>implying Ryshit will cut into the 99% share that Intel has
>implying the so-called "leaked" benches are real
>implying AMD won't still be considered the poorfag CPU option that will break in a year
Implying Ryshit will cut into the 99% share that Intel has
Wait, I screwed that up.
It's tick-tock-optimization-optimization-panic
There is literally no downside if AMD's CPUs become competitive again.
All fanboys should drink a whole container of bleach. This board would be so much more bearable.
Intel is getting shit rekt, if the performance is ANYWHERE NEAR WHERE it is said to be, with the power consumption they claim, intel will start losing server market share.
WHY you may ask?
Because running 100 CPUs pulling 2/3 the power for the same performance means they pay a much lower power bill to keep the company running, AMD's yields are apparently FANTASTIC so they can charge less because they get more CPUs per wafer.
How CPU tech will be for the next 50 years
One company will be dominate,but being using the same architecture for 10 years,Until the competitor makes a better arch,thus forcing them from the 10 year same arch phase to make a new arch.
aka intel will now be forced to make a new arch instead of just making the same one "better"
Show me some OEM contract leaks
Nah you can't, only getting hyphy ova two scummy websites and their amd fanfic
I swear intel is behind the "leaks". Just to disappoint the shit out of everyone on launch day.
Intel is so fucked. They have 5+ years of absolutely ASS-RAPING the fuck out of consumers priced into their stock. They can't not ream us without losing tons of money.
>he does it for free
It worked well for Nvidia to false flag the shit out of Polaris.
except intel didnt make a new arch, they just went back to their old shit when they finally gave up on the p4.
intel has had one failure after another while amd has far more hits than misses.
the hype of fanboys wrecked polaris launch, not nvidia
I don't know if wrecked is the right word since AMD did post good revenue the quarter after launching it.
>What's a false flag?
The post.
with wrecked i mean hyping it so fucking mcuh that people actually believed it would go head to head with 1080
literally no one thought that
then you didn't saw the thread like i did.. the raving age of singularity benchmaks back then
why would anyone think that one rx 480 would go head to head with the 1080 when raja showed 2x 480 going head to head with the 1080 in AoS?
because people kept telling things like
I don't give a shit form who, but we need some competition to drive the industry forward, or at least to drive it forward at a faster pace.
You fell for a troll thread on Sup Forums and don't realize your name persists between threads. Why should we take you seriously?
>AMD showed a bench on blender of it being 10% faster than the 6900k at 3.4ghz, no boost
>Intel employees has said its competitive
>intel """""15%"""""" gains starting to catch up to them
Jim Shitwrecker Keller wrecked some intel shit again