What does Sup Forums use to view PDF's?

What does Sup Forums use to view PDF's?

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My computer.

my eyes xDDDD

Why woudnt you just use your browser?

Foxit reader

For the same reason I don't use my browser for music or video playback
Because it sucks at it and there are far better dedicated programs

Adobe Acrobat pirated

Foxit reader


>using Acrobat for reading

Hahaha, you're fucking retarded.

why? i'm serious

the one that comes with windows 10

Nitro Pro 10

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader XI, because it was the last version that wasn't the retarded clusterfuck that is DC.

Otherwise I don't care. I'm not autistic enough to think FOSS software on an otherwise proprietarily developed standard is a good thing.


Finder because I I'm not using some poorfag OS that doesn't come with a pdf reader


>On March 30, 2010 security researcher Didier Stevens reported an Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader exploit that runs a malicious executable if the user allows it to launch when asked.

Has this been fixed or is Sumatra PDF now the best PDF reader?

It has been the best for quite a while

Windows 10.

>not llpp wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Llpp

>proprietarily developed
You're autistic because you think that has anything to do with the whole software freedom argument.


Evince when I actually want to read a whole book, chrome for short pdfs.

>doesn't remember where you left off, goes to the first page when you refresh
>can't view two pages side-by-side
>can't fit to page height
>can't disable scrolling
webm related


I use Evince. It's boring but it works. I've tried mupdf and I like the speed and the sharp rendering but the UI is kind of difficult. I don't know if llpp improves on that.