Is Spybot Anti-Beacon safe to use?

Is Spybot Anti-Beacon safe to use?

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yes, it doesn't automatically save you from w10 spying though, just prevents some of the telemetry

Someone post that image of Spybot Anti-Beacon running on Linux through Wine and claiming to have blocked all botnet

kys phoner

I'm not on my phone I just don't have that image you idiot

don't even quote me again, capsfag
What about this one then

Friend of mine made one of these and had a good laugh. It was just a gui with some sleeps and nonsense outuput. But people downloaded it.

so it's better to use something obscure that no one tested because it's not popular?

No userspace software is going to save you from spyware built into kernel space software.

When will you winfags stop being deluded cucks?

before you shitpost you can actually google or try stuff yourself you dumb fucking imbecile. all this tool does is blocking m$ ips in hosts file which was a thing back from w10 beta days and stops telemetry services. you can check results by opening hosts file yourself, same goes for scheduled system tasks. but keep on memeing Sup Forumsro

Trying to prevent windows from calling home with hostfile entries is kinda pointless if windows just ignores its hostfile for calling home.

Spybot anti-Beacon blocking Office 2013 and 2016 telemetry hosts on my Ubuntu box

that's the danger of closed-source software, it's impossible to know what's "safe to use" because no one has a clue.

Security is all about who you trust. If you use windows, you MUST put your trust in Microsoft. There is no way around it.

>using proprietary software to de-botnet proprietary software

Winfags are so keked

It's a placebo.


Use OOSU10 too.

>claiming to have blocked all botnet
It is blocked because it was never there to start with

This. It doesn't mean "I successfully disabled it" it means "It's disabled or not working anyway".

Use DWS and make sure to enable professional mode.
I tried that one you linked before on another computer and it didn't work at all. I'm guessing it needs an update.


The only thing safe to do is removing windows


Yes, but take advice, too.

But if you think this alone makes you secure, you're simply insane. Even after you completely disable Cortana (as in, she doesn't run on task manager) and config your Windows Firewall Control completely, and use a trusted VPN, you still can't be sure you're safe. Windows is DESIGNED to leak your private info. It's like taking a Yugo and trying to make it into a good car. No matter what you do, it's still a Yugo and Windows is Windows.

This is why I only use Windows as my OS for my HTPC. I don't care who knows what game or what movie I'm playing. Steam monitors what games I play no matter what system I'm on. So does Netflix. Who cares.

But using an OS that I don't want my privacy raped on, I use OSX (until Linux manages a version that's actually useful to me).

If you care about privacy, you buy a used Mac Pro (they sell on eBay for $200-$300, upgrade to SSD (through PCI card) and USB 3.0...both are cheap to do. And don't look back.

I too like to double post with slight variatons


Only way I can think of preventing windows from calling home is to run it on a VM and block the M$ ips from the host