Windows cucks of Sup Forums, why do you still use Windows, especially as your primary operating system?

Windows cucks of Sup Forums, why do you still use Windows, especially as your primary operating system?

Gayming. Although I may consider using Linux + Hypervisor in the future.

Gaming, but also familiarity.

wifi does for work on linux, tried everything, turns out the driver just sucks on linux
x11 security and performance problems
no hdpi on wayland
bad for audiophiles because pulse vs alsa implementation

Also convineince

Gaems, and no I boot my loonix for literally everything else I do on the computer.

Gayming and video editing software.

it comes pre-installed

Because I don't have a need for linux at the moment and need to run actual software like solidworks.

because every operating system is effectively the same in 2017 and the only people who still give a shit are e-SJWs and brainlets who are too dumb to use something different from what they already know, or mindlessly latch on to memes they don't understand in an effort to feel technologically competent or productive

I mostly prefer the compatibility as well as the look-and-feel of the system, and I get more utility out of a Windows hypervisor + Linux/BSD/Solaris/whatever guests than the other way around since for much of my daily use I'll spend most of my time using commercial staples anyway

its games and office products

I don't want to have to tailor my hardware purchasing decisions to what is compatible with Linux.

I tried Ubuntu, Windows is just easier to use.

I'm not a freetard, I think proprietary software is better because it can actually turn a profit to fund further development of it, unlike FOSS which is dependent on volunteers.

Because it offers the best battery time for my laptop, with Ubuntu I get only half of it with i3.

Because Windows better than Linux. Windows has more programs, games and other things than Linux

the irc bot i've been running for 15+ years is mirc based

work gaming and ease of use
I have linux on my laptop but annoying issues make it a pain sometimes when I want work done

Forza Horizon 3 is the closest a western game has ever come to cozy perfection.

Because only idiots unironically promote usage of Linux as a desktop OS.
And because OSX is just worse as a desktop system compared to Windows.

I use Windows, OSX, CentOS and Ubuntu. I don't plan on stopping using any of them because I am not an autist.

Because it's 7 and not 10

Gee grandpa, it's officially been renamed Mac OS for a while now.

Windows is my entertainment center, Linux is my workstation.

Do I look like I give a fuck?

I don't know what you look like.


>it's officially been renamed Mac OS for a while now.
But that's gay

Because Windows has a better GUI, better compatibility with more programs, better compatibility with more devices, and I mostly work with Windows computers so trying to choose a different OS is basically making my life difficult for the sake of being different.

Literally the only reason is because I play video games maybe 4 hours a week. All of the software I use is multi-platform.

Back when I played too much gayms I used Linux primarily so I wouldn't play gayms as much. But now I'm too lazy to restart computer.


Just werks
I use Ubuntu and macOS frequently for work and wangblows is just too comfy and the least needy for configuration, most stable

Which is the best version of Windows?

Win10 Pro/Enterprise.

>I'm not a freetard, I think proprietary software is better because it can actually turn a profit to fund further development of it, unlike FOSS which is dependent on volunteers.
this is the wrong way to look at it, most free software is also developed by paid developers as well at this point, particularly the likes of red hat and also high-end hardware vendors where good shitnux support will add value to their platforms and make them more competitive

the problem is in the consumer desktop arena where it pretty much IS mostly smaller operations and volunteer developers because most Linux usage in the real world is on servers and workstations

>the problem is in the consumer desktop arena where it pretty much IS mostly smaller operations and volunteer developers because most Linux usage in the real world is on servers and workstations
Well I'm just a regular consumer with a desktop. I was only talking about consumer software.

No hassle (with the day to day usage)
Software support for pretty much anything I need

There is 0 reason for me to switch to Linux. None at all. I'd rather switch to MacOs before I switch to Linux because it at least has some support for games and software. If only I could build a proper computer for it.

But I use a cut down version of 7

Because there literally is no specific task I need to do I can't do on Windows. Literally anything I need is better on Windows.

It just werks.

Because i'm not an autist.

muh software/drivers

>every operating system is effectively the same in 2017
good one user

I like it more than any Linux distro I have tried, and nothing any of you do or say will stop me from using it.

Because you should never change a running system.

I'm tired of fucking around with Debian.

I once had a Debian-based hg server. Then I stopped caring.

This isn't a "it just works" retort, its a "it does what I need and I'm too fucking tired" retort.

Because unlike you I actually pick what I like to use. Yourself you are a sheep who follows the other autists, you do it as you need to so as to fit in.

I have a Windows desktop and a Linux (Chrome OS) laptop. It just does what I need.

How to tell somebody doesn't use Linux at all: They give the wrong reasons for not using it.

Because the most important piece of software is Thief: The Dark Project 1.14. If Linux works with it, I will gladly switch, but I need hardware acceleration (VMs won't work) and an Intel chip (only have 1 at the moment, don't want to risk my OS for something that might not work).

>(VMs won't work)
VM with passthrough will work.

>why Windows
Video games.

>why primary
It works for everything outside of video games that I need it to do.

This is a horrible reason. You can get familiar with Linux in about 2 weeks. You meant 'I'm a lazy tech illiterate'.

>I think proprietary software is better
>he thinks proprietary/open source says anything at all about the quality

Leave Sup Forums

Yes, you do.

Because my wife's boyfriend needs it.

Compatability and habit. Linux is neat though, learning it on the side. I don't feel comfortable making the jump yet.

Software and drivers.

>League of Legends

Don't you need 2 graphics cards for that though?

Nice satanic trips.

Because I get a lot of screen tearing on my laptop with a GTX 960m.
Windows never has that problem.

I really want to use Linux on my laptop but the screen tearing is fucking awful to look at.

For games and games accessories.

we all know you use none of these programs except league of legends. post music you've actually made if you want to argue.

Visual studio is the only piece of software that's keeping me on winblows

Im not talking about only in games. Screen tearing everywhere.

... b-but, visual studio is available on Linux.


Ease of use, one drive and not having to deal with open office. I could concede that using a linux environment with google docs could be reasonable.

Why did you post a gif of Linux users?

No, it just makes it much easier.

Games. That's it really. The day Linux can into all games without having to fuck with wine for hours or without being forced to do a Windows VM with VGA passthrough is the day I leave windows for good.
I do however use Linux for everything non gaming related

Because everything I do on Windows takes 10 times as long on Linux.

Because loonix doesn't get along with my laptop.

Fuck if I'm buying a new laptop just to switch to an unfamiliar OS.

I've used windows my entire life, anything else would just feel unnatural, no matter how long I've been acquainted with it.

If anyone has time to rice their linux desktop into something that isn't total shit, then they also have the time to tweak win10 to their liking and make it a relatively safe/reliable/efficient OS.

Bye Sup Forums.

Gaming, I like the design, I already have an Xbox, and I need something that just works, and Ubuntu just doesn't cut it in this regard

there's very few significant things any one member of the big three can do that the other two can't accomplish as well

Doesn't require fiddling, power management actually works and it runs useful software natively

Because LTSB is the goat

Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10 gives me most of the Linux features I need. Once they add TTY support, I'll be set.

And also Linux provides nothing that I need or want that Windows doesn't

Works without effort, matches what I want from OS/DE.

It works, unlike shitux.

Linux cucks of Sup Forums, why are you still so concerned with what operating systems others use?

Because it works for me, I don't have any problem with it and don't even use a secondary OS

Video games, classic shell, printer drivers.

I like that you can't change much about it because when I ran Linux as my main OS, I was never satisfied with whatever DE or WM setup/rice I had so I changed it constantly.

because winbabby admin


Just works.
Fast, free, friendly, stable.
No Xorg.
Thumbnails in the file picker.

I've no Chess Playing at all. FULL STOP.

And Lollypops are legal in my country because fiction hasn't become a crime...yet. And when they do become so, I'll give those up as well. We all have to grow up sometime.

Even if they do spy on me, most of what they'll see are redheads getting faceblasted, gay memes, and random full CPU usage when I'm fucking around.

And if my fully legal actions could give another person PTSD to the point where they sue Microsoft, why wouldn't you take that chance?

Programs that aren't on linux and yes that includes games
I can actually use more than one monitor without the compositor shitting itself or tearing
It doesn't offer me any advantages over Windows besides not having Windows malware
On my laptop because the battery life is atrocious compared to Windows
The audio is still glitchy in some programs like Viber, and Skype isn't even the full desktop version but the web version
Some of the multiplatform programs like TeamViewer are just the Windows version running in Wine, it also drains battery when you're on a laptop
And finally because some Sup Forums autist will go through each of these and tell me how it's MY FAULT for not using his superior distro and programs etc. etc.