What's this area of the world called again?

What's this area of the world called again?


The Great Shithole

Central East


Since when has that ever been considered a single region? Everything west of (& including) Iran is the middle East. Afghanistan and everything North of it is Central Asia, and the rest is South Asia.


Greater Tajikistan
Historically Eastern Macedonia


Surely this region has its own name

If I were to take it literally, I'd say "The South-East, LIKE IT SAYS FOR THE FILE NAME."

If taking it not-literally, then "The lands of dusty pubic-hair beards, towel-hats, two-bit Russkie guns, nuke-hungry "peace" movement leaders, and designated shitting streets."

>murder rate in brazil is 25.2
>murder rate in turkey is 2.6
what are you laughing at you monkey

Oh wow, a talking cockroach! How are you?

"Southwestern Asia" would be the most general term I guess, but that's becoming the PC term for the middle East (they don't like the term middle East because it is Eurocentric...)




The Greater Afghan Empire

This is like 3 different regions.

Include North Africa instead of India and you got Islam land
A magical place of US allies and nice immigrants

The midwest?

>Coming from a Turk

>it's eurocentric
so is the mediterranean, it's only a name

The land of fuckistan

Terrorist countries. Next question.

we are "we wuz steppe niggaz an shiet" not "we wuz white and shiet"
european union ordeal is about dosh senpai, not race


The land of fired

mongolian clay

Nuke here

Best place on earth

Brazil is still better than you for the simple reason that there is no lower form of life than a Muslim.


The Orient
Its where Oriental rugs come from.

Yep, This

I didn't know Texas had that much ocean frontage

>we wuz steppe niggaz an shiet


Eastern Greece

I take pity on but dont help


Matsudo Mad City



>The Great Shithole



I think this the correct term

1. The Arabian, Eurasian, and Indian plates

2. anatolia, the caucus, the levant, mesopotamia, arabian peninsula, the iranian plateau, central asia, and the indian subcontient

3. the road of civilization

No, it doesn't include enough of india and it's dead. Next time you shill use a better image.

Lost cause


>this area

fucking american education

its the middle east, central asia and india


The Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia.

Also the heartland of islam.

arabs to the left, turks to the north, indians to right, and iran is stuck in the middle as the genetic cumbucket. wew lad i never noticed but that country is literally the bridge between the west and the east, no wonder it got steamrolled so many times. location, location, location.

Greater Khorasan was an extremely exciting and dynamic place to live in for most of human history.

I'm sure it's still exciting if you're growing opium or fighting the Taliban.

Orientul Mijlociu

M'Sup Forums

When I wrote 'exciting and dynamic', I meant that waves upon waves of death and conquest washed over it on a regular basis.

>Great Country of India

lel little burger, what are you going to do about it, bring "democracy" to us? Bring it on you little burger faggot

ooh. thought you were referring to cities that were formerly great like balkh, samarkand, yazd, nishapour, merv, susia etc and wanted to be cheeky. as it turns out we were both being cheeky.

Your shit-filled streets constitute as biological weapons, and that's not playing fair



asia minor+levant+arabian peninsula+persia+caucasus+cetral asia+indian subcontinent?

East Germany

The most relevant region in world history by a nautical mile.

Hurr durr fedora

Wake up, everyone in their sane minds hates muslims. The west, China, South america, Russia, large parts of Africa and even muslims hate muslims. They are fucking annoying and should stop being such autistic retards fucking shit up for others.

hahaha yeah right.

Thanks for your useless affirmation of my post. Trashed.

>does not get sarcasm
>Things this shit hole is the most historically significant

You live with your head up you ass in a shit tier city like Gouda I think.

>>does not get sarcasm

I got that you were being a sarcastic little girl, I just didn't want to acknowledge it. You're welcome.

>>Things this shit hole is the most historically significant

Yes, the facts. The fact that you try to guess where a live is just a proof that you're some simple-minded, tribal mbo monkey. Embarrassing.

La fosse sceptique

>Pedantic and pretentious pseudo intellectual / HBO'er who screams 'Omg, I know some things too, but only a part of it".
>Tries to deflect arguments with sophistry like an insecure simpleton.
>Thinks I am a MBO'er while infact being a WO'er (last year bachelor of a non meme study)
>Thinks I will take HBO cursisten like you seriously.

Kek. Shitholystan was never relevant in history. Only Babylon and the hindo empires were somewhat relevant for medicine and agriculture, but that's it. It was good time the territory got BTFO'ed by Alexander the Great and later the Russians and the British.

You sure seem defensive, even resorting to grabbing a thesaurus to make yourself seem less like the mbo monkey you are.

>Only Babylon and the hindo empires

Oh my. I was really making fun of a retard. Apologies. Wipe the drool from your face and don't post here again.

>Predictable Ad Hominems are predictable.

Also, nice projection.

When you give me no actual arguments, the only thing I can do is go ad hominem. On top of that it's really easy with an mbo monkey like you.

>Only Babylon and the hindo empires

Oh boy.

It doesn't have a single name.

All the countries west of Iran are called the Middle East.
Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are called the Indian subcontinent or South Asia.
All the other highlighted countries are called Central Asia.

Yes it is a pain in the ass that there isn't a single geographic term for the Islamic countries that lots of immigrants come to Europe from because at the moment you have to say "the Middle East plus Pakistan and Afghanistan"


It is almost too easy with you cursisten.

>I said something dumb
>this means I win

pic related

>What is Kashmir

One of the few Led Zeppelin songs worth listening to.


You already got BFTO, so you are only embarrassing yourself cursist.

>calls me a broken record
>repeats the same shit for the second time
>Only Babylon and the hindo empires


>Tries to think he is smart and 'turn the agrument around'
>Still fails

Het is lekker weer en aangezien ik wel een leven heb ga ik even genieten dan met iemand discussiƫren over een gebied dat werkelijk niks heeft bijgedragen aan de wereld.


Jouw leven boeit me geen kanker, maar fijn dat je begeleider je rolstoel weer even wilt duwen.

Genghis and the toilet witches