Not being drunk on a train browsing Sup Forums

>not being drunk on a train browsing Sup Forums

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Mactoddler sure are retarded

> Implying I don't have a phone

> Implying I'm not phonefaggin it hard every morning to work
> Implying I don't put shots in my coffee

what speed test is that?

Google speedtest. The block

is dat sum stone ipa? my nigga

>getting drunk with an Apple product in public
>not using the dark theme on a black-bezeled device

Bad decisions son, I believe in you. You will learn in time.

Kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit.

It's dark in here

>using a train

what is this, the 19th century?

What's that music pdf

>using the Pacific Surfliner

Hahahahaha oh wait... You're serious..?

Two centuries later and it's still the best long haul transportation solution


Please remove adblock plus you don't need two adblocks especially if one is fucking awful

you can drink beer on the train?

>he has a phone
>he doenst tether

Mactard confirmed

Still going

where you heading to user?

UC Santa Barbara. Probably going to fail out and become a neet even though I'm almost finished


It's a paper for some shitty GE class I had to take.

SB is insufferable for non normies. Fuck youth 'culture'.

>what is Europe

not that user is in Europe, but trains are a first-class form of transportation there and yea they serve beer and food on them

where we're all heading user, the endless void of time and space stretching far and wide. but not as wide as your mom

Yeah. That's the biggest problem. Normies everywhere. Isla Vista sucks ass. Everyone is fake. Even the nerds are normie. Feels worse than HS annon. I should have gone to university of Michigan. I got in for CS.




even worse ... caltrain

Whelp they all suck. OP here. I've been on this train for 7 hours. And it's only like 250 miles away. Amtrak

>tfw the guy sitting at the table next to me just said "there's someone here with a wifi hotspot called 'trump voter'"

I loved that line. Took it from LA to PDX.

Of course it was vacation and not going to school, but yeah want to do the rail pass deal sometime soon and ride all over.

Nah you're thinking of the coast starlight. I'm on the Surfliner. It stops at Goleta. Same tracks but diff train line.

Ah well still it was a great ride. Gets to SB earlier so I probably should have figured. Around this time we were getting to SF area.

Coast Starlight is nice, but California Zephyr (~56 hours from Chicago to SF) is /comfy/. Probably the most NEET I've ever been - wrapped up in my comfy blanky in a sleeper car warm as can be while watching the snow-covered Rockies floating by my sleeper car window and nerding on my laptop. 10/10

Was gonna do that ride this winter but kinda ran out of money. Maybe next winter, sounded like a great damn ride from someone I met on the coast starlight.

And I've been NEET when I ran out of money to keep going to school 2 quarters at a time. Not the best of times that, don't recommend it.


>being on a train

if only i live in a city big enough to have train
if only i live in the city where i would have to take the train to work
if only i live in a city where the train i need to take is longer than 30 min

sigh. i only see this shits in movies, when will this kind of thing happen to me. i should be a consultant that requires me to travel

>being drunk

No trains here at all but I can make the noise like a train while I am on.

>TFW no trains in US

>Can't pay for other stuff like other developed countries

commuting by train sucks if daily. just take a train holliday.

> Never drank as a teenager
> Never got the "acquired taste" meme
> All alcoholic drinks make me want to throw up and if I do push through and get drunk the next day absolutely fucking sucks
Shit sux

You can literally thank the jews for that. The US had a great trolley system going until (((car manufacturers))) came along in the mide 1900's. Suddenly if you didn't have a car you were a nigger.


I once caught a ban from some shitposter on Sup Forums while taking the Amtrak back from PA

OP's on one now.

>basically me. Hate beer and wine.
>Play skyrim, bought some mead for lol. It tasted like beer. Mead wasted.
>Can only drink a little before having a bad headache and need to sleep rightaway

What do you mean? Ford knew about ((their)) Jewish tricks and hated ((them)) for it and he was probably the most important reason why Americans started using cars on the daily

The only trains in my area are freight. Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to just hop on a box car and go, but I haven't done so yet

Honestly, that's not a bad connection for public transport.

Do you actually have cords on?