Why the tech community is made of fucking pussies?

Why the tech community is made of fucking pussies?
Most programmers are weak cucks.
Most of them embrace feminism and all that SJW cancer.

It is very hard for me to be within tech community

Where can I find sane programmers?

Not all of us want to participate in your autistic LARPing nazi bullshit Sup Forums.

I hope you realize that C+= Inherpreter was a satire by people from Sup Forums.

Have you considered trying to be less stupid?
I know it's a difficult choice to make when being an idiot is very emotionally satisfying, and makes it very easy to avoid responsibility for your own failings, but once you're out the other side, your life will be much more satisfying.

Damn you look ugly, dude

Nah that's not me. It's one of the originators of the "helicopter ride" memes though. Truly a magnificent example of the white race. Also he has a jewish wife and lives in a jewish suburb where he makes a decent living as a doughy software engineer.

go back to /utg/ you millennialoid faggot kike

The implication of your post is that C plus equality was funny and it being taken down was some huge sleight by uptight feminists.

C plus equality was really unfunny and cringey. You might have had a point if it had actually been humorous.

Go back to Sup Forums please.

go back to /utg/ NOW

The sane programmers tend to keep quiet, but they are the majority.

Raging SJWs are a small minority everywhere, but the problem tends to be that regular, decent people try to accommodate them. The same problem exists in the tech community.

Really, only a few communities have been infected to a significant degree. Just stay away from Mozilla and the like.

I blame the low barrier to entry. Virtually any sheltered cuck can shit out node.js webapps these days.

>Why the tech community is made of fucking pussies?
>It is very hard for me to be within tech community

t. india nigger

you have to go back

>Sup Forumstards literally crying about not having a safe space for his nazi delusions

once society is done with an institution but needs to keep it around to keep up appearances, it gives it away to other (non white male) groups

this can be seen in many institutions that were once a big deal but are now in decline; marriage is now open to gay people, women can now be bishops, universities are sjw territory and now women can be programmers

when minorities start to become visible/important in genuinely important areas of life, that's a sign not that the minority group is making progress but conversely that that area is in decline

people will say things like "they're just getting women in so they can undercut all the other workers", but this misses the point that they could have done that all along but chose not to, because it actually mattered back then

top kek

I actually see Sup Forums as the opposite side of the same coin.

fuck off you niggergoidal underage jew-brainwashed /utg/ kike

Oh man I thought you guys were idiots but this changed my mind

fuck off sarcastoid mouth-puppet /utg/ goon

/utg/ is what, exactly?

>op makes a thread at midnight to avoid deletion of his shitty thread

>implying australian mods don't exist

The tech sector tends to be filled with people who are socially awkward.

The same cliques who shit on these people for their entire adolescence have now realized that their low self esteem and desire to avoid conflict makes them easy targets to manipulate.

So, couple that with the fact that the tech sector has, generally speaking, well paying jobs for low physical effort, and you have a perfect entry point for manipulative assholes to game the system to their advantage financially and socially.

>Where can I find sane programmers?

After the day of the rope? Everywhere.

wtf is /utg/?

So much anger at the erosion of the white male power structure... The next 1,000 years will be interesting.

Big companies don't want to get sued for baloney discrimination law suits so they spend a couple million dollars a year on PR.

Retards who can't tell that the companies are just trying to cover their asses actually buy into it.

Sexually unappealing men flock to feminism because its the only way to get a woman's attention. So they label themselves as "allies" and virtue signal at every chance. Its reproductive strategy playing out in broad view of society, albeit a very unsuccessful one. This is why open source is full of so many SJW types, and why so many of them look visibly deformed. They're hideous chuds and nature doesn't want them to pass on their genes.

Undertale general on /vg/.


>using the projection meme INVENTED by /hsg/

fuck off cuck

>INVENTED by /hsg/
kek, not him but that paranoia tho

>talking in twitter nigger speak

kill yourself cuck

If these women need this much hand-holding just to get them into learning programming, what's going to happen when these same women interview for jobs or, god forbid, actually get jobs as programmers? Who's going to coaching them along the whole way?

How long until usable code becomes a social construct perpetuated by the patriarchy?

This guy gets it.


>It's one of the originators of the "helicopter ride" memes though.
Pinochet doesn't look like that.

>Really, only a few communities have been infected to a significant degree
Like the HR departments?
It's everywhere in tech short of businesses who can't afford (or don't want to afford) losing money because they hired someone or did something worse than they would've done otherwise.

>audible kek

>sane programmers
> programmers
u wot m8

stay out of web development and from meme languages like Rust and you'll be good to go.

Pinochet didn't publicize that because he was trying to hide the fact that he was killing students. That was the whole point behind using helicopters. If he hadn't the Americans (his masters) would have left him out to dry. Ironically enough they ended up doing this anyway when he started nationalizing businesses again.

And yet he was still the originator of it.

Pinochet wasn't the most brilliant politician, but the more dead commies the better.
Plus there are not many cases of countries being ok after a communist regime ends, they are usually on ruins and people hunting rats.

No. The "pinochet worship" meme was developed by the jewish cucks over at TRS before they were outed. Franco was always the superior anti-communist but loser Americans hate him because muh Hitler.

We're talking about the helicopter meme you faggot.
Dirty kike thinking he can change memes and I wouldn't notice.

The helicopter meme is part of that. Pinochet was a filthy third world neoliberal puppet and a literal criminal who stole millions from his nation. Only literal jews like him.

Doesn't change the fact we're talking about helicopter memes which he pioneered.
Stop using this as an excuse to cry about some website that's a competitor to whatever you use.

many lulz were had

>new/g/ would rather be complacent than do something funny and constructive like a satire on the radfem invasion of software engineering

Most feminists woulds top identifying as feminst if they truly understood what that means nowadays. In theory, the idea isn't that bad. In practice, feminism means believing that descrimination against men is not sexism, which is obviously literal retard tier. If everyone understood this, I think you'd find that most people are not on board.

Why do something when you can just sit and circlejerk over how awful things are?

It's just the ones you see, however most I've met are either
1) borderline autistic
2) vegetarian special snoflakes
3) communist


God, that feels like a different era. Before #GG even.

the cherry on top of this list that you didn't mention was

>can't program

Well that's with number 1, I don't know about number 2 and 3.

3. communists definitely can't into OOP because

Had a giggle, nigga.

Also, it's funny that the commie I work with works for a very lucrative capitalist company.

>Truly a magnificent example of the white race
>white race
fuck me dead cunt.

So theyre all pussies, and that makes it hard for you? Eh? Just ignore them or tell them to heck off strong-user.

Space spaces is a product of leftist inferiority and fear of facing different thoughts and opinions. We have no need of something like that.

hi woomy

fuck off cuck

>implying australians have internet good enough to load all the images of an imageboard
>implying australians use anything but irc and usenet

>implying australians haven't been prolific high-level shitposters since the dawn, in league with americans and anglos to ensure 24/7 worldwide shitposting on all frequencies
>implying we're not living in shitpost times right now

Safe space is a product of blind delusion.
Both left and right cry for it.
Sup Forums calls everyone that says things they dont want to hear CTR just like the left calls them nazi.

Both sides are literally oversized babys that can only handle their own opinion.

Nuke California, watch SJW disappear from the tech community. Almost all of them live there.