How much javascript is too much javascript?
I've noticed a trend where sites are just a head element with all the various JS files and the body element contains a single script with JSON and bullshit.init();
How much javascript is too much javascript?
I've noticed a trend where sites are just a head element with all the various JS files and the body element contains a single script with JSON and bullshit.init();
Retard webdevs realize that HTML is not programming so they drop all the performance and use JS to render/place HTML elements to get a feel of being a "coder".
Any JS is too much
Go to bed grandpa
Once you start using javascript to modify the layout of your page, you're using too much javascript.
>Not understanding the modern day web application.
I'm sure everyone here has used Google Docs/Netflix/GMail at some point.
Like the full-stack web engineers* making $$ at Facebook/Netflix/insert whatever
A good Node server+ some C++ addons if I want them can do much more than your lame-ass Python 2.7 scripts.
>I'm sure everyone here has used Google Docs/Netflix/GMail at some point.
It was rape, I didn't consent.
>A good Node server+ some C++ addons if I want them can do much more than your lame-ass Python 2.7 scripts.
yeah with 10x the dev time, memory risks and huge compile times. Those stupid python devs, amiright?
Writing C code is as easy as doing basic algebra.
Using JS/C#/Python or any other abomination spawned by retards is easy because for every line of code there is 5000 lines hidden inside Dlls/Frameworks.
Also every *modern* backend framework uses lib_uv under the hood, guess what language is lib_uv written in?
Thats fucking right. C
Which is just ASM under the hood
>yeah with 10x the dev time
kek, my sides
C is 1:1 to ASM
If you cant imagine ASM output while writing C you dont deserve to use computers
You can laugh but it is true. Imagine the following real example:
Parsing JSON where the results are not known before compile time.
Python just load the JSON - types, length are of no issue
now do c/++
Auto is determined at compile time which isn't handy, maps require a type->type mapping upon creation so you will need to use some sort of container to house the results. Perhaps a linked list if the number of results aren't known.
Dev time is slow because all these little things that need to be considered add up while they're non issues in python.
What a dipshit example for a node/c++ server. Did you read what you replied to?
>How much javascript is too much javascript?
more than 10 metric lines per event
Yes wouldn't one assume that c++ modules would involve writing c++? And its not like node is light on its use with JSON
>C is 1:1 to ASM
>C is 1:1 to ASM
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
>How much javascript is too much javascript?
if your content is static (text, images) then any javascript is too much javascript.
Have you ever disassembled anything and realized how much bloat C puts inside?
If anything Forth is more akin to a 1:1 assembly.
>Node server+ some C++ addons
Your example is literally idiotic because the Nodejs parses the JSON "natively". Using C++ in the backend doesn't mean writing everything in C++.
Also, using Python for everything in the backend is literally retarded. The ideal backend is a microservice architecture using the best languages for the job. C++ for heavy computation, Go/Node for CRUD and gluing things together, Java for Websockets, etc etc