/sqt/ - stupid question thread

Completely reasonable and well educated questions thread

Rather than shitting up the board with minor questions, post them here.

-provide extra relevant information, e.g. if you wifi is not working, state the wifi card model, OS etc.
-take at least 10 seconds googling your problem
-don't bump the thread, you are not entitled to an answer and lot of people look for posts without replies
-stop asking for best this and that
-check the catalog for general threads for questions regarding programming, web dev, gnu/linux, graphic cards etc. you might have better luck there

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I am now fairly certain that somebody has been niggering in my WIFI network. How do I found out who that someone is so I can Fuck their Shit up

How's this look for a cheap affordable hard drive? newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16822236339

Configure things correctly and it will not be possible for anyone to connect or eavesdrop. Why are racists so dum?

Use a strong password retard

How is what I said even racist you dumb fucking libcuck

I want to first find out who this bitch is so I can Fuck his shit up thou

The past few days I've had a problem where some websites randomly wouldn't load. Specifically ebay.com and a newspaper website. When I check isup.me it says the website works, and in fact I can access them from my phone but not my computer. Meanwhile, every other website works.
What could be the reason for this?


Throwing in an extra 8gb and two year protection as well, didnt have too big of a budget to spend but this looks nice

How fucked am I

>inb4 tpg dont need a shit laptop with shit resolution

whats the difference between WD Blue and WD Black


According to long-established etiquette, an unsecured wireless network is an invitation to use it. This often happens automatically. Close the door if you don't want anyone coming in.

How could I (without an app) manually set my location in Android? With root and without using mock locations.

Is it possible to make gpsd read from a fake interface?

Searching online returns apps and other garbage

Or just devise a way to have them pay money to use the guest network.

You can do that by putting it in a cafe where they'll also pay you for coffee and stuff.

The simple answer: Blue is meant to be reliable, Black is high performance and high failure rate

with your business shit.
Kidding, this is actually not a half-bad idea if you can get your property re-zoned to commercial

>Black is high performance and high failure rate
These two things have nothing to do with each other, quit spreading fud

I thought Blue was the compromise between Green and Black

Hello, I haven't been on Sup Forums for years so my question is what are the advantages to using, say, linux mint or windows? The only games I play are occasionally Overwatch for a few minutes every other day and Factorio. I mostly browse the internet or occasional write. Is there any reason why I would want another OS?

Sup, I have been using python for numerical shit (mathfag) so there are a lot of programming principles I don't know. For example, I always see this shit when reading about python
_init_ etc etc...

what the fuck does that even mean? Isn't that british slang?

Do cafes make good fronts compared to pizzerias?

I obtained a legit ISO of Win 10 Enterprise (2016 LTSB). Thinking about getting an extra cheap computer to try it out on. Do these Enterprise editions need any sort of key or activation? I don't want to be pestered in a couple months about my shit not being genuine or whatever.

Dunno, less conspicuous compared to pizzerias.
I know a sketchy pizzeria that I think deals cocaine.

Pizzerias work well because the ingredients are dirt cheap, so ingredients for all the "pizzas" sold can be bought and then dumped, keeping the books immaculate.

>These two things have nothing to do with each other
I didn't mean to say that high performance IMPLIES high failure rate, but from personal experience the blacks die pretty often. Also, you'll find a lot of people complaining online that their Blacks died quickly

I have my taskbar set to auto-hide, but when I pull something in full-screen, like a youtube video or Discord, or a video game, and then exit the full screen application the taskbar is then hidden behind everything. I can't move my mouse to the bottom of my screen to pull the taskbar back up anymore. The only fix is to minimize the application and click on my desktop or the task bar to bring it back to the front.

How the fuck do I fix this? It's been nearly a year and I can't figure it out.

Mostly higher customization on Linux distros like Mint or whatever. Compatibility goes to Windows, though.

I'm finally trying to take back my privacy and ditch Chrome, but there are so many firefox versions and forks to choose from. What are some pros and cons of the notable ones?

Ungoogled Chromium
>free (libre)
>Like Chrome, but with less jewgle shit going on in the backend

Hit the Windows key

There really isn't a "fix", it's just the way Windows handles window focus after a full screen program closes

So my nexus 5 went into a boot loop. Changed the power button but it still boot loops.. anything else I could do here..?

If a laptop has a eDP, can you replace the screen with any eDP screen? I want to replace my Chromebook screen with an iPad screen, retina + 4:3 seems nice for $50, also I damaged my old screen and a replacement is like $30 and I might as well "upgrade"

Factory reset or a full reflash?

Can't get into recovery.. it basically reboots every 3 seconds ( even with the new power button )

At that point, burn it and get a new one.

This beautiful piece of shit is dying and unfixable

Could anyone tell me where i should look to find something of similar shape for -preferably- cheap and that can reach 6400 Dpi ?
Big fan of the thumb rest thing

Just get standard firefox. All the rest of them have to wait on downstream updates, which is NOT something you want from your browser. Forks are memes

Why is there a butane lighter coming out of the bottom?

Why not

How to make butane flame purple? I know green can be done with copper mesh, but how purple?

CM Storm Havoc can be had for sub-$50 and has that thumb thingy you like, can go up to 8200DPI

Looks great, thanks lad

No problem, but the rubbery bits do collect dirt easily so be ready to take a sewing needle or something to it

>cum storm

Does the Commodore 128D have the same C64 cartridge port as the normal 128?

I tried to use WINUSB to make a windows installation stick.
here's what it says

Installation failed !
Exit code: 256
Formatting device...
Error: Partition(s) on /dev/sde are being used.

Can't find help on the internet that works.

Update to win 10
use clonzilla to image win10
burn on new ssd

sorry, deleted my post.

If I'm going to swap out the HDD in my laptop for an SSD, but also want to upgrade it to windows 10 (currently has win8), which should I do first?


I did, thanks. Just wanted to repost the question

If the Manufacturer test utility for an HDD results in FAIL that means it's definitely hardware right?

Also, is there a go-to Free as in freedom data recovery tool? I have backups but I want to screw around and see what I can pull with it since I never got a chance to do this before.
At an OS level, the drive hangs the entire system when attempting transfers. Still spins up fine though

It's dead jim

Would a failing storage drive hang GNU/Linux the same way it BSOD's Winshit?

How do I do this?

not quite yet bobby

>Hard reboot PC
>Thread watcher with 4chanX doesn't work anymore
What do? I'm with Firefox.

there's your problem.

Kindly asking for someone to help me with this. I can't seem to find an answer elsewhere online.

Use a keygen

Will I run into licensing issues if I reformat and reinstall windows 10 on a laptop using the media creation tool?

It came with W10, but he doesn't have a key, disc, or even a recovery partition.

now that networx has a license period, what do people use to monitor usage?

What's the fastest algorithm for finding the fastest route across a directed graph with non-negative edges?
It needs to be the absolute fastest, heuristics won't work.
Is Dijkstra's the best? I only need to know one pair, not everything leading away from a source.

Is there an app on android that lets me use the external sd card as cache?

Had the same? problem, reinstalling firefox fixed it. There's probably a less stupid solution but eh.

I'm looking for a vim plugin, configuration, or keybind sequence that can make doing something like the attached video easier. I know Sublime has some similar feature allowing you to press TAB to switch between certain characters, to make for example filling out a text form easier, but I don't use Sublime.

Is there anything like this for vim? The video is just an example, I run into this situation all the time and could probably shave 50% of the time it takes something to do like this if I knew how to switch between these positions easier

I had firefox run on a single process in task manager, but now that I reinstalled stuff, there are two processes. What gives?

Windows BSOD'd in the middle of BitLocking a 300gb HDD, I was able to recover everything in the HDD but I can't use it anymore. The drive is in read-only mode but I can't change it, tried about everything that I could find. The drive is already clean but can't format nor initialize, is it dead? I've really tried everything that I know. (pic is error when trying to initialize)

Boot gparted and create a new partition

When I mouseover this invisible icon on my taskbar it says "Warning" and nothing happens if I click it in any fashion. Nothing out of the ordinary that I've noticed.

What do?

I will try when I get home, will EaseUS Part Manager work? I have it and I think it has a tool to do that or just gparted is safer?

Why doesn't this work?
startapplication && wmctrl -c "Window"

I know the wmctrl command works, it just doesn't work this way.

How do you get a line break in Youtube video titles?
Example: youtube.com/watch?v=R74RqVzIfrA&t=0s

What's the best windows software for ripping a copy protected DVD?

Whats the best download manager?

You are now acutely aware that your feet are dry and sensitive.

I've run into this issue in Chrome: sometimes when I open a new tab in the background, all I get is an unresponsive blank page (right-clicking it doesn't do anything and if I try to reload it gets stuck on the loading icon). Does anyone know what's happening?

Considering python, what's a reasonable way to convert "string" to ["string"] if it's not a list, as function argument?

def foo(input):
return function_that_needs_list(input)

How do I make foo take either a list or string (inside a list)

>Uninstall Mcaffe
>Session gets corrupted

What the fuck.

Would this be the cleanest way?
def foo(input):
if type(input) is string:
return function_that_needs_list(input)

when I try to cut the first second out this vid in xmedia recode nothing will play the file. How to fix?

also what's a good screen recorder? I'm using hypercam 2, but the vid looks shit quality

I'm a college student that needs a reliable mobile laptop with a long lasting battery

I have my desktop for gaming and anything else heavy duty, so I just need a cheap laptop to do online assignments, watch movies(yify), or studying on. But I don't want something flimsy. I also don't want it to crash from running Firefox or YouTube

I'd prefer to spend $200-600


wow so i did manage to get my ip range banned on Sup Forums huh

How bad of an idea is using two completely different RAM sticks, and is there anything I need to look out for before buying the second stick?

Tried using the loudnorm filter on ffmpeg and it says "no such filter". Do I have to enable it or something?

does libre office uses the same format of writing equations than LaTex?

used thinkpad, x230 is the popular one in that category
thinkpad 13 has new revision coming any day now
or older one could be find for cheaper

how about you try it :^)

I have to write equations in libre office.

have no clue how to do it.


jDownloader 2

I've no idea, try using ffmpeg which is much simpler
ffmpeg -ss 1 -i input.webm -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.webm

What's so special about think pads?

reliable well build, professionals aimed
there are only 3 companies really who make this type of notebooks and are successful

Lenovo Thinkpads
Dell Latitude
HP probooks/elitebooks

Business laptops.
Sturdy and really reliable, good specs.

The only that comes close are dell business laptops (latitude).

How do I stop Google from giving me a notification every fucking time I'm at a store/restaurant?

Is it normal for my idle CPU temp to be like 5 or 7 more °C than what it was before I took off the heatsink and reapplied the paste? Do temps go up just a bit when you just put fresh paste on it and then go down in a couple of days or so?

Or did I fuck up the paste apply?

you probably fucked up the paste application

You fucked up

>he fell for the replacing the paste meme
Enjoy your housefire