/flag/tism thread

Old thread Get regional flags github.com/flaghunters/

Find flags whatisthisimnotgoodwithcomputers.com/#/flaghunter

Get regional map templates oplk.imgur.com/

Other urls found in this thread:



8/10, bretty good m8, surprised you got DR Congo and CAR but no Ghana or Guinea, they're pretty common.

Still waiting on a few :^)

was sorting out the circleboard birds and came across these six that i can't identify

Well you have all the country codes in the filenames, jp is of course Japan, hu Hungary, don't remember the rest, just use the list here as a guide en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains

Also did you find a way to save them?

Canary Islands, Japan, Kurdistan, Sint Maarten, Zanzibar, Somaliland.

yeah, circleboard renders its flags just like Sup Forums, where it has one big image and crops it down to a specific flag (pic related)
i managed to crop out all 200+ birds and save it into a zip here: my.mixtape.moe/gjbffc.zip

when i find a flag i just search the folder for it and add it to my map since it's much faster than taking a screenshot

meant for thanks, no idea how i didn't identify sint maarten

double click the flag image bud

That's the one I'm not sure about though.

We're not talking about Sup Forums, leaf.

Ah I see, that is faster.

Sup Forums flag collecting is easy tier. Try flag hunting on Sup Forums instead

Are birds the new thing? I still have a handful of country flags to collect.

Not to mention all of the European regionals.

Is there anyone here who caught all the flags (except for the three unobtainable ones: Bouvet, Heard/McDonald, and Western Sahara)? Maybe an oldfag who's been on Sup Forums since the start?

According to the archives, every single flag in the world (with a TLD code) has posted on Sup Forums, other than the three I mentioned

Not really, we're collecting from KC and Yli as well (and more significantly)

Just about seven months and I'm missing just TAAF, Mayotte, South Georgia, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands.

rate my map, now with fixed cropping
>Thought I had Zimbabwe and have been passing it for weeks

Yeah I've collected them all

my HDD died tho lol

Do you know if Bouvet ever posted on Sup Forums from 2010-2012? The archives (foolz fireden, desustorsge, 4plebs) only go back to 2012.

no, the three you mentioned never ever posted

Bouvet cannot post as it does not have unique ISPs

Print screen

Considering how remote these islands are, will we ever get a non-proxy post?

They're remote but not isolated. Ascension is a military base, St Helena is getting an airport this year, and even Tristan, the most remote inhabited landmass, has internet access.

shit realised I had placed Slovakia's flag over Slovenia, fixed now


Posting birds.



Are they proxy-only, like Christmas Island?

2bh should have expected they'd get the UK flag

Back from your trip to Antarctica I see.


You ruined many rare flags and any "coolness" they potentially had, fuck you

Two years ago they had their range (I posted from it :^)) but they've been reallocated to UK.

I might go back again desu.

Which are still cool?

>I posted from it
You physically went there?

Proxy probably

good morning lads

I think Antarctica will always be cool, at least until global warming heats it up.

Say hi to some penguins for me.

I was away from my laptop on a day when I saw French Polynesia on the boards and I couldn't get it for my map.

I was so upset.

Morning Lunen friend.

FP isn't terribly rare, you'll see another soon.


Damn. I asked since I'm obsessed with those islands (and TAAF). I swear I'll go there (Tristan especially) one day.

Here's my map.

Getting there. Kind of wish I would spot Mongolia already.

What does bright red represent?


Obvious proxies. Basically anyone who posts a flag as a joke or if I only see one post of a are flag in a thread. Some should probably be red that aren't but w/e

There's an American in Mozambique who posts occasionally, if you see one around I'd assume it's him and not a proxy. I think there's another aid worker in Guinea, but I'm not sure if he's still there.

I might go to Saint Helena once they get an airport.

Tristan is quite undoable as you need to go by boat and there's only 1 boat in 2 weeks.

They're building one now, it's opening soon.

And yeah you have to take the SA Agulhas to Tristan from Cape Town, I think it'd be worth it though.

>I think it'd be worth it though

Amazing scenery, geology, ecology, people, everything. I've been seriously obsessed with that place for a while now, and I've read most of what there is to read about it.


>you will never stand on the Patches and discuss asthma research with the islanders

Good to know, thanks.

Wishing to fill up Africa. After that It's just some islands and Turkmenistan left. I think I'm doing an OK job so far?

Decent enough for two months. There used to be a regular Gabonese shitposter a few months ago but looks like you missed him.

oioi, your flaghunter is a bit broken. It hasn't updated in over 3 hours mate

ayy thanks. Just noticed that I'd forgotten to add niue

seems like your site's broken, no update in flaghunter since 8:43

Rate my memes

8.5 - Quite impressive

>no Ethiopia

Guys, just got this flag from a seeder in one of my torrents, what does this even mean?
Also rare and where do you put this on the map template

Oioi just look for the legit flag mate, that flag isn't one of the Sup Forums ones.

It's the Netherlands Antilles. It's no longer in use, but you can put it in the box titled "AN"


Ay m8 please could you post in this thread, I don't have Romania's bird yet

circleboard.org.Sup Forumsres/275707.html

Just installed the modified version of the regional flags script. God, bless that guy.

Valle d'Aosta is not part of Piemonte

Ok done, You're welcome

It was wrongly coloured. Thanks!


Holy shit.

Noice. You made it yourself?

Damn that's rad, can you share it empty?

What does the text on the bottom mean?

Thats real nice.

It's all wrong but I think he meant "I am the messenger of the shit // This map is the witness of my great autism"

Yeah, I have a lot of free time on my hands.

I'm not sure I still have the first version, I've been working on it for a while and may have gotten rid of the original

My latin is shit but it's supposed to say "I'm a shitposter and this map is testament to my great autism" I just made it to kill time, I try not to take it too seriously


Did you trace everything out or just compile a bunch of base maps, cutouts and images?

Which fonts did you use?

Oh never mind my internet/eyesight/whatever is crap. So you just pasted a bunch of maps and images onto that one?

Still a mighty fine feat of autism though.

For whoever said he didn't have Vermont the other thread

There's actually more there than I thought there'd be.
I like islands, but Tristan is a bit too remote for me.
Thinking about doing Dominica or Mayotte next.

Sorry lads, think it's fixed.

Dominica is cool, but why Mayotte? Don't know much about it.

Good for snorkeling and it's perfect to get to Comoros from as Mayotte is French and thus pretty easy to reach.

For some reason little islands feel really comfy.

Every considered going to /spm/?

Not really, don't think there's snorkeling there, that means there's really a lot less to do.


Pure, unadulterated autism.

So you're a fan of tropical activities eh. Belize might be fun with their reef.

Wew lad, haven't seen that flag before

This is a true masterpiece, user!
I'm saving it just to look at it. Props to you for making such an impressive and hi-def map

R8 no h8


Feel free to devalue Mayotte for us, Proxy-kun :3


Why is Falklands coloured as Antarctica btw? It's on the South American continental shelf

I honestly dont know i will correct it

Doing the anthem rate.

