
>He was in an open relationship, he said, and his girlfriend was having an easy time finding new partners but he wasn't.

I love it when these 6 figure earning guys let their slut wives walk all over them.

Other urls found in this thread:


Beat her up

>what is wrong with tech people anyway

Lack of self-esteem and/or underdeveloped social skills. This guys unironically believe that they can't get another woman to love them and so end up agreeing to stupid bullshit like "open relationships" in order to keep their women.

I'm not agreeing to that.

Has she released the chatlogs? Because other than him being unprofessional, I don't get what the big deal is. He asked her if she's into swinging, she declined, and that's it? Did he threaten her? stalk her? or did it literally end with that one conversation?

We should always laugh at literal cucks. Always. I don't care what she does.

This, more power to this stronk woman. She's literally stomping cuckery, and Sup Forums disapproves?

Fucking contrarians.


This is because Uber is headquartered in SF. SF is a fucking shithole filed with hipster feminist men who are actually gigantic fucking creeps and basically use the feminism blanket as a shield to being fucking predators.

San Jose is the only major city in the bay area that isn't full of these fucks.

listen faggot, propositioning an insubordinate is sexual harassment.

>tfw your hot as fuck milf boss will never sexually abuse you

why live

Autism and sociopathy. The bay area low key worships these types.

See: Steve Jobs

that is my fetish.

>an insubordinate

It's more than unprofessional. Her manager is in a position of authority over her.
This is normally considered hostile environment sexual harassment.

This whole polyamory bullshit has hit tech really hard because the male to female ratio is something like 10:1. There are just way too many males and it allows the women to "control" the market, so to speak. It might even be that this is the reason why some men go completely nuts and start dressing like women. Traditional homosexuality however doesn't seem to be any more present in the tech industry than it is elsewhere, implicating that this is more of a natural condition in people than polyamory and transwhatever, which seem to stem from cultural circumstances.

Sorry for my English, not a native speaker.

God the original article is long rant. It reads like bitter feminist trying to write really bad Mad Men fanfic.

Much worse things happen at the workplace, guess this is her first job.

pretty much it - men are willing to "cheapen" their demands due to gender ratio. Open relationship better than no relationship. Simply because women have so much more of an upper hand.

At least in korea, you can simply buy vietnamese waifu from a catalog.

Don't worry about english, 1/3 of the board are not native speakers.

I think you meant to say what's wrong with modern culture.

but what stops tech men to look for women outside the field

I liked spending time with girls from drama uni when I was a student. Completely different world and it was fun. Why shitting over your own workplace

Because he has no social life putting in 80 hour work weeks with a bored house wife at home feeling neglected fucking some random dude who flirts with her on Instagram and makes her feel sexy.

Fuck everything about that "life".

Because they're fucking retarded obviously.

Mostly about opportunities to meet. SV literally prices women out - they can't afford to live anywhere nearby the hipster hotspots, those places are such sausage parties (like seriously 60-70% male).

Of course you can go outside if immediate geographic bubble and pick first redneck waifu, but .... the vietnamese waifu model is not as popular in the US for some reason.

To see the problem with vietnamese waifu, google hans raiser.

If you import woman from poorer area, she'll immediately realize it's her market, and try to climb higher. There's no point. Unless the gender ratio is balanced out, there's no way to easily cheat the market.

>actually gigantic fucking creeps and basically use the feminism blanket as a shield to being fucking predators

So true

>his girlfriend was having an easy time finding new partners but he wasn't.

This among other things is why Uber is a meme. Lyft is far superior anyway.

>tfw Stalin was right about everything

This. Don't judge polyamoryfags until you've been in that situation.

your english is better than half the "native" speakers here, nothing to worry about

He was just trying to be friendly. Fucking bitch.

nail, meet hammer

Don't "open" your relationship if you can't get girls and/or aren't bi. It's as easy as that.

>falling for the open relationship meme