What the fuck happened to Malwarebytes?
What the fuck happened to Malwarebytes?
use hitman
Who fucking cares.
They finally reached a big enough userbase so it was time for phase 2: botnet
If you don't like it then stop paying for it. If you didn't pay for it then shut the fuck up.
they literally just revamped the Ui again i do not understand the issue
last time they revamped the UI it looked more malware-esque than this so i do not get your problem
Besides the UI change, anything else changed?
If I see a good reason besides UI change them I maybe am gonna stop using it.
>inb4 le botnet maymay xd
Something about staring at the abyss until it stares back at you
It was on Baldur's Gate.
The only bad thing is the service running in the background.
They had to do something with Malwarebytes anti-exploit because it was flopping and they found it, merged into normal Malwarebytes.
Anti Exploit was merged into the premium service.
Premium trail is enabled by default now, can be disabled anytime.
Scans are actually faster as it claims.
Other than that no difference.
What's the issue?
UI is bloatier, thats it.
I don't fucking know OP. It seems like four years ago, that shit was the bee's tits for getting garbage off of machines. They bought into the fancy UI garbage and fucked up their code somehow.
Malwarebytes runs in the background and installs some services now
those services are just Malwarebytes anti-exploit, anti-ransomware, and the part that blocked connections to your PC are services now.
Also a part of the scanner moved to services now.
What if I don't want that shit unless Malwarebytes is actually open?
Once the trail expires everything is disabled/turned off except the scanner service.
they dropped the "bytes" and just became "malware"
Use AdwCleaner
They were good before Malwarebytes purchased them now its got their definitions and backing and its fast and light like they used to be
I do for adware. I use Malwarebytes for everything else.
Does AdwCleaner scan anything other than the C drive? There's no option to scan anywhere specifically
is malwarebytes still the go to program for when grandma calls up and says facebook is acting funny?
What do you mean? It looks way better than it used to (), it used to literally look like one of those adware "free virus scan!!!" popups
Wat do when MB is my phones anutvirus
Wat do I ude instead of new botnet
Is there a legitimate reason to still be falling for antivirus meme in the year of our lord 2017?
I remember when I just installed 2.x. One month later it was 3.x. What the fuck Malwarebytes? Any new non-bloat anti-malware in town?
ITT: Wintoddlers
>it's a Windows consumer complains about services running when they don't want episode. Tune in next week for the same fucking thing...
>let's revamp the UI so it look like all the other fake antivirus that download malware on your computer
just use malwarebytes for scan/removal then uninstall malwarebytes
it's not rocket science you wintoddler virus-getting dipshits