What should i get my dad for his birthday?

What should i get my dad for his birthday?

dragon dildo

Do we look like your dad? Go ask him.

what did you mean by this?

A son that isn't a disappointment.

install gentoo on his computer

A gun and a single bullet so he can end his misery by killing you.

A son that isn't a fucking retard.

Does he have a computer? Get him an ssd to speed up it up or a cheap 24 inch monitor because Im sure hes using a shitty one. Ssds can go in laptops too

Nude pics of your girlfriend or a threesome with your mom and your girlfriend.

rolling for this


Something that actually has some thought put into it instead of some memetech Sup Forums suggested.

I'd love to spend another day with my dad even if its just sitting in the park.

OP better deliver

What a faggot.

rip ur dad

What's he into?

he likes gadgets

Dressing up in fur suits and having sex with other guys.


Get him a portable charger, like an anker or something, if those gadgets can be charged via a usb to whatever port he uses. Maybe a tool kit would be nice with a variety of screw tips and lengths for fine tuning or big projects.

You first, angry retard.

What's wrong, OP, are you mad your shit thread isn't getting the ebin replies you wanted?

good idea, i think his last one broke

>i think his last one broke
His portable charger or screw driver? If the prior then I can sort of understand but if the latter than what the fuck was he doing to that poor screw driver.

his portable charger

OP pls

if kek wills it, i'll do it

Get him a Thinkpad with Gentoo installed on it. Then write Stallman's GNU/Linux pasta on his greeting card.

>hating my dad is cool xD
Kill yourself you underage fuckhead

Organize a lemon party for him.