Heya Sup Forums! I got a Java exam incoming and i have tried to do the next task for 5 hours now. So: how do i create a subroutine to compare 2 java dates? It needs to return either 1, 0 or -1. I have to us compareTo and both dates have to be parameters.
Java help needed
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public function suchCock (date Uno, date Dos) {
if Uno > Dos return 1
else if Dos > Uno return -1
else return 0
Usually dates are converted to UNIX time stamps, pretty sure Java would have a date object so look that up. Simple function above, obviously not syntactically correct but you get the jist. Easy as balls.
hmm.. it says that i got to add a static method compareTo(date1,date2) to Dates-class. I have tried like you did, couldn't make it work.
Literally read the Java API.
The problem is that in our exercises we don't use Date, we got our own object called Pvm, which is should compare. It's days, months and years are in private ints, they are not taken from java's date.
Can you modify the class that the object "Pvm" belongs to?
yes, i can modify it. Still having the problem.
here's an inelegant brute force attempt (everything you've heard about Java's verbosity is true).
int compareTo(Pvm date1, Pvm date2) {
if(date1.getYear() != date2.getYear()) {
return date1.getYear().compareTo(date2.getYear());
} else if(date1.getMonth() != date2.getMonth()) {
return date1.getMonth().compareTo(date2.getMonth());
} else {
return date1.getDay().compareTo(date2.getDay());
I don't remember if an int returned by a method can get autoboxed to Integer, so my calling compareTo directly off the get methods may not work. You may have to slip in a couple casts to Integer to get this code to work.
actually, calling that method compareTo is probably a bad idea--as compareTo will generally be expected to be an instance method that takes one argument (i.e. date1.compareTo(date2)) As written, it'd probably be better to make it a static method named to imply it compares two Pvm's. Something like...
static int comparePvmDates(...) {...}
Yeah we got this kind of code to get the date, month and a year from the object:
public int getPv() {
return pv;
now my code looks like this:
public static int comparePvm(Pvm date1, Pvm date2) {
if(date1.getVv() != date2.getVv()) {
return date1.getVv().compareTo(date2.getVv());
} else if(date1.getKk() != date2.getKk()) {
return date1.getKk().compareTo(date2.getKk());
} else {
return date1.getPv().compareTo(date2.getPv());
it says "Cannot invoke compareTo(int) on the primitive type int" on all the return statements.
>Cannot invoke compareTo(int) on the primitive type int"
You'll have to cast your int primatives to Integer objects before calling .compareTo on them.
I assume that it's erroring out on:
You either needs to parse them as Integers (not ints) or create Integer objects.
Integer I = new Integer(date1.getVv());
It gets messy.
I hope you never get a job writing software professionally--I'd hate to get stuck maintaining this inscrutable code.
If your professors said that names for identifiers don't matter, they lied to you. You need to get in the habit now of naming things so it's clear exactly what your code is doing. If you have to write comments to explain what's going on, you've already fucked up.
This user does have a point. Pvm, pv and Kk are pretty bad variable names. I'm not sure what they refer to.
you make a database call and do and do a select firstdate - secondate
Thanks guys, i managed to do it. It got really messy and awful, but it worked.
These are finnish names for days, months and years. I know what you mean, these came for me in our excersises, I did not come up with them.
If this is all your exam asks for then you need to seriously consider if your class is for retards.
well it's just a small part of it.
It's probably for a very early and introductory class, calm down aspie.
When I was programming java I spent more time fighting the API then the programming language itself, it's fucking terrible.