>Samsung tells me the only way to get nougat on my S7 is to go to Best Buy so they can flash it for me.
Fuck this. I get the "just works" meme now. Is the iPhone 7 worth it?
>Samsung tells me the only way to get nougat on my S7 is to go to Best Buy so they can flash it for me.
Fuck this. I get the "just works" meme now. Is the iPhone 7 worth it?
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They definitely didn't tell you that unless you're actually a mentally handicapped person at which point even an iPhone might be too much trouble for you.
>I know everything I'm so smart.
Yes they did, my phone isn't able to get nougat and it's an unlocked model. Something to do with switching carriers they said affects the OTA updates.
Shameless bump
>Is the iPhone 7 worth it?
Only in Jet Black. Otherwise, you're doing something horribly, horribly wrong.
Honesty the matte black is more appealing and stylish to me.
It's not worth it. Stay with Samsung.
>Just werks
>Yes they did, my phone isn't able to get nougat and it's an unlocked model. Something to do with switching carriers they said affects the OTA updates.
Have you tried downloading Kies and doing it that way?
I've tried Samsung smart switch which is basically the same thing but that didn't help either.
Flash with Odin you fuck
>I've tried Samsung smart switch which is basically the same thing
No it isn't.
>things that never happened
Very entertaining.
The Matte Black paint flakes off really easily. I rather put up with scratches than tiny flakes of grey on my phone.
I'll try it out then.
That's a damn shame cause thats the only color I like out of all of them
When I click on download kies, it just brings me to smartswitch.
Get the glossy one and sand blast it.
>anodized metal
Fuck off, retarded normie.
Says the mactoddler.
>doesn't know what anodizing even is
>thinks this isn't user caused
>calling someone a 'mactoddler'
>topic on iPhone
14 year old Sup Forums spillover Winskiddie LED pro xtr3me gaymurgh detected.
Here, let me help you out pajeet .
>t. mactoddler
no, but the pixel is.
>mactoddler detected
You should get an iPhone next time; it would suit you well.
Ah the joys of Mobile Odin with my old S2!
Anyway, if you're feeling up for it, get your model number, check for your latest firmware (I would go for the generic, non carrier firmware so you won't have this issue again) and download it to your PC.
Now this is from memory so anyone feel free to jump in and correct me.
Unzip the firmware to your desktop so you know where it is.
Download and install Odin on your PC.
Turn off your phone and put it into download mode (hold home, power and volume down buttons together).
Run Odin, connect your phone to the PC using your USB cable and Odin should display a COM1 blue bar ready status which means your phone is connected.
On the side where is says PDA, click on the browse bar and direct it to the folder on your desktop and select the PDA file.
I'm a Sonyfag now so I'm used to using FTF files. Can't remember what the Samshit file designation is!
There is a re-partition box that can be ticked. Make sure it is un-ticked, i.e the box is empty.
Click on the start button and let it do its thing. FFS don't unhook you phone until Odin had completed the flash and your phone reboots.
Before you do this, do your research. The Pajeet Elite at PDA will be your friend.
Now fuck off.
>Having to do this to update your phone.
Ah the joys of being an android-cuck.
>>Samsung tells me the only way to get nougat on my S7 is to go to Best Buy so they can flash it for me.
>>Fuck this. I get the "just works" meme now
Android users are not this autismo, you clearly are apple fag as an androidm@sterr8ce would know how to flash their shit.
Looks like I broke Botjeet and made it doublepost out of confusion.
It's a phone. For social media and texting. You're acting as if plugging your phone into your pc and risking a data wipe should be the norm. That's fucking retarded.
>an androidm@sterr8ce would know how to flash their shit
I bet you can't stimulate a vagina. I also bet you never touched a human breast.
You don't have to do this.
The gentleman/woman/beast-mod OP could continue to use his phone without the Nougat update.
Thing is I like to get the most out of my phone.
I like to have an unlocked bootloader.
I like root access on my phone.
I like the ability to change the governor on my processor for better performance or undervolt it for shits and giggles.
I enjoy the whole custom ROM scene.
You obviously don't. You, the elderly and infirm, the handicapped and the rest of the herd enjoy the iOS experience and I get it. It's comfy. You can show off your pretty coloured phone to your friend who has the same phone. You both can share app experiences and laugh at all aPhone users who still have to use head phone jacks and silly wires to listen to their music.
I get it. I just don't want that locked down experience. I'm not a discussion snowflake, I just want....A better experience.
Now fuck off.
never thought the term sheeple was so fucking befitting. It is your fucking device, is it really that hard to do, its as though you like companies controlling what you can do on a device you own, maybe apple is the way to go for you then.
Odin flash, there. ezpz. Just got nougat on my tmo unlocked s7.
the noncarrier unlocked s7 will need to be flashed with a carrier file because those are on a quarterly update schedule.
Will you not get a quicker update with the generic file? The update straight from Samshit and not carrier delayed?
i find it funny an autismo actually wants a samsung rom. If i were to get a fucking samsung phone again i would get a stock rom, even though its meme and "no longer as bad" im not dealing with touchwiz nor the fucking bloatware.droid turbo 2 m@sterr8ce
Again, those are apparently on a quarterly release schedule from what I've read. Pretty crazy I agree, go complain about it to the koreans.
I used to work for Tommy Park and his crowd.
I remember not being able to walk after a
few glasses of Soju. I remember being egged on to eat raw, marinated beef and being laughed at by a bunch of Korean mid level management. I remember staggering out of a Korean restaurant and puking my ring up. Happy days.
Define "stock ROM"?
Nope. If you switch carrier you lose updates since they go through the carrier and the new carrier doesn't have your phone in its update list. I don't get why Samsung can't put his foot down on updates like apple does.
>Define "stock ROM"?
actually i would try this butt plug, just imagine all that bass in your ass, i think its nice idea
That's anodized, not painted.
Are you high? Are you remedial? You do realize you're posting in a technology board correct?
Unless your daddy surprised you that s7 after you finished wiping his cum off of your face then you'd know what phone you bought. Fuck man even my grandma upgraded her s7 from the settings panel. Maybe you do deserve an iphone if senior citizens are more tech literate than you.
A "Stock ROM" is the manufacturer build for that particular device.
AOSP or Android Open Source Project is "vanilla" Android. AOSP could almost be described as a third party ROM.
For a pure Android experience, as Google intended, you'd have to go for a Nexus line phone or tablet.
Is the Pixel phone ROM a pure vanilla experience or a skinned stock ROM?