What if I told you the reason Macs are so expensive relative to PCs is because they need to offset the cost of...

What if I told you the reason Macs are so expensive relative to PCs is because they need to offset the cost of maintaining a much more robust operating system.

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I'd reply with a claim similar to "Your false kys macfag"

if its so robust why do they use windows in their factories?

>robust operating system.

machines and robots usually use software only available in windows.

not bad senpai, could be

What if I told you the reason Macs are so expensive is because people are willing to buy them at that price

>not using terminal

Mac OS X is for technically illiterate people who doesn't have mental faculties to use Gentoo.

go fuck yourself nigger

why isnt the software developed for macos if its more robust?

I wonder why...

This user gets it

What if I told all you clueless dumb fucks that they're expensive compared to other computers because Apple ships their machines with their own custom operating systems? Something that LITERALLY nobody else does in the consumer market. They just install generic Windows 10 and some shitty drivers and some bloat trials of shit software.

>not using terminal
(not you user)macOS shills then proceed to mock linux for having to use the terminal for something and calls it caveman-age tech. really makes me think

>What if I told you the reason Macs are so expensive relative to PCs is because they need to offset the cost of maintaining a much more robust ecoystem.


Macs are going the way of the apple tv anyways.


this is absolutely true. The extra cost of all of their devices is to pay the developers, designers, etc. for all of their custom Apple shit, something that most other manufacturers don't worry about at all.
There is no counterargument to this besides bitching about the OS not being that good, whatever that means.

>Something that LITERALLY nobody else does in the consumer market.
Yeah, thank god for that.
Imagine what a mess the market would be, it would be like going back in time to the 80s.
Also Windows isn't free you retard, companies pay for the licences.

Laugh of the day. Thanks OP.


>Yeah, thank god for that.
>Imagine what a mess the market would be, it would be like going back in time to the 80s.

Yeah it's not like we could use some actual market competition or anything because Windows and its ecosystem are literally flawless, right? As long as I get my shooty games Microsoft can do no wrong.

Also it's not like the past 15 years of horrendous Windows malware attacks have repeatedly exposed the glaring drawbacks of an OS monoculture, right?

These are macfags.....Owning and using a mac does not make you a macfag. Constantly bragging to your friends and tattoing yourself just to show how much you devote yourself to one fucking brand makes you one

Not everyone wants gentoo on their computers.


i would turn 420 degrees and walk away

No I don't think so

>Owning and using a mac does not make you a macfag.
Yep, it does.

you can get a robust operating system for free. Your choice of Linux distors. Or FreeBSD, for that matter.

MacOS is really just a DE. A very bloated, bad-looking, and expensive one.

Mac OS X is a post-Gentoo product that most loonixfags turn to when their puberty ends. Fun fact.



More to do with the hardware.

Why can't I run pro tools on Linux or bsd then? Clearly there more going on than just the de.