How can other continents even compete?

How can other continents even compete?


and absolutely nothing of value there


we wuz planets n sheit

>not posting the real map

by not being a worthless shithole only inhabited by exotic animals

>How can other continents even compete?

By having civilization.

But we're Chinese.

>twf your country is larger in area than Africa

>its also shittier

>Western Europe

Africa with snow and nuclear weapons.

>no it's not

I like Russians.

T.Black guy

But Russia's only half the size of Africa.

Did you fall for the mercator meme?

by selling you overpriced food when you start killing each other

Doesn't matter. Biggest and best continent is stil Antarctica.

by not only talking about their size, as it doesn't even matter

Well, by not having AIDS I guess.

>comparing individual countries and groups of countries to a whole continent

Why say this when you can just google it and find out it's not true?

>>Believing lies from the Antarctic Internet Slandering Force

splendid image

>liking Antarctica when polar bears live in the Arctic