Why don't you use Linux?
Why don't you use Linux?
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Because I need to play vidya games.
Don't you see my games?
My games.
And drivers work better on windows. From audio to video it all works better.
I keep an ubuntu vps for game servers though since their cheaper while a windows vm costs more because of the license fee.
because i use a mac
I do but I don't use Amazon botnet Ubuntu.
No games
Because I don't want to.
Battery life is a bit shit on the new chipsets. Did Intel un-JUST power management yet?
Adobe Creative Cloud
The real question is, why aren't we using *BSD and developing a better community for it?
It needs us and we need it.
For what?
I get better battery life on my surface pro with Manjaro
Image & sound editing, otter garbage on Linux/GNU
I do, just not on my main desktop PC.
bc c# m8
Unbiased opinion: A large amount of PC games work on linux perfectly. These are the types of games you'd expect to play on a computer (valve games, RTS, early access, indie, etc.)
However, not all games work on linux. It is best to use a dual booted system for this reason.
Because the drivers for my wireless adapter don't work (WNA3100 from netgear)
Even with ndiswrapper, wine etc btw
>win10 preinstalled
But when warrenty expires, i'll end mirating there
Already using (((Mint))) since a while, learned too late about affiliation with JIDF tho
>inb4 Sup Forums get out
Unbiased opinion: The games you have installed are mostly PC-esque games and there are no AAA games there to be found. most AAA's never get a linux port. Your argument is relevant for a casual or selective PC gamer who prefers not to play AAA games - but your argument is pointless to the average gamer who expects to play the same games on his PC as on a console
>affiliation with JIDF
Buy a different NIC
People are fucking retarded :^)
>using an even more obscure OS when linux isnt even considered normal yet
rly makes u think
Some of the backdoor that were found in Mint were traced back to Israel. Likely in response to this
>Why don't you use Linux?
Because every piece of software I use is written for Windows, dumbass.
>think I'm gonna waste my time trying to track down clones or similar software on the Linux platform that can match what the software I already use can do
>wasting that kind of time and resources
>are you fucking insane
Because it's a massive clusterfuck of options, choices, and compatibility.
I have little time to devote to learning the new OS, and what distro has what, what desktop environment does what, and why it's that way.
It's a great OS for what it is. But I can't devote my time to learning it strictly for the privilege of "freedom".
Sup Forums get out
Why would I when Windows just werks? Windows just does everything I need it to do and you can't say the same for leenooks
how will linux autists who keep trying to push it ever recover?
but I do use it where it's useful
on a typical desktop I could care less, the big three are pretty much the same in most realms besides software compatibility where NT/Mac OS are clear winners
and I spend more time tweaking my *nix desktops than actually using them, it's quite distracting, and nothing that attracts my interest ever feels perfect, there's always one or two flaws that aren't immediately convenient to circumvent that drive me up the wall and distract me
The Mint project is run by an anti-Semite you dumb fuck.
Why would you willingly use a terrible OS
Linux is simply better if you don't need to game
Hence why it was hijacked by JIDF
filepicker thumbnail meme
>Average gamer
>On Linux
>AAA games
Worst argument I've heard yet. Dota, CSGO, League (in wine) are infinitely replayable and competitive (the only non-autistic genre of game). Run perfect and are cheap/free.
How do people even fall for AAA memes? Shitty 1 player games and Halo/COD/Battlefield iterations need to die already.
>Visual Studio
can you even get any more degenerate? what the fuck is wrong with you?
? i have thumbnail
>cluttering up your desktop
>terrible OS
what's terrible about it that matters to normal people?
>inb4 botnet
people who actually need to get work done don't care
retarded application management
spies on you
terrible font management
driver issues to all hell and back
How can I get this kind of classic look in Ubuntu?
how about file dialog?
Just install CDE.
Cause for me personally it provides no new opportunities while demanding learning to use it from scratch.
Because windows is just as easily available and I actually get to play games and have working programs instead of having to search for some obscure alternative because its not available on linux.
I still want universal access to all the games.
Mint is really fucked :^)
Stop playing video games.
>I need to play vidya
underage detected
You have shit taste. The esports pseudo competitive rage inducing games with shitty underage f2p communities can go fuck themselves and you can fuck off with them. Esports is the worst cancer that happened to vidya since dlc it's just always the case of normies needing decades to realise it.
why do you use linux when windows does everything and more including having better support
Werks fine on my machine.
>retarded application management
Werks fine on my machine.
>spies on you
I'm not a pedophile.
>terrible font management
Looks/werks fine on my machine.
>driver issues to all hell and back
Never had driver issues.
I have a 6700k, 2x1080s, 64GB of DDR4 ram and Windows 10 was still, as I'd put it - slow. Especially in comparison to what I'm running now, which is Debian.
The fact you cannot see how slow Windows is in all of its functions just speaks about your lack of knowledge and understanding.
So sad.
>GNU/Linux is really fucked :^)
I want to. I really do. I've tried it many times. It's just such a pain to get working. Even the easy distros have one or more things that don't work.
Because I'd rather learn how to rice a video game or a piece of software by creating addons and mods and learn few useful things on the way (Like basic modeling and texturing or coding) than to rice a fucking OS just so in the end I can do the same meaningless shit - shitpost on Sup Forums while succumbing to more degenerate porn every single year.
>wasting time con Sup Forums
Because I'm gay
so hot
Why is it a bait? Literally everyone who creates those retarded "Why aren't you using x ?" threads is probably the least productive most apathetic person you will ever meet that spends hours fueling Internet addiction while shitposting and fapping.
I need leisure and decompression, mindless frivolity to relax and unwind.
Not everything in life has purpose Miyamoto Musashi.
its not slow ya dumb nigga
I use Windows 7 (:
I did for 8 years before getting sick and tired and going back to Windows.
I don't plan on using Linux desktop ever again.
Safe board (:
i do tho
>The fact you cannot see how slow Windows is in all of its functions just speaks about your lack of knowledge and understanding.
no one normal person ever autistically obsesses over differences you don't even notice without deliberately paying attention
Fuck off to facebook, shitstain
Parading ignorance is a clear sign of low intelligence.
Post tits
I need performance and optimisation, besides, Windows have a bigger collection of useful software.
[spoiler]In fact, when my Windows 7 crashes, I know the reason. I can not say the same about Lin "Black Magic" Ux.[/spoiler]
>mfw still falling for the bait
it's a shame that your autism probably won't get you far in life at all
Technical skills are needed to use Linux. The majority here are mere consumers who came here to talk about iPhones and Intel processors, they can't comprehend Linux. It's easier for them to buy a Mac or install Windows.
You are not falling for shit. You are just fucking stupid.
literally a non-argument when there is no perceptible difference, not even taking into account the fact you haven't given a source
>retarded application management
>spies on you
>terrible font management
>driver issues to all hell and back
linux clearly has better hardware support /s
The only reason to ever use Linux is if it's the best tool for the job. Why would I use Linux when I need to use propriertary software that freetards like to autistically screech about?
Pajeet, please end thyself. Defending the intrusions on your basic rights by American government is amoral.
Because you can simulate Windows in a VM.
>not using everything
I dualboot win7 and antergos
id triple boot os x as well if I could/wanted to as I've had a macbook before and thought it was pretty decent
This guy speaks the truth. For most working people who don't don't do sysadmin or programming jobs, windows just werks while freetards are still trying to clone the ribbon UI in libreoffice.
Keep wasting your time waiting for it to update :^)
>update windows
>figure it's going to take like 15 mins
>okay, go make a tea
>come back
>it's finished and nothing breaks
>update linux
>grub stops working
>minimal bash
>update linux
>gdm stops working
windows and os x are for productive people
linux is for autistic ricers
>imageboard problems
>>>figure it's going to take like 15 mins
>>okay, go make a tea
>>come back
>>it's finished and nothing breaks
>things that didn't happened
Linux is good with cloud
these dubs have got to be right
linux spergs can't defend this
I do use linux on a old AMD turion64 single core machine, but my main rig is still using windows and will be probably for a long time.
>tech illiterate normies use Windows
What's there to defend?
So Linux users are belongs to Sup Forums, Windows isn't, due to tech illiteracy. Windows sperg use their own fault for defense. Pity.
I do. Posting from android right now.
Linux is almost always the last to get productivity software that people actually use
>t. shitposter
windows update has broken more stuff in my hands than fucking pacman, just use a stable distro and you are guarenteed to never break anything ever.
Um, okay? Google docs works fine for 99% of things, plus it has convenient stuff like cloud sync.
The people who actually need all the features of MS Office - well, let's just say there's not many.