Do you want a right to bear arms in your country's constitution?

Do you want a right to bear arms in your country's constitution?


No. My country has evolved past the point where we need phallic objects to protect ourselves.

You won't be saying that for long

>defending itself

>capable of self protection

Another great post from Canada

>we can protect ourselves

No, as long as the US exists to prove it doesn't work


Then explain Switzerland's lack of gun violence despite their non-strict firearm laws.

Jesus christ how embarrassing

Do us a favour and NEVER post on this board again.


Big dicks
England sucks you now
Salty, they are
Tremendous power

Cucking the world
Outrageous, you are
Nuke japan again please
Top kekers
Richest bastards

Explain how the most violent state in the country has the strictest gun laws, while Vermont allows a 16 year old to legally buy a semi-automatic rifle with no parental supervision and is the second least violent state in the country.


Ireland. Yes.

This little 6 foot 4, 250 lb girl breaks into your home and threatens to steal your cookies.

Enjoy trying to stop her without a gun before the cops get there.


Wat iz u implahing fuckin' whiteboi??

Be sure to vote for UKIP my friend

Is that you, Alberto Barbosa?

Yes because one of these days I need an exit plan


Since I live in a highly developed first world nation I do not think these weapons are needed on the streets and in homes.

Nor bike tires, for that matter

yes, fuck gungrabbers

Since I live in a highly FREE non-Muslim caliphate, I think you're a pinko faggot

literally googled world freedom ranking and clicked on one near the top

Life is not just about needs. It's also about wants, you literal pleb.

And any reasonable man would want the means to defend himself, his family and his home. This was the standard for every man up until like 50 years ago.

Freedom ain't free