I will pay you $100 in Steam games or Bitcoins if you can help me. If no one helps me in one hour, it'll be $50

I will pay you $100 in Steam games or Bitcoins if you can help me. If no one helps me in one hour, it'll be $50.

>install Mullvad
>purchase it
>try it
>slows down my entire fucking connection, can't connect to games, can't connect to TS3, can't do shit besides visiting websites
>uninstall it
>problem persists
>uninstall Intel network drivers
>reinstall it
>problem persists

And the best part

>tether my phone's 4G
>works just fine

And before you say it's my main internet, no it is fucking not because it works on my other devices and this is OpenVPN's issue but I have no fucking idea how to solve it.

So, $100 if you can help me within one hour, $50 if you can't! Go.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can help, but I'm going to wait an hour first.

Maybe uninstall and reinstall OpenVPN? Clear everything to do with OpenVPN and go from square one again?

Install Gentoo

not your personal tech support

this might work

How about OpenVPN's stops fucking with people's network drivers?

Where does it go to?

basically just replace that with the default DNS that was in desktop before

Didn't work

Hello sir.
Please provide remote access to your computer for further troubleshooting.


How do I know you're going to pull through?


I'm not a filthy poorfag.

It still could be your home internet connection. What ISP do you have? They might have detected the VPN activity and started throttling you on your IP. Assigning yourself a new IP might work

The first time I realized people actually do that willingly, my mind was blown.

Unless we all use tripcodes theres no way to know youre giving it to the right person

Then use one.

Already tried that.

k then add me right now

I should be able to help you.


You will help me here, I'm not adding strangers on steam.

ipconfig /flushdns

It changed your dns servers to mulvads. I hate mulvad, its slow as shit and the software is botnet-tier.

Is local network performance also shitty?
Desktop to laptop and vice versa for example.

So. How to change it back

it's faster and easier on here

but the solution is that you have to manually disconnect from the VPN after every use


Turn it off and on again (don't reboot).

Do this.

No you just dont want an identity so when you don't deliver we can't call you out on it
Fake and gay. No one help him

>Being this mentally challenged
Did you come here straight from Sup Forums?

He's clearly not from Sup Forums since he doesn't know how to fuck around with settings like this.

Also, is probably the most likely scenario.

Go to the Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. ...
Select the Networking tab. ...
Click Advanced and select the DNS tab

Every time I add people on Steam, I get beggars and ERPfags.

didn't work

I got this exact same issue and managed to solve it. Unfortunately I have no way of ensuring you will pay up so why bother giving you the answer.

Then start posting with a trip

I'm not a beggar or an ERP fag. I don't care if you're rich. I just want to make sure you're not a faggot who's going to bail the second he gets the right answer.

A tool from major geeks called complete Internet repair

Post the solution and Bitcoins address or a link to your Steam and I'll add you. Or use Discord so I can use a throwaway account for easier communication.

Have you flushed your fucking DNS cache yet or can't you read?

>he fell for the VPN publicly "private" meme

dude, it's a honeypot. all the ducks lined up right here in one place.

also I dont care about your money. if you're still stuck, fire up teamviewer (read-only, duh) and post an irc chat link where people can navigate you what to click on. thats assuming you don't fall for system32 memes and TV/IRC still works of course.

i think it's been a while since we had livestream troubleshooting thread.

Yes it was the first thing I did, I'm not tech inept.

You will just take the solution and not pay up. Come up with a solution involving an escrow service or something or don't bother.

$100 is fucking nothing, stop being a sissy.

Nigger please

>I'm not tech inept.
Are you sure about that?

>$100 is fucking nothing
Shitposting here and laughing at you while you struggle to get the solution is infinitely more valuable to me than $100 of Steam games is.

Stop being a little bitch and just fucking add me on Steam. Think of it as insurance: you don't deliver and I simply post your link on here, or you don't man up and nobody helps you.

I'll pay $150.00 in bitcoins to whoever has the answer to NOT give it to the OP.

>adds you
>notices my game and inventory
>gives me a bunch of shitty solutions not working
>posts my link anyway


I'm right here!

I already told you I don't give a fuck if you're rich. I just want what you said you're going to give me--nothing more. Begging would seriously be a waste of time. I would just remove you after you paid up anyway.

Do this already you autismo.

Then post with a trip you fucking retard. Or are you still admitting you don't want to deliver?

netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

What's the difference if he uses one or not? He's the one paying, not receiving.

>Has tons of steam games and large steam inventory (probably in TF2 or CSGO)
>Still retarded with tech

Just buy a new computer.

Someone post the OP's SteamID I want to laugh at them.

He hasn't posted one yet because of "beggars" even though he's the one begging right now on an anonymous Armenian vacuum cleaner forum

Tried this a long time ago, didn't and shouldn't work.

>technical ineptitude

I think Sup Forums discovered new way to bait us. Or more likely, he's doubling down after ipconfig / netsh helped (as it does 99% of time in these cases).

post output from
>ipconfig /all
>netstat -r

OP, this begging thread has incurred a tax of ONE (1) SATOSHI.

Please pay immediately, or suffer fewer recurring Arabic numerals in the future.

>Sup Forums
>unironically falling for the I GIB U MONEY MEME

wow you guys are so fucking dumb

No, I tried
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat -R
nbtstat -RR
netsh int reset all
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

Didn't work

OP I'm still right here!

All you have to do is add me.


He will never add you because he has no plans on delivering and he probably doesn't even have a large inventory and doesn't want to break the illusion of some rich faggot willing to pay money because he's too retarded to fix anything himself

I know. It's why I'm still baiting him into adding me but he's too scared to admit that he's retarded and poor.

I'm unironically enjoying this a lot more than I should.

Real OP here the faggot saying "didn't work" is a fake. That ipconfig all command helped so thank you for that. Sorry I lied about the payment but at least you helped another user solve an issue. Back to GMOD now.

I guess that was the original plan of the bait as that's certainly the way it is with steam kids, but I doubt anybody here would be that naive.

This trainwreck of a thread is genuine will of autismo to be helpful clashing with cruel /v miscalculating it, yet triggering us all the same by refusing our help.

What is Mullvad? VPN provider? If so, do they provide different configurations? I bet your ISP could be blocking openvpn connections.
You need a configuration that connects through TCP on port 443.
Nobody will block TCP 443.

>replying to yourself

My God, I know there are NEETs that will do anything for money but this is funny as shit.

^bitcoin address


use this Op


stupid dumb NEET can use paint

I can only disable it, not delete it. And disabling does fuck all.

Pic related

Thank you for paying your taxes OP. I have received your ONE (1) SATOSHI deposit.

Have a wonderful day!

>anime avatar

>panties fit on boys too
>1,153 Members

>CS:GO rage kiddie

Yeah OP won't add you lmao

1. Click on Start button.
2. Type Cmd in the Start Search text box.
3. Press Ctrl-Shift-Enter keyboard shortcut to run Command Prompt as Administrator. Allow elevation request.
4. Type netsh int ip reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
5 uninstall all network drivers in device manager
6. Restart the computer.
muh bitcoins

>last played on Feb 3
>rage kiddie
You are clearly retarded.

finally. first screen of ipconfig would be helpful too.

look around if you can uninstall openvpn and especially its tap driver.

also check if mullvad didn't fuck with windows firewall settings, or just disable it altogether its useless piece of shit.

also, if you have avast, it's known to cause major network fuckups like this

netsh advfirewall reset
netsh winsock reset

network and sharing center > change adapter settings > press alt > go to "advanced" menu > click on "advanced settings";
shot screenshot.

Didn't work

Here you go

Here you go

ehm, show properties window of your "Ethernet" adapter.


now show us your butt

Any reason you uninstalled all other "default" protocols? That was part of your troubleshooting or?

Anyway, please show devmgmt.msc > view; check hidden devices > expand network adaters.

Dude, do this
I even checked mullvad website. They do have 443 TCP configuration.

click Use the following DNS server addresses

Also bring up inetcpl.cpl > Connections > Lan settings.


Uncheck IPV6, flush cache.

Winblows is the most inconsistent piece of shit ever.

>OP is actually reinstalling his OS


>being upset you couldn't get $100


Holy shit you actually are serious about reinstalling and aren't memeing
OP confirmed for fucking retard

I told you to reinstall your OS though

so give me $100

>I GiB u moneys, promise!
I thought Sup Forums was smarter than this, guess not

NEETs want more money to feed the unemployment

>Tricked someone into telling you to reinstall your OS