Defend this
Defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck no
What's sad is that some people prefer KDE over xfce. They could install xfce and Compton and it looks better out of the box. (And Compton is not bloat for those who think it is)
i can't defend what is dead
Woah looks like a login screen for a cuckold website
What the fuck is this shit
Two steps up the faggot pole from a Mac user.
What exactly is wrong with it? Besides the silly undoubtedly changeable profile picture it looks like a normal login screen.
>Not using 24h clock
Compton is the slowest compositor in existence. Use Compiz or literally anything else.
>icons with text
>huge Login button
>that profile picture
Is KDE trying to be Fisher-Price desktop?
Compton adds input lag and is buggy like fucked shadows in gtk3 menus. Kwin has no tearing and is fucking fast and configurable.
>What's sad is that some people prefer KDE over xfce
It's weird using gtk2 in 2017. Also kde applications like dolphin are simply 100 times more advanced, configurable and simply better than Thunar.
>Using a compositor
Shouldn't you faggots be helping your wives get dolled up for her boyfriend?
>Using bare Xorg
Enjoy watching your loli porn in your mom's basement with 20 lines of horizontal tearing.
>plasma 5.7
>July 2016
>now at 5.9
Who cares?
No tearing ?
I've tried kde many times and it has the worst compositor imo
Gnome 3 has the best hands down
>20 lines of horizontal tearing
Not sure what you're talking about there lad. I've never had any tearing issues at all.
No, not meming, that was going to be my answer.
I care. The Plasma devs fucking suck at design and I want them to succeed. Their shit taste is holding Plasma back.
Ok, I formulated that wrong:
>They introduced this face bullshit last summer
>people complained
>they changed it to pic related
Why make a thread or care now? It's already fixed.
This is great because Blue > Pink although either would be better than Problem Purple
Mutter is not configurable and you can not disable it. Also when you click on activities the fps of animations are shit.
Maybe not in videos, but rty scrolling up/down a document or web page, or moving a window left/right.
>Maybe not in videos, but rty scrolling up/down a document or web page, or moving a window left/right.
You mean try using a computer for daily tasks? Yeah I do that, still no tearing here.
>He needs to disable his compositor when Mutter runs flawlessly on a midrange mobile Core 2 Duo
Stop using a Pentium III.
It symbolizes how desperately the Plasma devs need designers. This shit never should have gotten into a release in the first place.
>This shit never should have gotten into a release in the first place.
It was not released like that, what OP posted is an early mockup. Geez, shills are surely desperate.
You would know right?
login screens are bloat
just use startx
Good for fucking you, meanwhile my shit tears so I'm going to use a goddamn compositor
Why would I. I'm not KDE shill
It wasn't a mockup.
This thread proves how Linux is killing itself. It's full of autistic sperglords that want to run 8MB max of their RAM on 32GB systems and then blame "Micro$oft" for their failure to make a good desktop. KDE has been killed by those memesters because they redirect all new developers away from it and into technologies from 1992 that nobody prefers over Windows 10.
Boohoo, the artist of that face was bad, cry me a river.
You helped it being shit, by shilling against it.
>It wasn't a mockup.
That's not how the final version looks. Pic related is how the final version was delivered. I has been receiving all the updates to plasma since 5.4 and they didn't ship the SDDM greeter looking like OP's pic to the final users.
delete this.
>being a living meme
Are you literally a mentally challenged child? That picture was from the alpha version and the face has been replaced by an elegant replacement. KDE is the only environment that actually strives to be modern and the autistic memesters that want to run 2MB of their RAM on their 64GB systems is what is killing Linux, but they prefer to blame "M$" for their failure to understand technologies.
Defend that.
nice DESIGNATED EVANGELISM dude. Certainly you're delivering a nice MOPPING UP.
Because you seem to have an unabated passion for technology maybe you can be interested in getting a jos as a DEVELOPER EVANGELIST.
>defending KDE 4/5 or gnome shell
Stay in your dying desktop then, I don't give a shit anymore, it's your fault anyway.
>Defend that.
Ok, this is how it looks like for me, pretty nice IMO.
still a shit
*risitas laugh*
>Stay in your dying desktop then, I don't give a shit anymore, it's your fault anyway.
Oh, so you was doing it for my sake? that's so nice on your part but i politely reject your offer because i'm currently happy with my setup. Thanks for your input anyway.
Holy shit is this real?
OS/2 was a piece of shit anyway but I remember how much of a meme people turned it into.
>no more arguments.
ok, i respect your opinion. So i guess you'll not mind if i post some pasta to help to break some common myths about linux right?
Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2
Holy shit it looks nice
No one but neckbeards keeps it on 24h time.
Look at , they are doing it for our sake defending us from using inferior products. They're the good guys after all right?
same faggot
They're just helping everyone to be happy, everyone wins!
ok, some more pasta then, check the video about doom running with the same performance as windows under vulkan:
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.
The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.
I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?
ok fuckos how do I get this on my Arch?
Not bag
Shouldn't you know since you did it?
So in short KDE users receive a nice looking and customizable login screen (see ) while windows users receive ads... i mean suggestions in their lock screen by default?. but of course microsoft does it for the sake and the best interests of their users, like everything they do right?
I won't defend this.
I'll just use one of the other login screens available by default in KDE.
That what happens when you program without having final design goals, this is why kde/plasma is inconsistent shit software.
On the other hand gnome has a design team and it's the best looking and most functional DE
The plasma project should get a design team, delete all plasma 5 repositories, and start over.
Would you be willing to share that background?
Ah, i almost forgot. While it's true that plasma includes the avatar OP is mocking about it also includes some monochromatic ones that are pretty nice (the ones from the cat to the zebra).
The ones from the "Blackbox" to the TV was the default ones for plasma 4 (kde 4), yeah, they was pretty tacky.
I unironically think it looks great.
>Would you be willing to share that background?
Much appreciated
How does one get advertisements in their lock screen? Both my machines are running Win10 for gayman, but I've never seen an ad.
At least thanks to the people trying to bash kde (which was clearly BTFO in this thread) it was born a similar and much more accurate image.
Wait why is OP making a big deal if it's already the default version in Arch LOL
>How does one get advertisements in their lock screen? Both my machines are running Win10 for gayman, but I've never seen an ad.
if you're interested:
What? no more replies? too much factual information for your circlejerk guys?
I call bullshit. I am disgusted by microsoft as much as the next man, but this is too far even for them. They might have played with the idea for a while but no way that's real.
Would look fine if it wasn't for the stupid ugly avatar and the time/date was properly aligned.
>They might have played with the idea for a while but no way that's real.
I don't know if it's still there but it was real. Let's hope for the "windows cloud" thing to not be real too, otherwise normies will be in deep shit.
see and
damn sorry, i pointed to the wrong posts, i mean:
Facts can't make Plasma look any less ugly
Ok, now that we have some actual images on how it really looks i'll let the people to decide by themselves.
Personally i'm pretty comfy with my setup.
That huge panel is pretty gross mate. The menu is also a good example of wasted space.
Ok, i politely disagree but i respect your opinion. Fortunately plasma is pretty customizable so if at any moment i concur with your opinion i can change the panel size or replace the menu. Also bump.
>i can change the panel size or replace the menu.
Fair enough, I might try it out then, it looks decent otherwise.
>living in a 3rd world country
3.5.10 was greatness. Oh how it has fallen since...
Is OP letting the thread die because it's not convenient for him anymore? don't worry OP, i'll save your thread!
Thanks senpai.
;) you're welcome
>That huge panel
>The menu is also a good example of wasted space
It looks good but you can't accept it becuase you are a hater, probably a i3 or gnome3 user so you have to say two stupid reasons that have no sense even for the most autistic.
Shameless bump. Because is not fair that shills spam new threads but they try to kill the threads that are not convenient for them.
i don't care because i use windows 7
Why would you care about wasted space in a menu that overlays other windows?
Anyway, there's a more minimal menu built-in.
Looks good.
I see it for like 0.04 seconds and then I'm in my desktop?
Enjoy the year 2020 faggot
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
So what about all the problems it does have?
goes to show how thin the line between aesthetic and autistic is
Pathetic millennial detected. Back to plebbit with you.
Plasma 5.8+ is really nice to use fangpaisan