America talks shit about Japan not apologizing for their war crimes

>America talks shit about Japan not apologizing for their war crimes
>they never apologized for the nukes

Why are Americans so retarded and hypocrite?

not only japan but they have never apologized for any war and war crime.

to be fair nukes were justified in the context of the war, whereas rape, suicide attacks, mass murder and """comfort women""" is not

America never committed any war crimes fuck off Tojo go kill some more whales why don't you
Better yet kill yourself like you hentai watching fucks are so fond of, with your serrated katana made for extra mega brutal super fantastic death

>it's another "weebs sympathizing with Japan and hating America" episode
Check em

Absolutely justified, we saved lives with those nukes.

Weebs gtfo

I bet you also think the usage of agent orange was justified in Vietnam as well. Stupid Scandisht.

tbqh dropping nukes is worse than rapes
then again danes dont have any honour either and gladly slaugther allies/vassals to grab more power so it doesnt surprise me

Fuck off pasta nigger

>saved lives
>caused hundreds of thousands of people to be born with mutations

top kek.

Cough My lai massacre Cough.

I am an expert on this subject. Japan should thank us for nuking them.

because the use of atomic weapons was justified, not a war crime

though I don't think america should have blanket impunity from war crimes, dick cheney and henry kissinger should be in prison right now

>496 years later
>STILL mad

You think it's just that? The list is endless. Americans shouldn't accuse any nation of war crimes since they're still doing it in the present.

>firebombed tokyo April '45 killing just as many people as both atomic bombs
no one considers that a war crime

Weeaboo genocide when?

That was an honest mistake, not a war crime

Eternal dane strikes again

>Eurotard thinks that the US is the only country that commits war crimes

no need. they are Gods for us

>haha its ok to drop nukes cus they did war crimes xd
>oh we did war crimes as well? who cares xd everyone does it!

This the average nip loves America

Italians will defend this (and then switch sides after losing).


please stop pretending to be retarded

>haha its ok to drop nukes cus they did war crimes
That was never implied, retard.

Shut the fuck up Jamal if you hate freedom so much why don't you move to North Korea where you don't get any freedom because they hate it as much as you do you little pinko degenerate faggot

A country that starts a war has no right to complain about how it is ended.


We are dogs and love master America
They saved the earth and they are justice

It was you who started the war though. Do you really think they would attack your stupid ship out of the blue? No. It was because you imposed economic sanctions on them.

You are our dog, this is why Korea wants to eat you.

and your leaders even knew it was coming
they just needed an excuse so the people would find it justifiable

>Japan was absolutely innocent during WW2. The US was the real villain.

The economic sanctions were in response to their actions in Asia though.

And even still, economic action does not justify an act of war.

Even North Korea doesn't declare war over economic sanctions.

Well by that logic, if North Korea attacks us it is out of self defense.

Yes, they Koreans are master race, the strongest.
We can't live without honorable America-sama

But north korea and south korea is at war, its just a temporary cease fire
and if anything both north and south have valid claims on unifying the country, doesnt even need the sanctions for anything.

Japan started the war when they invaded China in 1937, the economic sanctions were a reaction to that. If Russia invaded Italy over its economic sanctions due to the ukraine crisis would you really say that it was a war started by Italy?

stop buying into conspiracy theories, FDR took action that he hoped would avoid war with Japan and force them to retreat from China. It however had the opposite effect.

>implying they wouldn't be at war with you right now if they had the power

The Japanese attacked our ships because they predicted that we would attack them, and so they tried to cripple our navy.

Economic sanctions are not a good reason to declare war, you're essentially saying that North Korea could declare war on any innocent country and be totally justified.

they are at war with us, there's an ceasefire though

>Japan invades Asian countries and commits war crimes
>US cuts off their oil
>Japan then attacks US as well

America is clearly the aggressor here.

You on the bottom left.

But are they justified to declare war on us for putting sanctions on them?

rip ken sama ;_;

All Japs should know this thread and why they are superior to us.

Yes, we are dogs, inferior to great Koreans

My fellow Americans, please do not fall for this bait. Everyone in the world knows that the United States was justified in the nuclear bombs. You are simply being baited.

Sorry for master race Americans

>Italy is just jealous we can win wars

We never committed any war crimes, the Spanish and French did and they don't get any heat

Britain committed war crimes too
British occupation of North America before the revolutionary war was one war crime after anothet

The proof that we are dogs: JSDF shit can't make nukes and can't protect japs :D They have no brain

It's ok Nippon. USA is the dog of Israel. You're both dogs.

Americans tame japs well

>Americans ""know"" we love America

The Nukes were not a war crime.
I would love to hear the argument that japs and eurotards have to it.

Like what for example?

My Lai was a rogue unit gone crazy. It was stopped by US troops, reported by US press, and the criminals were punished (although not enough)

War crimes need to be proven to have been a premeditated action of the government or state.

Thank you for two nukes^^

Koreans are the dindus of east asia now?

>America talks shit about Japan not apologizing for their war crimes
News to me.

Amerikakun, we will torture ur nipples!

This. You literally never hear that in the US.
Japs just like to feel victimized. It's the chinks and koreans that want you to apologize.
We couldn't care less.

Our goverment DID apologize to people involved

We don't care about whiny bitches who identify themselves with their country and get pissed.

I demand that you personally apologize to me for stuff you didn't do to people of some other country or else I'll act outraged and call you names.

All the fucking time.

Not to mention over 50 years later we still get to hear about it like it happened yesterday, while shit like the Armenian genocide gets swept under the rug because #notallmuslims

What's it matter to you wop? Spaghetti-Os suck!

>we still get to hear about it like it happened yesterday

responses of progressive American are...