Which Ryzen CPU are you going to buy Sup Forums ?

Which Ryzen CPU are you going to buy Sup Forums ?

>95W TDP
Wow the Piledriver is back

18 or 1700x if good. That lil 4c4t if merely ok.

Already got a 7700 but I'm more about workstation then gaming my 2nd unit.

>Ryzen 3
>Ryzen 5
>Ryzen 7

Is there any meaning to those numbers are are they simply copying Intel core i3/i5/i7?

i might cop the 3 1100 if it beats i3 6100

1300 1500 best
dream on, i3 has better encoding etc features probably, so outside of benchmark will be better

When the APUs arrive with good ITX motherboards and have good Linux support.

piledrivers were 125w to start

>r3 1100
>r5 1500
>r7 1600X

They are definitely taking the piss on Intel

>not r9, r11, r13

Now the question is, are they trying to ride on Intel's success in vain, or are they mocking Intel in victory?

They should of.

should have*

Upgrading from an fx 8320, which one should I get?

AMD Rysen 5 1400x


1600x looks fantastic. I don't really want to get a new CPU right away though, maybe in a few years time. By then prices should be a bit better, maybe even a better alternative.

None, I do not plan on building a new system for at least a year.

1400X looks really good.

Probably their 1500 or 1600X

It will be the Thuban I've ever wanted.

If it will be anywhere near the 4690k it will absolutely BTFO a 6100.

I'm waiting for more detailed reviews.
I need a CPU that can fit within a build with a 300W PSU. I want XFR, but that doesn't come in the more high-end, low TDP processors. I may not even need it.

would be nice if they used a naming system where the X in Ryzen X meant core counts...
would seem more logical, so Ryzen 8 == 8 cores, Ryzen 6 == 6 cores, etc...
this naming system is horrondeous compared to Intels simple 3,5,7...
to answer your question OP: bought an Intel system a year ago, so will have to wait ~3 years to upgrade again, 2019 will prob. get Zen++

Probably gonna get a 1600X, but god I'm not looking forward to seeing how much these will all cost in CAD. Probably just gonna wait for black friday deals since I'm in no rush to upgrade my rig.

Cheapest 4 core, 6 core or 8 core and overclock it to the moon.

it's to make a quick comparison for consumers who buy solely on the i3, i5, i7 label.

The 1700X looks pretty good.

1700, gimme dem cores

How much faster will a 1400x be over a i5 7600k?

can someone translate please?

whats the Intel equivalent to the 1700/1500 ?

Whatever matches the price.

It won't be faster. Probably.

It will probably behave like a 6700k

1700x or 1800x only if they overclock noticeably better.

Will 7nm Zen fit into AM4 sockets?

r4, r6, r8

1400X, because anything more than 4c/8t is unnecessary for a non-server machine.

>what are workstations

Probably an R5 1500 for an ESXI homelab server. Low power consumption, good ipc, nice clocks and 12 threads.

Glad it's we're getting some better bang for the buck high end cpu's again. It's been a while.

probably, AMD have said socket AM4 will last 4-5 years

I got i5-6500 and wondering if that 1500 is the competitor for it?

prices looks pretty good

Pricewise, yes, but it will demolish it in performance, and shit on its grave when overclocked.

1500 is the lowest hexacore? It eats 6500 alive.

then it might be smart to only get a 1600x and wait for 2019 or 2020 to upgrade to an 8 core.
Unless memory bandwidth then becomes a limiting factor.


Similar to i7 7700 vs i5 7600. Faster multithreaded and about the same single threaded performance (or higher depending on how xfr works).

This is what AMD does

In terms of performance, i7 6900k. In terms of price, i7 7700k (7700k costs $30 more)
In terms of performance i7 6850k or whatever they're called. In terms of price, a locked i5.

Ahtlons used to advertise the Mhz of the Intel chip they compete with - not their own Mhz.

>locked 4 core or an unlocked 6 core 12 thread

If I'm getting Ryzen at all, it's going to be the R7 1800X. No point with dealing with any other one if I'm going to take this router over a Skylake or Kaby Lake upgrade.

Best naming scheme

Ryzen 8 3437-1

8 - core count
34 - base clock
37 - boost clock
0/1 - SMT enabled

however, even back then it wasn't always correct

That's before K8. After K8 it reached varying levels of hilarious.

Intel Cannonlake.

Wow I can't wait for Skylake v3.5 82W TDP edition

The cheapest one has got to be an upgrade from the 965BE right?

It was actually the equivalent performance as compared to old thunderbirds if they had scaled up in mhz.

oh shit nigga
I forgot how bad those Pentiums were!

Wow can't wait for Bulldozer 2.0 that will destroy people's brand new motherboards by drawing too much power. Just like how Ayyyyymd underestimated Polaris' power draw.

1700, liquid cooler, new mobo and 16-32GB of ram, depending on what i can fit in a $1000 budget come May (when all this shit dies down)

Shoo shoo poojeet.

This. Crylake/babbylake 4 core i7 are $350 and the 6 core ones are $400-550 (with expensive 2011 motherboards). Might as well get the best ryzen.

I'm a poorfag so I'll go with the 1500 or 1600x and upgrade to an 8 (or 10) core zen+ down the line.

Must be nice living in dreamland.
The fact remains that you're waiting to buy a Skylake dieshrink thinking it'll be any faster than Skylake, good luck.

>Literally run by a poo in loo
Fuck off Pajeet.

>Athlon XP 1800 beating 2000MHz Bentiums
AMD managed to overestimate intel, kek

GHz myth busted

Holy shit Rajeesh are you even trying?

>ignoring the FACT AMD fucked up Polaris' TDP
Must be nice living in denial. AMD is finished.

Should have done this (copying from OP's list and renaming)

Ryzen 16 4000X
Ryzen 16 3800X
Ryzen 16 3700

Ryzen 12 3700X
etc etc

Ryzen (Threads) (Boost MHz) (X if XFR)

Then it becomes easy for retarded consumers to understand

>The first number if how many logical processors you get, the big number is how fast each of them is, and X is there if it has a special boost

>not undervolting your Polaris GPU

Don't have to do extra steps on my 1060. The fact you are okay with AMD lying to your face is pathetic and shows you are blind, poor fanboy.

>AMD is lying
>t. 3.5

Yeah, with a 1060 you just have to watch what drivers you install or you might brick your card plus it's incapable of being undervolted.

>N-nvidia lied i-its okay!
Nice deflection. Missing that amount of VRAM didn't put your other expensive components at risk however. Bad power draw does.

You're right that AMD shouldn't be lying about TDP, but to pretend AMD is anywhere near nvidia's level of kikery is laughable

None. Hard to justify upgrading from my Core i5-4690S.

Can't say I'm gonna upgrade from a 6700k yet. So nah not buying ryzen.

There were literally million of PCIe slots that fried thanks to Poolaris

Because you don't need to.

literally millions of houses burn down every time nvidia releases a card

>I can also make ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims!

1400X or 1200X.
Feels bad being a poorfag.

>right way to sit
>straight up

I wonder how many people died to Fermi.

I remember it now.. It was like another holocaust, the fires reminded me of my dead brothers lit on fire at the hands of Hitler, literally 6 billion lives

Hoping the 1600x will the the sub to mid 300 range processor. A 1700x would be nice but that depends on how well the 1700 is over a 1600x.

I find (out West) as long as you dont wait too long retailers would price gouge the fuck out of you.
Fuck off Memory Express you cunts, literally have the whole market, provide decent service yet pull that shit.

When the 390s came out, the prices were fair then they threw on a extra $70 within a few months.

>6c12t literally only $30 more
Skip lunch or something.

nvidia keeps naming their new GPUs after physicists because every time one is released, CERN detects millions of novel high energy particles

1700. I was planning on only going for a quad core model but 16 threads at that price? How do I say no?

But the 6c12t will very likely have worse single core performance.

It's perfect goy-effect. Ryzen is so tightly priced you can always get moar cores for a bit more money. And you will.

...Here's a novel idea, overclock it by a few hundred MHz? I don't think you'll even have to touch voltages.

>Always skip lunch
>Don't live in USA, so i have insane taxes and have to deal with noUSD markup.

Which i could also do with the other cpus so this point is moot.
Also i read somewhere that X versions come with way better stock coolers.

>durr I'm a dumb normie cunt who doesn't know how to raise a CPU multiplier in BIOS
>literally 2 minutes of work

Yes, they're supposed to come with AMD Wraith, which is basically 212EVO.

I dunno, the X processor will supposedly boost above 4GHz without even overclocking it. It depends how much headroom Ryzen has and how each processor SKU is binned.

1700X if there's no difference in overclocking with the 1800X, otherwise the latter. Still not sure on which motherboard to go with though. Maybe ASCock's, since it has two M.2 slots.

chiropractics is fake medical science

So what?
You can always undervolt & underclock the last 2 cores, force anything that isn't your game to run on it, and overclock the first 4 cores (not evenly)

>TFW fell for the Ryzen meme and skipped out on upgrading to the 6700
>TFW I'll be able to get the 1600x and a decent overclocking capable motherboard for the price of the 6700.
Feels good man

Probably 1100 or 1200. I'm not doing anything more intense than gaymes.