but then I get no sound from mpd/ncmpcpp.

It's like this with other programs that use sound too. Been Googling this shit for an hour, can't figure it out.

setup dmix properly or use pulseaudio

use pulseaudio. Install pavucontrol for a great control UI.

I had JACKd (for a DAW), pulseaudio, and alsa installed before. Just tried removing everything and then reinstalling only pulseaudio - same issue.


Fucking linus can't even make a compiler

Is Solus a meme distro, or is it usable? I like that they are doing something different, but it's not enough for me to switch.

Currently I'm on Ubuntu and just do uni stuff, plus some ocasional WoW with my RX 480.

His problem is most likely because pulseaudio is installed.

Install pavucontrol, then restart your computer if necessary.

Try it, should have a live ISO

I was honestly thinking more on the long run, desu senpai.

Reminder than the word "freetard" was forced by trolls suspected to be paid by Microsoft.

No, it is used to describe people who are blinded by the foul vomit stallman spews out,who blindly belive in "oughts" instead of being constructive.


I'm not savvy at all on loonix or even permissions

The thing is, I was asked to change permissions for a folder so groups could only read and write. Thing is, how's that gonna help? Don't users from a group need execution rights to access said folder anyways?


Everyone knows it. Steve Balmer's quote "Linux is communism" is a popular one too.

Ignore micros**t shills. First they attack GNU, then they attack Linux. They are (un)paid micros**t online campaigners

That's so weird. I would understand how it works for files, but not folders.

t. microdick sucker

So I'm setting up NextCloud, and what I'd like to do is have the data directory be my Samba share. I've edited fstab so that it mounts it at startup to /mnt/data, but where I'm getting stuck is I need it to be writable by www-data, and I can't change ownership or permissions of the mount-point.

Wat do?

Have you set to write in fstab? Maybe try to add yourself to the www-data group and make everything editable by the group. I don't want to say use UID but definitely check it if you see more problems.

Depending on the filesystem, you have to mount it like 'mount -o group=www-data'

How does that work with the username and password for the share, though? Right now it says:

//ip-of-server/files /mnt/data cifs user=owner,password=hunter2,user 0 0

Where do I put www-data in there?

//ip-of-server/files /mnt/data cifs user=owner,password=hunter2,user,gid=www-data 0 0

'man mount.cifs' for more mount options.

Why is there an NSA in my Linux?

why are you not using the superior ncurses-based menu?

It was kinda easier to look at the menuconfig interface, although now I see the nconfig menu is actually better.

Wow, never used this.

anyway, the literally just released mainline 4.10 if you are interested.

couldn't they intentionally include bugs in order to abuse them later?

Use TempleOS to protect yourself against NSA and CIA-niggers.
CIA must surrender to the IRA. They started a war on God. You die, CIA niggers.

The CIA picked a fight with the IRA and God, a War on Terror to humiliate the
Irish and attack the concept of God as represented by pathetic loser sand
niggers. Surrender, silly CIA niggers. Yer fucked. You started a war with
God. He talks.

Saying the word, "pedophile", is an attack on Catholics and God, by those who
hate children.

We're not stupid. You are. God exists. Yer fucked, CIA niggers.

yeah, in the same way they can do that with any other component of the kernel. The latter would be convenient because it wouldn't ruin their own work (a security agency is usually involved in both espionage and "counter-espionage").

Don't really have much time for Sup Forums these days (new job, plus family) but I just came to let you know GNOME Builder now has complete rust support, it's hitting the stable brunch soon.

KDevelop is still working on getting the Rust Language Server but currently has experimental support for rustc2duchain.

Is there any good voice changer software for Linux? I want to do some voice chat that won't make it easy to identify who I am.

fuck your shit, motif ftw

meant for

bet audacity can do that

Hello /guys!
I'm currently rewriting my bash script to dash/POSIX syntax.
I was using $MACHTYPE variable, and I am intrested only in last part of it (-gnu)
In dash there is no $MACHTYPE, so where I can get this data? I need to know which standard C library is actually used by system.

Hypothetically if someone was zeroing out their hard drive with a usb and dban thought there was a partition on the harddrive and selected sda/sdb partition but it turned out the sdb is the usb port did it just nuke the flash stick with a bunch of passes and fuck the life span on the stick?

Realtime voice changing? I don't think so.

Yes it nuked the flash stick and no if it's just a couple passes it isn't instantly reduced

sox can askubuntu.com/questions/421947/is-there-a-way-to-modulate-my-voice-on-the-fly

at least its not an sdcard.
i have a 64G micro SD that is frozen. when you delet files or copy new ones, the files disappear/appear until the card is reinserted.

>[Post a Reply]

sox looks like it works, but it doesn't seem to have a real scrambler effect.

>Oh look at the pretty light flashing on the stick it must be working!
It was 7 passes

Why would it take 6 hours to make 7 writes over 7.20gb but it completed 48gb on the hard drive. It's a SATA drive but the flash ram should work in the same principal for writing? I don't under why the stick would be so much slower. Does it have to do with the USB port connection?

I'm trying to set up a dualboot with Linux and Windows 7 (activated via a loader), but it's just not working.

Windows + loader = Windows boots and is activated.
Windows + Linux = Windows boots but is unactivated.
Windows + loader + Linux = Linux boots and works normally, Windows has an entry in Grub but it won't boot and tells me I need to use the installation media to repair the installation.

What on Earth could be causing this? Does anyone have any ideas?

Additional info: I have used this Windows installation media + loader probably a dozen times or more before now to set up a dualboot with Linux and it has always worked without issue. I have tried several different distros and they all break Windows when activated via the loader. Using the loader before or after installing Linux makes no difference. I am doing absolutely nothing differently this time compared to the previous times.

This is probably a retarded question, but I've got to ask.
My laptop has an SSD (for the OS) and a HDD, and the HDD spins up every time I open the lid.
Can I stop it from doing that?

You can try to enable the "power-on in standby" feature:
hdparm -s 1 /dev/sdX
(read the manual first)

Oh did I say sata, I meant SSD maybe this is why you're not suppose to start drinking at 4am

Kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit.

Usually with shitty nand chips you'll get slow speeds, basically if they are cheap chink USBs they'll be pretty slow even if they have USB3.0

I'm not sure it's either produced in france or brazil.

It typically writes and reads very quickly.

Unless the processor is just being taxed from trying to write both at once while assigning random #'s(which really shouldn't be that difficult for it) I can't really think of a reason why it'd be so slow going unless it had something to do with the physical connection.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

holy shit sox is fucking amazing

What a fucking fag

no u

canonical tries even harder, following the "open source"-hack; it does not only avoid the term gnu, but also the term linux in order to archive things like
>compatible with Windows, OS X and Ubuntu
I guess that's also the reason why pic related exists: canonical pushing micrsoft, microsoft pushing canonical

>it's just Ubuntu


Without Ubuntu, GNU/Linux wouldn't have the market share it has today.

>it's just Ubuntu
will never happen

Already happens, check steam, only Ubuntu is supported, not GNU/Linux or Linux or *nix or butterflies.

anyone using ack instead of grep? seems to be the new shit beyondgrep.com/

All I want to do is uninstall the shitty built-in firewall so I can use my edge router's much better one. Why the hell does it want me to uninstall my DE along with it?

Cause thats how apt works and welcome to dep hell!

because you're a fag and should just use whatever the hell it came with

did you install it manually or did it come as part of the de? if so, mark it manually installed
ur stupid

looks like something people sitting at starbucks in front of a mac would use while running zsh

Came with Ubuntu MATE.

Just use Linux and install Windows 7 on a VM.

can't you just deactivate it and forget about it?

>dep hell
Only exists because people fuck around with apt and later wonder why it fucks up.


Ag (a.k.a. the siver searcher) is supposed to be an improvement over ack geoff.greer.fm/ag/

I tried. It keeps coming back on. I just want to open up 5222 but it won't fucking let me. I just want Ubuntu open everything up and let my router handle it.

MATE has ufw as dependency. Mark as manually installed and remove it. Also, why do you want to remove it? If you can't handle apt, I don't think that you can manage iptables.

>gnu terminology
proof that stallman is nothing but a gloryhound.

yeah, it's a buntu thing. the bunt is designed not only to be idiot proof but to protect idiots from themselves, this is often times frustrating for people who know what they're about and want to do their own thing.

eat shit Stallman

read the thread title and get out

fuck you, it was just fine as flt till you gnutards started your fucking crusade

what's wrong with systemd?

fuck off troll