How do you maintain your privacy online, user?

Let's be serious for a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:

linux mint + script block + vpn + adblock + facebook disconnect + not using google

I just disable cookies and javascript

script block, vpn, adblock, no facebook, google used for crap I don't care about

AdBlock Plus

Disabled referer

wow, there's a whole internet in that general's eye!

>AdBlock Plus

why does ever single one of you neckbeard faggots think that the government is spying on you, you arent special stop thinking you are, no one gives a shit about your porn or browsing exept shitty ad companies and unless you have cheese pizza or other illegal shit no one gives a shit


Nice try, NSA.

nice try NSA

user, I'm CIA.

actually im KGB

I don't really give a fuck about my privacy when it comes to normal browsing, as long as my identity isn't being stolen.

For anything illegal I use Freenet from a virtual machine stored on hidden veracrypt partition.

I try and maintain good security practices, but as a matter of convenience, I don't do very much about my anonymity.

You don't


I don't

What are you hiding?

>Le nothing to hide maymay

None of your business

Is 4 out of 6 a privacy win?

MI6 representin'
I think the industrial spook complex is working top down for now, give it another 10 years and little people will be disappeared. Horrible times to be alive, it's like the dark ages and Inquisition all over again.

I gave up on that idea a while ago. I need facebook to text my boyfriend and like the cat pics my mom tags me on and Google is just too damn convenient. Not even Startpage can compete because they don't have heaps of data on me to tailor my searches.
If I want to post racist shit I do it here or use fake facebook accounts to troll people.

I only post on Sup Forums and use nyaa, you guys google for me. It's quite nice.

Nothing. No VPN. I use google. Facebook and reddit :)

-have my local dns proxy use https via googledns/opendns and check for consistency with both.. basicly a patched version of this
-most of my surfing is done through vpn.
this had mostly to do with region blocking of youtube in the beginning but has become convenient beyond belief for other reasons so i'm keeping it
-open hardware router with up to date customized linux on it
-up to date linux on desktop/laptop
-sandboxed firefox/chromium through firejail (currently experimenting with flatpak, that also has a sandbox feature called bubblewrap)
-selinux strict enabled
-https everyhwere/ublock origin/refcontrol addons
-addons to emulate the most common browser/systems from so my machine doesn't get identified

-android lineagOS and without gaps
-also using vpn
-preload everything via wifi for the day i want to lerk so vpn isn't overused

rest sohuld be obvious: i'm neither on google or facebook and have my own servers for email and have full disk encryption enabled on everything.
probably also tons of things i'm not thinking about right now..

yeah.. feels good man
i didn't speend a ton if time build any of this on purpose though, this just grew over the years and i've allways been paranoid. this is just a snapshot of what it currently looks like and i maintain the parts every few weeks/months

except the fact that mass collection of internet data has been confirmed by various leaks from within the NSA itself

it's almost like you're addicted to government cock. Who's a good goy? You are! You're a good goy!