>he fell for the sound card meme
i7-4790K [email protected] GHz
>he fell for the sound card meme
i7-4790K [email protected] GHz
i5 7200*
why are screenfetch/desktop threads put on autosage yet Sup Forums gets to have their version?
New rig.
@4ghz 1.25v cause i havent changed the bios yet. still gets to 90 when i run p95. probably need to repaste.
I have a potato Haswell Pentium and GT 430.
May I ask... What's the bare minimum GPU that can max out Crysis @720p? I was surprised the GT 430 couldn't do it. I know it's a weak card, but that's a 2007 game. Something's wrong, either my PC underperforming or requirements of Crysis being total BS.
The engine for Crysis is one of the most inefficient pieces of programming ever.
I could probably get the voltage lower if I felt like spending a couple hours tinkering
>32 bit XP
If you're going to meme, at least meme with XP64
for what purpose?
This is shopped right? Like only poor people are this dumb with their money and if that's the case you will be paying for this shit for a few years after it's shit
If you're going to shitpost then go drink some bleach, shit for brains.
Those 480's are running a little hot there. Are those idle temps or are you alt-tabbed out of a game or something?
>t. unironic xp user
The fans don't even turn on till 60 degrees but yeah I guess its a Matx case
Judge my wife
I have no idea why the mobo reads so high.
Gonna buy Zen or too poor?
Skylake with DDR3
Titan at 60 Hz
Jesus, at least ask some one who knows his shit
It's probably a workstation, which excuses the 60fps monitor but doesn't in any way excuse the DDR3
Even scrolling looks better at 144 Hz. Not that it's that important, but when you buy a Titan, why not go all the way.
Will the 1600x be the worthy successor?
Maybe he had the monitor already, or it was on a good sale
how are you retards getting DDR3? it's running at 3200mhz
1.428v for not even a 1ghz oc on skylake? did you even try
Holy shit dude I would never turn my voltage up that high
Oh yeah Speccy is retarded and shows the clock instead of the datarate
no desu
Too poor
Ryzen Series 3 and that'll be a decent rig
dying cpu fan the evo 212 heatsink alone isnt strong enough
r8 m8s
Speccy ain't a thing on my platform so these 2 are as close as I can get.
Also here is my 24/7 OC
is that the 7700k?
Only time will tell
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
No u.
i think its made by ibm
You deserve to be buried alive in a box of spiders.
how you keeping that cool? i tried 4.4 on x5650 but i was thermal throttling under ibt
I had the monitor already from my older rig.
Are they at least friendly spiders? I'm back at my desktop now so here you go.
>tfw fell for the best thinkpad meme
and fucking shit that was the wrong one. Well at least you get to see my server too.
Nice server and desktop
>closed source
Enjoy your botnet
Only 16GB RAM, the price I pay for comfy ITX
your mobo soundcard is actually better and much more recent than the soundblaster z lol
>4 core i7
they make 16GB ddr4 sticks you know. You could be running 32GB easily if you really wanted to.
Hmm, tempting.
>nasty realtek vs sound blaster
>2015, 120dB SNR realtek vs 2013, 118dB SNR sbz
the only cool thing about your soundcard is the voice morpher software
I'm not OP. But interesting how good sound cards on expensive gamer boards have become
do it user. You know you want to.
get on my level fgts
>seriously spending 190 bucks for an useless amount of RAM
Really makes me think
Wew. What do you use that for?
>I don't use my computer for anything except gayming so everyone with more than 8GB ram is wasting it.
Also $190 for 16GB modules ain't shit. Stop being so poor.
gayming and porn mostly
No recent games though, right?
GTAV at 4 fps on low settings
makes the game super easy. almost like cheating
Would it be worth it to move to a Z97 Pro4 + 4790k? I can get it relatively cheap, in my country, but I'm not sure if it would be a worthy "upgrade", lately I'm only using my computer for shitposting and the occasional indieshit on Steam.
2500k not OCd btw
>windows 10
>gaming mobo
you sure are not enabled to make jokes
>paying extra for a ROG monitor
>getting 59Hz
top kek
Got this on craigslist like 10 months ago for $500. When I showed up the guy threw in a Gigabyte mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse and a cheap ASUS 23" monitor. It's also got like 10 fans in it and a 1000w EVGA psu because I guess he was running sli gtx 980s at some point.
Did I do good?
all of that + a decent KB/M and monitor for $500 is a deal. You did good.
I know I can push 4ghz, but I am yet to try it out.
>Furmark at 1FPS
CPU-Z Stress for some reason drowns out furmark otherwise it'd be at ~132fps and my temp would be ~50c max
you can literally do 4ghz no problem 200x20 ez
laptop just came in the mail an hour ago, got it for $400. battery dies very quick but i cant seem to find an oem battery anywhere in my country
>200x20 ez
What do you mean by this?
I am still an overclocking noob
My R9 280 just died days ago and now i'm using this nvidia quadro just for watching chinese cartoons and shitposting. 2 years and 3 months.
Waiting for Zen probably i'll never buy expensive graphic meme cards again. RX 460 or GTX 1050ti are my next cards.
20 multiplier 200 blck
i can share my settings for 4ghz stable if you like
put this together on an extreme budget 3 years ago as a student working part time stacking shelves.
probably will upgrade this year for slightly higher budget (£400-500) likely with ryzen.
>r9 280
Sorry to break it to you, but that card is far from expensive. That and you may have just gotten unlucky with a defective model. All cards have the potential for that to happen. Even $1k+ Titan X's.
Did you buy these parts new? If you're on an "extreme budget" then I think you're far better off buying older, top-end gear vs new low-mid tier gear. You can probably find loads of people trying to offload 4-5-6 gen i7 systems for cheap
Nice space heater. What does it draw at idle? Couple hundred watts?
p much this, my rig is and was about £340 all in.
In 3rd world shitholes technology are expensive. I paid R$ 999 on my R9 280 2 years ago, now, 2 years later the price decreased ~100
RX 460 4GB (almost the same performance) costs 540.
oh, and my old HD6850 lasted 2 years too. I've seen people using the same card for 4 years, and only mine lasts so litte.. Never OC, lots of fans on the case, manually controlling the fan (max temp of it was 55ºC..
sure that would be great