Tech illiterate thread

>brother asks me which laptop to buy
>tell him to buy an x1 carbon or yoga
>asks if fagbook is better
>tell him no
>few days go by
>come home to see brother using an xps15
>mfw he managed to buy worse than fagbook even after I good him exactly what to buy
>mfw he says xps is better than a thinkpad

Why do people not bother googling stuff Sup Forums?

Why would you pick a shitty x1 carbon over an xps 15?
You're the one that clearly did not do your googling OP

>actually recommending lelnovo chinkpads

did your brother molest you when you were children?

0,9/11 made me reply

holy shit, thinkshit is trash. stick to proper systems like xps13 or xps15

Why is this board filled to the brim with lenovo shills?

Theres more shilling on this board than Sup Forums

Old thinkpads = good bang for buck, highly repairable, good lifespan. It's why they're shilled so much.

New thinkpads or any lenovo machines = worthless trash

XPS may be better depending on his use case and now he has only himself to blame if it's shit. You got off easy.

NIgga, your brother was asking suggestions and got what he wanted.

Be happy for him that he could make his own decisions.

Hold the fuck up, OP's picture seems to illustrate a lower-than-1080p screen resolution on that one on the right at least...

Does lelnovo still sell laptops with shit display resolutions in 2017? I mean I guess they probably do... but seriously WHY?

Makes sense, doesnt seem like that good of a choice to watch chinese cartoons on tho imo.

Just checked, the latest version is only available with 1080p or higher apparently.
Maybe who ever did OP's pic just was dumb, or is for old version.

Also, Winblows10 probably can DPI scale that shit up to FUCKHUGE size so you have no screen space, and probably does so by default.

>Being that blind.

Pray tell how an xps is better than a thinkpad in office related use when the thinkpad has 16hr battery and only weighs 1kg? When the thinkpad has a spill resistant keyboard and drop resistant carbon fiber body

Were you born retarded or are you paid to act retarded?

In what universe is an X1 carbon better than an XPS?

Older thinkpads are great for office use. New ones are fucking shit for it.

XPS machines are more portable, have superior keyboards and better specs or equal for the price.

what is the best professional grade 13" laptop then

you can get a xps 15 with a 97WHr battery, besides the fact that it has a better CPU and GPU

literally fuck off lenovo shill

XPS 13

hp spectre

coil whine though

Never had a problem with it at all. Is it a common problem?

>falling for the HQ vs U processor meme
You do realize that squeezing an HQ processor into the tiny XPS frame is gonna cause it to throttle so much that you'll see maybe a 10% difference in performance between a U processor at the same clock speed.

Still a 10% difference desu~

are the new one's any good? needa know before i drop 1k on it

>superior keyboards
Not sure if you've ever used one but XPS 13/15 have one of the worst laptop keyboards out there. It's the one thing that reviewers consistently bash on. For anyone coming from a good laptop keyboard, it's practically unusable.

>xps 15
>comparing dual core with quad core CPUs

nice try

Superior over the X1 Carbon.
Not superior to anything with a decent keyboard.

>being this delusional
Forgot your meds?

Prescription ran out desu

Then why do you only see a 10-15% improvement even though it drinks at least 2x more power?

HQ is a meme for laptop gaymers and specfags aka Dell's target customer.

To even insinuate that the XPS 13/15 is better than the X1 Carbon simply indicates that you know absolutely nothing and anything.

i just want a macbook pro replacement with hardware as good as the macbook

>waah, just because it isn't a thinkpad it isn't good

>he thinks a quad core is twice as fast as a dual core

>what is multitasking
>what is software that can use multiple cores

also, quote me where I said "twice as fast"

It's just not a good laptop user. If Dell put in a better keyboard (from their Lattitude line) and moved the webcam to the top, it would be the best Windows laptop hands down.

Not anymore if you buy the 9560 model (2017 model). Honestly I am in the same boat, but for a replacement to a Macbook you won't find something better then an XPS

Somebody PLEASE recommend me a laptop that runs linux well, has at least a 1400x900 screen, and costs < $600

They keyboard is perfect, user. They advertised their machines to be the Windows or Linux alternative to the older Macbook Pro, which has almost the exact keyboard.

Thinkpad T420.
>Screen: 1600*900
>CPU: 2640u
>Ram up to 16 gb ram
>Price: 200 US dollars, if you buy it cheap
>also has the god tier keyboard

the new HP Spectre x360 is superior to both the new fagbook pros and new dell xps 13/15

just go user.



"To save the battery power."

>carbon fiber body
>falling for marketing buzzword for 'plastic'
>eating that shit up

>lenovo shills
No. The thinkpadders do it for free and only recommend older models. Dell does shill XPS here pretty damn heavily though.

>Why do people not bother googling stuff Sup Forums?
You do realize google doesn't give everyone the same results right, genius?
It makes a profile of you and gives you results based off that.

Samefag shill