why are you not using 4chanx?
4chanx thread
Because i'm no homo sir
No valid reason to
thread watcher is pretty useful
use it for years
i need to leave this website
Because it's shit made for retards.
But I am
because it's nonfree js
>MIT licensed
The license is not included with the executable
There are a few reasons :
>being a bit new
>being too lazy to really try the 4chanX user experience
>many tinfoil things
What executable? There's just a text file.
I have written my own superior alternative
Please share
>not using the script
>not reading every line
thread watcher is built into Sup Forums
Because it's part of the botnet
I like it's UI better than the default one. Is that not sufficient?
how about these?
I'm not going to spend time making tweaks to optimize my shitposting
then fuck off
Quit shitposting.
I helped ccd0 add obfuscated botnet code to recent versions of Sup Forums X and advised him to pull it from github lest he gets discovered and reported. The botnet is appended to the code at compile-time; it's built into our fork of the Coffeescript compiler. It's very basic right now but eventually we're gonna make it into a powerful, decentralized p2p network that DDoSes sites specified by our future clients. The C&C is a hidden Github repo; orders are routed via the updates mechanism (just setting a few variables). Since the last few revisions we've gotten a couple prospective clients (we advertise on IRC and on blackhat SEO forums) and we're going to start actually making money for the next few days. ccd0 will deny this to the best of his ability, for obvious reasons - or maybe try to make it look like he's trolling all of you - but I seriously encourage you to stop updating Sup Forums X if you ever notice your connection getting slow/have bandwidth restrictions. See, the botnet is opt-out that way.
>hey look I'm a newfag and I just found out about Sup Forums userjses am I leet yet
Makes me happy to be using loadletter's fork
This is all true
>it's built into our fork of the Coffeescript compiler.
>decentralized p2p network
>The C&C is a hidden Github repo
nice bait 0/10
>using the smiley with the carat nose
You first, shitlord.
what are you smokin kiddo
because I use Dollchan Extension Tools instead
did you just autistically type all that out for the sake of baiting?
I love these LARPing posts
Don't need it.
For what purpose? I understand Clover on mobile but this is just autism. The desktop site is more than usable and offers custom CSS.
I would love to have Sup Forums X on mobile. x86 phones when?
/qa/ has some threads for filters and stuff.
>For what purpose?
You answered your own question.
honestly one of the best features is redirecting dead threads and images to the archives
Because it's bloated garbage and offers literally nothing of use to me.
Clover on android is more than enough.
>text post on the internet
>Live Action
they collect all the text you post to here and sell it to google and the NSA for $$$, probably.
prove that it exhibits any behaviour that is even remotely reminiscent of a botnet
burden of proof is on you to prove that they don't, cuck
>this is how freetards choose to live
No, it's actually not. You're the one that made the claim that it's a "botnet," you fucking moron.
I enjoy Appchan X more.
woah what a blast from the teletypewriter past. you like reading everything in monospaced bitmap shit?
yes, I'd buy a selectric if I could afford it and type my essays on it
I've got a nice 1440p ultrabook for when I feel like jumping forward a couple decades.
Why isn't there a side wide option for "SOMEONE REPLIED TO YOUR POST"
Like in a Finnish imageboard Ylilauta.
You can close the thread but get notification if someone replies to you
I hate that we don't have this feature.
Because it encourages laziness just like (You)'s already do. Nobody bothers to read the fucking thread anymore and short attention span underage faggots only wait for responses. There's a reason fast boards have the most low quality posting with the least actual discussion.
ylis is the last place to copy features from