How are you supposed to use openbox without any sort of panel
How are you supposed to use openbox without any sort of panel
install a panel.
>Not having separate workspace for each program
Disgusting tbqh
How are you supposed to use gnomeshell without any sort of panel?
In the picture you posted, what's the point of a panel? You don't have your windows listed and you can see all of them on screen as-is
by installing one
>arch logo button
kys idiot
kys Arch is the best OS
Gnome devs please go.
>using a DE
leave pleb
>implying I use a de
leave illiterate
>wrongly implying implications
alt+f4 plz
Pleb wm key binding, no mod4?
Why do you need panel?
i use openbox without panel
>accusing someone of wrongly implying implications when they are not
systemctl kill_yourself
Having a panel is comfortable I think, having volume, network and system tray icons is cool. Switching between applications using panel is my preference too, so panel goes well.
Why do you think it's utter garbage?
Openbox has it's own little menu to show open windows across all desktops called client-list-combined-menu. Not sure if there is a default key that calls it, but you can add it to rc.xml fairly easily. Other than that you can always Alt-Tab through windows. If you need time and date you can add it to your prompt. Applications can be bound to any key combination or added to the right-click menu. Not sure what else you would need a panel for.
service start (You)
>being too stupid to realize mistake
kill -9 yourself lad
You mean to terminal prompt?
How do you stack windows like in the OP?
>still responding
sudo shutdown yourself
Do you happen to know why openbox keyboard binds dont work when in dmenu or when you have context menu open?
openbox? what is this, 2007?
kill -9 yourself
>quoting the user who didn't make the mistake
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root your\ life
doas pkg remove sudo