What is the best C/C++ IDE for GNU/Linux?

What is the best C/C++ IDE for GNU/Linux?

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Eclipse is the only choice for serious developers.


Linus uses emacs, you can use Vim

code::blocks, it just werks

a towel


I use Clion, as a code editor (I don't use most IDE functionality).
Make for building.
Gdb for debugging.
Valgrind for profiling / mem leak detection.

My CMakelists.txt for nearly every project is just a giant glob for relevant files.

Honestly the only reason I use Clion is because of the autocomplete / refactoring / code generation / usage finding of it's editor.

I am looking for a [spoiler]free[/spoiler] alternative though since the licence I got for free is running out soon.

I'm very interested it, but it' s not free

You can try github.com/wgurecky/nvim . I've never used it but it seems to be good option.

Personally I use Clion on Linux because I get it free with my student email plus it just werks

Holy hell I'm a mong

I work in QtCreator like 97% of the time. The rest of the time is in an editor, usually Sublime Text, Emacs or Vim


>mem leak
Rust doesn't have this problem

Qt creator

you don't need an ide, use vim


>using a SJW language

don't call it an SJW language unless it refuses to compile code written by white males

Geany, use clang as the compiler (specially if you are learning), check the addons and tweak the code snippets to your liking,

Top quality argument, son. You tried really hard to fit in.

If you are a competent programmer you won't have mem leaks.

What about meme leaks?

You can just blame Putin since he is a known hacker.

Even Linus has produced memory leaks. You have to be programming for 40 years to get on his level.

>If you are a good goal keeper, your opponent can never score a goal
>If you are good at chess, you will never loose a game

Sorry I offended xirself.

I ran into this recently. I tried kdevelop and am pretty okay with it. Some of the features need work, but it works well enough. "find uses" and "jump to definition" are really helpful and the code completion + tool tips kick serious ass. Does Eclipse or Code::Blocks have more features than kdevelop?

"in the church of emacs using vi isn't a sin, its a penance" - rms

t. never written a nontrivial program


Memory leaks are memory safe. Rust can have memory leaks.