Harvard CS50 ... WTF?!



>American Education

Don't reinvented the wheels...

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>Harvard turns C into Java Script and Sup Forums defends it

why tho

hows anyone suppose to learn C when they do this?!


>worse than most top state schools for cs
There's your problem

>learn how to archaically create a string that requires you to already know a fair few programming concepts
>Or just skim over that part for the time being, and address it later when they have a better grasp of programming. For now, just add it as a library, like you would in the real world.

Next you'll be against using math.h

Later half of the course is significantly easier than the first half.

THERES the real oddity. Why teach C, THEN python.

At least they dropped php

Why would anyone go to a law school to learn programming?

Serious question.

your fizzbuzzes and hello worlds may be ok with stdio but in the real world they use nonstandard libraries, deal with it

the normal people are at business/law/med school, CS has been filled with beta faggaloids who are trying too hard to fit in

Harvard has one of the best classical Computer Science programs in the world.
Also, CS50 is mandatory for all students.

>CS50 is mandatory for all students.


Its place where rich kids go to party not a place of education.
Havard is only good if you go there for research due to insane amount of funds received from rich parents.

>not "cs50.h"
The fuck

does that grill not know how to apply makeup or is it some kind of color error in the phograph?


doesn't harvard just make even the dumbest people pass just so they can look good? all you need to go is money

There's nothing that screams "I haven't worked in a real job my whole life" more than this picture

Kek all these haters and fags
This is true. I go to a state school for CS and we beat them at MLH significantly every year.

>exclusively white people

>does that grill not know how to apply makeup or is it some kind of color error in the phograph?

that's a fucking puppet you dumbass

>Why teach C, THEN python.

because after getting the mandatory "hello world" shit out of the way, it's better to start with a lower level language so you understand what your code is doing on a fundamental level. this isn't just a Intro to Computer Programming course, it's Comp Sci

i'm the first post you quoted

i asked a legitimate question