What does the international community think of Trump?

What does the international community think of Trump?

Why would you ask Sup Forums if you wanted to know the answer to that question? Google some polling data

Good for Japan.

I'm asking non-Americans
Because of nukes?

Yes? Polls of non-Americans have been done. Every country except Russia wants Hillary

Masterful troll who has played the American media and political class like a fiddle. His campaign will be used as a case study for decades to come.
However, he's woefully unqualified for the job. Given the people advising him (e.g. Jeff Sessions), his presidency will be a spectacular catastrophe.

This really.

nicely summarized

I want opinions, not shitty polls which is generally old people anyway.

>However, he's woefully unqualified for the job

Well it's not like he has tough competition considering the current and previous presidents

Clinton is China's friend.

He's both radical and anti-establishment. That's all the American public cares about at the moment. Shillary being the other candidate only helps his cause.

>However, he's woefully unqualified for the job.
I'm tired of this meme.
obama's experience was literally 1 term as a senator in the shit state of illinois known only for chicongo

Trump would get on with them as well. What do you think of Japs and SK getting their own nukes, though?

If Gingrich is his VP then it'll be a Cheney scenario all over again I think
true it's not like anyone else running would have been better off

>If Gingrich is his VP then it'll be a Cheney scenario all over again I think
except gingrich is pretty damn smart
fuck the media for what they did to him and fuck everyone who gives clinton credit for "his economy" when clinton was opposed to it


B-but, USA is already the GREATEST country.
More GREATER status exists?

It's terrible.....

he has never held an elected office

he has no political experience at all other than buttering up politicians with money

Trudeau Voter faggot.

>he has no political experience at all
neither did Eisenhower
he's regularly regarded as one of the greatest presidents by all sources (except for supreme butthurt 'muh jesus muh bible' faggots)

Not to mention running a business empire and running a corrupt as fuck country based on corporate crony capitalism aren't as far apart as as CNN and butthurt conservatives would have people believe. Foreign policy and knowledge of foreign affairs is his biggest weakness. He needs to surround himself with good advisers for sure. His experience is just the lowest hanging fruit for people to attack. That and his "racism" or "sexism".

>intentionally omitting the second sentence
A leader is only as good as the ideas being pitched to him. Obama surrounded himself with guys like Larry Summers, Todd Park (famous in Silicon Valley), and a battalion of eggheads from Brookings and CFR. Trump, by contrast, has surrounded himself with blowhards.

>He's not part of the cabal of globalist lawyers who never held real jobs and instead leeched off of the taxpayers all their lives so they could ruin our country


monkey with a gun

>he has no political experience at all other than buttering up politicians with money

>Trump, by contrast, has surrounded himself with blowhards.

Who did you want him to surround himself with that wasn't a paid off globalist neocon?

Pat Buchanan? The guy who had his name destroyed because he misquoted a holocaust statistic on national TV?

>that wasn't a paid off globalist neocon
Nice goalposts. They seem firmly rooted.

>Obama surrounded himself with guys like Larry Summers

And in return Wall Street got bailed out and no-one was punished for the financial crisis ("Golly gee, who would've thought that Wall Street wouldn't regulate itself? Oh well, don't worry about it - next time you guys fuck up we'll just bail you out again")

Despise him tbf

not to mention that larry summers literally fucking works for a hedge fund company now

You have to go back

This but without the last part. He's businessman, it's not like he would do anything other than manage what his advisors say. Besides, the american economy works by itself anyway.

dumbest post in the thread
do you think obama laid out his entire cabinet in may 2008?

How does the American Left justify Obama basically being Wall Street's bitch boy over the financial crisis?

"He listened to the experts, and the experts just happened to be intimately tied to Wall Street!"?

All the American Left cares about is hating white people

>it's not our fault, bush ruined the economy, obama fixed it

this is the problem with revolving door leaders, they enact temporary fixes and kick the can down the road a few years until it's the other party's fault.

Obama is a nigger and in the eyes of most of our leftists that means he can do no wrong.

Wait, you thought they were principled people?

he's the best candidate out of every single candidate on both sides
except possibly jim webb

It would be fun, I guess. Another meme president like Bush. Looking forward for HAPPENINGS threads

fighthing for becoming the best goy, but his rival seem stronger atm


I honestly have no idea if he'll make America great again, but he sure is entertaining as all fuck to watch. Overall, he's a far superior option over Hillary. I don't see how can anyone vote for that duplicitous bitch.

no way, israel hates clinton
only jews that like her are the far-left western jews that are weak-tier jews

Jim "shredding vagina in French Indochina" Webb

he triggered so many libcunts with his vietnam story on live tv at the debate

Did he curb religious rights or something?

no, they're just insane
they're the right-wing equivalent of liberals except they used to be the majority of the republican party and are becoming the minority(vice versa for democrat party)

they're the people who vote for cruz because "he's a jesus man" and constantly quote the bible

oh forgot to add why they hate eisenhower
he wasn't ""conservative"" enough
anyone who doesn't want to turn america into a christian theocracy is deemed "Not a Real Conservativeā„¢" by them.
Conservativeness is defined entirely by how much you quote the bible and want to hang gay people. Doesn't matter if you want to destroy your country in the process.



>other than buttering up politicians with money

That's a fair lot of experience. He does move in the same circles. The notion that POTUS needs to be a career politician is bogus.

tada no baka plain stupid

Fuck the international community and fuck all the media channels who cry that the world doesn't seem him fit. The only people who's opinion should matter is the American voters and no one else!

Thanks Israel, I've always liked you