itt post your idle/startup ram usage.
Pic related is how log I got mine down to on my shitty laptop. Any tips on lowering it even more?
Itt post your idle/startup ram usage
for squeezing out more battery life.
Does that "female" on the right have a penis?
I'm not sure anyone believes you
144mb is pretty good desu. I'm at around 250 because of compton; definitely shouldn't use it on my craptop, but it really brings the WM together. 'Ps -aux | less' and see what else you can gut.
I'm actually using compton also.
Thanks for the command though. I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see if I can debloat any more at all.
Nice naming scheme user.
OP said idle/starup, I'm guessing the ram is there for whem he actually does something.
i made Sup Forums sounds in /ic/ are you interested?
hol up, got a source on that wallper OP?
Murning Sup Forums
i am already running firefox.
He's using OSX, of course it had a penis.
Yeah ok sure
According to htop my top memory consumers on boot are: redshift-gtk, emacs daemon, network manager, and gnome-terminal.
>that htop config
>no tree view
>not hiding process threads
>not not highliting program basename
You disgust me.
Nobody managed to beat OP yet? Try harder.
It's ugly as fuck, I know... I'm not finished.
Holy shit this is impressive. Well done user.
How unstable is stretch?
I'm on Jessie right now but kind of getting tired of how outdated everything is.
You have to get into it more, having i3 installed and not launching firefox and some other daily use programs at start is prety weak
Which font is this? I've seen it plenty of times but don't remember
I can't see your fucking ram
> to late, by the time I saw this post, firefox was already open.
Using about 1GB.
This is with no applications open except a terminal running htop.
Not including daemons/programs that run on startup.
Been on for a while too, some of these programs just seem to suck up more RAM the longer they've been on.
idle except playing cod
>64gb ram
You can run X as a user.
Nice wallpaper homie