Are there any downsides to using Xubuntu over Arch?

Are there any downsides to using Xubuntu over Arch?

ubuntu packages are old as fuck

Stigma of not being a cool hacker

Not much. Arch's packages are newer

you don't know how Linux works
fucking normie plebeian

You aren't bleeding edge.

Not too old, I mean I have everything I had on Arch on my noobuntu.

That's why I gave up using Arch. Not enough time to learn it.

True, I only updated every two weeks or so.

You won't be a member of the Super Secret Autists Clubhouse.

no aur

I have apt. Why should I give a fuck about AUR?

AUR has THE largest repository of all Linux distros

it even has league of legends

The AUR basically consists broken packages and script kiddie garbage, who cares.

not sure if srs

Yeah, Xubuntu installs Xfce by default meaning you have to get rid of it before installing GNOME.

Sup Forums epenis size.

you can't use arch, no one can
shit just don't work
arch is a meme

if you're more concerned with stability and efficiency than bleeding edge packages, and don't mind using PPAs and/or some debian repos for packages that you want to be more up-to-date, then no, there are no downsides.

>using gnome in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen

Just about none. The performance difference is trivial.

Slightly older packages, forced to roll with whatever defaults to begin with, almost nothing.

I don't know, are you scared of a random neckbeard on the internet claiming they're superior because they use a distro with no installer?

Explain what you mean by newer because packages can only be a new as the developer releases them. There is no newer version of GIMP or Abiword or Chromium for Arch.

>I'm too dumb to use Arch so everyone else must be too

apt-get because Yaourt and Pacman are both superbly better than that apt-get pile of dog-shit.

You don't get to lord it over other linux users. Also you will have more free time since you won't be constantly repairing your set up.

I wouldn't have used it in Anno Domini MMXIV, but it has gotten better with time and generally the next release is better than the previous.

werks on my machine.

saves me from building from source manually, so i like it.

>has league of legends

You don't get the adrenaline rush of knowing that every time you update something might break horribly..

Not really, unless you're one of these autismos that think the existence of version 1.4.34 of Tux Racer means that version 1.4.33 is """ancient""" and """vulnerable"""

>I'm too dumb to use Gentoo so I use Arch and pretend it makes me smart.

>it even has league of legends
Opinion discarded.

Xubuntu is best