Has this man just gone completely crazy?

Has this man just gone completely crazy?

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What did he do?

It's just a social media platform. He really needs to calm down

did anyone actually read what he had to say about this

fucking lmao .. who the hell cares

He's eccentric. Only poor people are crazy.

He's starting his campaign to become president 4 years from now.

Isn't he trying to fence off Hawaiians on their own land so he can build his palace? Dude, fuck him.

If you're gonna post something political at least provide a source.

Yeah we hate him here, hes trying to spin it by saying the lawyer would help people who dont even know they own the land.

I hope he gets aids.

He's planning to run for president.

source on this?

this guys will never become a president

he lacks knowledge and expressivity.. just watch his presentations about VR.. he always talks like he invented this and you can hear that he doesn't have a clue

that didn't stop drumph

>comparing trump with zuckerberg

Yeah I just read that reply he gave. Is that even true or is he just spinning the story? I can't imagine that you be chilling in Hawaii forever and you don't even bother to look up what land you own in an area where you'd know this to be a muddy area. Why would he need to file a quite action title for this? I just don't get it.

Can you idiots stop posting these threads without sources?


me on the left

a tyrannical manchild who wants to destroy the life work of all humans just to gain money and power versus donald trump?

It's unproven. The rumor started when he tried to temporarily relinquish control over Facebook. People suspect that the reason is so he can run for some kind of government position with a smaller conflict of interest.

source: I read this somewhere and I am too lazy to find the source. It was probably the NYT or Washington Post.

He was a sociopath to begin with.

you know you're the good guy when you run the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

We might finally have a businessman as president.

His platform dictated the outcome of three US elections.

>It was probably two (((liberal rags))).

>Colleagues have even spoken of his desire to be "emperor" after apparently quoting literary classics during staff meetings.
there can only be one emporer

Google it yourself. It was actually a sensible article, despite the source.

I think he's just starting to realize how much power he really has. He could take the white house if he wanted to and i think that now he does.

He wants to be emperor or the world. He has socialist ideals. I'd vote him.

Facebook, like all the other big tech companies, only exists because the government lets them.

>He has socialist ideals

No he doesn't.

[citation needed]


>He has socialist ideals

Desperately trying to stay relevant as all his users migrate to other platforms leaving just a handful of weird boomers

That happened a long time ago. Remember when he tried to corner the entire Indian market with that stupid nerfed internet thing? The guy is completely untethered from reality and it shows.

What do you mean? At some level government could shut down literally any company. Are you saying tech companies are somehow special?

Tech companies have a tacit agreement with the United States federal government. They play nice with the US with regards to data requests (i.e. search warrants and other, more legally dubious things) and the government rewards them with favorable regulation and government contracts. Google especially would never have been allowed to become as large as it is currently without helping the government.

Nice conspiracy theory you've got there. There are non-tech companies with literally twice the assets as Google/Alphabet. Do you have a theory about why the government allows those companies to exist too?

In other words, go back to Sup Forums


The same reason. USG has launched entire military campaigns on behalf of American multinationals like fruit and oil companies.

he wants to create a fact-checked parallel internet for the cia

>runs in 2020
>is such a disaster that Trump somehow wins every state, even California
Please let him run.

>the thought of getting to watch trump stomp this dumb ass
I'm giggling like a school girl.

>like a school girl.
But you are, weakling. Come enjoy my cock. Revel in my strength as I take you

That's what yellow pussy does to aryan men for you.


>trump winning california
The only way this would be possible is if california was leased out as a nuclear weapon test site

Or all the illegals got deported

Then you'd still have all the people who thought that letting them in was a good idea.

there's no such thing as an "illegal" human

maybe elon could pull it off, but cuckerberg has no chice


I'd vote for Elon, too bad he's born in Africa
Wait... isn't Zuckerberg Canadian? He seems distinctly Canadian. Is that just the aura of pretentious?

If you can have illegal actions, thoughts, speech and items, you can have illegal people.

>Geese migrate
>Yeah no problem

>Whales migrate
>great, let's go look at them

>a FELLOW HUMAN migrates
>Stop this instantly! Send them home!

don't be stupid

I get the joke but this guy is no business man

If you're pretending to be a retarded liberal that shit belongs on Sup Forums

>literally no argument
There's zero reason for borders to exist and you know it.


> business man you don't like is not a business man
You sure showed Drumpf with that one.

> horust heresy led by shekelberg
> pence kills trump after he gets corrupted

People who want to live a certain way take land and say this land will be governed by these laws. Don't let in people who want to undermine those laws.
At least that's the theory, in reality it's egomaniac politicians wanking off to power.

> He's planning to run for president
From 1 to Nuclear Holocaust, how bad would it be? Would we finally achieve botnet society?

that, and his chinese wife.

>Zuckerburg self made billionaire
>Trump got billions from daddy and squandered half of it

>self made

>Zuckerburg self made billionaire
>totally didnt rip off the guys that did all the work and went overshekel

>his chinese wife

please don't remind me

what in the fuck was he thinking marrying that thing?


she is his handler from the PLA bureau of state security.

or she has the most BOMB PUSSY on earth.

>self made
>didnt put a single money
>got loads of leases from big WS guys as "investments"
>if he ever leaves facebook he will probably live in the streets on so many debts he might have to pay

Pure fetish and after facebook got real she would never ever leave that nerd.

I don't know what the fuck that is but if he's into Chinese girls he could have just taken a trip here. His chick is a legit 4 or 5. I'm banging much hotter than that on a weekly.

>source: no source

Go fuck yourself.

trump started with a few million dollars from his father, which he turned it into a multi-billion dollar business. then the 90's depression happened which nearly bankrupted him. he lost almost everything. to top it off three of his five top aides who helped run the businesses were killed in a helicopter crash. after that and a bunch of high profile marriage problems he re-gained all his wealth and then trippled it (hence his book 'art of the comeback') which is where he is now with a net worth of 5-10 billion.

its amazing how little you people know about anything, and i'm not even a fucking americlap.


shes a 4 tops.

a guy i went to school with sent me some pics of a video game tourney with 8's that he claimed were really good at KoF, and SSF5.

I've always been more partial to korean girls myself since i went to school with a few that were cute, but had those HUGE CHINS, and would play vidya and go shooting with me.

no way, elon is quite the asshole in person according to those who work around him. hes great at what he does, but wouldn't stand a chance against a character like trump whose been on television for 45 years.

the tourney was in shangai. it was some arcade. dont remember much else about it. I'll ask him if he has more pics but dont know when he will answer. its like 4 in the afternoon there.

I had my fair share of Korean girls last year when I lived there and I frankly miss them. Mainland Chinese girls are weird. Korean girls have really cool personalities. Their skin is godlike too.

>Thinking you ever had a chance

i only know the redneck korean girls that were raised in the south. but yeah they are amazing.

kek, I'm dating a rich 8.5/10 in China right now. I wouldn't touch that thing unless you paid me a good chunk of change.


He isn't even eligible though

(((Lenin))) too. What a coincidence, goyim.

>He has socialist ideals.

Such as rabidly promoting private schools (His first such failed attempt at being Bill Gates' protoge).

>His first such failed attempt at being Bill Gates' protoge

go fuck yourself

So he will talk like he discovered murica, so what, no big deal.

well he's an intelligence plant so it isn't that far fetched in a botnetted world

also Sup Forums wrong board bad thread (no sources backing OPs claim, whatever it is)

>Sup Forums

No, pol is not consistently proven right. If you throw shit at a target, some of that eventually hits the target.


Sup Forums is always right.

They thought they could control the narrative with name calling, instead they just gave Sup Forums a less offensive term for lugenpresse on a silver platter. Now Zuck has been appointed as the man to fix it.

“If this continues and we lose common understanding then even if we eliminated all misinformation, people would just emphasize different sets of facts to fit their polarized opinions. That’s why I’m so worried about sensationalism in media.”

This is what it's all about, people realizing that the narrative the mainstream media builds around events (ie. "common understanding") doesn't really naturally follow from those events. The lugenpresse is losing their power and Zuck doesn't like it.

You're simply wrong.

Sup Forums is always right, except when it comes to happenings (which is kinda iRonic).

>no thicc Chinese wife like pchan
why live