Battle of the Nations 2016 LIVE Stream

starts in 10 minutes

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It's just women stuff for the first few hours, what a bore!

lol nerd

yeah, women just doesnt bring the violence that the men do, bit boring

Pathetic, simply pathetic.

At least man duels are later today.

So is this just some manchildren LARPing while some tryharding MMA faggots wreck everyone else?

I like the music

I satyed up for this, it's 3 am here

I unironically woke up early specifically for this.

That's mostly just Ukraine

>the women actually use their weapons and aren't fucking the fence 24/7
Who would've thought

They need to do interviews I want to see these ukrainian qts

Most of the teams take it pretty seriously, at least on their main squads.

Not every country has enough good fighters for full 21 man teams, so you end up with some autists and RPers to fill the rest of the spaces.

There was an American yesterday on their second 5v5 squad who bowed before entering the arena, then dual wielded his weapons.

doesn't look like it here

>There was an American yesterday on their second 5v5 squad who bowed before entering the arena, then dual wielded his weapons.
webm pls :D

Someone post todays schedule

The men's category is nothing but grabbing either the enemy or the fence and you fucking know it

Or you know, Fin's murdering Argentines

Don't have one of that, but you can see him in this one holding his sword blade down.

good job finlan

Australian battering ram

yeah these dudes were just there to larp i guess...

Pretty sad too because USA 1 is one of the better teams.

please I'm too retarded to find it on the site

Bitches start moaning when they get yellow card
ayy lmao

russian women are beserkers too

Wow, even the wizards are women

thanks fampai



If women are equal to men then why aren't there man vs woman category?


I am pretty sure that the people who do this as a hobby believe in traditional gender roles.

Also there are some women in the 21 vs 21 battles mixed in with the men

How come Womens are 3v3 but Mens are 5v5? Less competitors in the former category? Scoring 2 takedowns to end a round makes it feel pretty quick

christ the chat is so cancerous


When is going to participate Argentina?

they just did
there was an impressive takedown against ukraine from this one I assume

Russia too stronk



nerf russia and ukraine

I'd hate to be the person who gets awkwardly left out of the wall fight and just has to hack away from behind

she hit the back of the knee, fine, but like, it looked like she didn't do it with intentions of cheating she's just not in a useful position otherwise.

stupid rule delet it

That was a fight.

Yeah. That was intense.

Russia's probably using trannies, like in the 80's.

>netherlands team
>one american
>one german
>one dutch


Just like my japanese anime
Hope they'll wash each other back later



white and qt



Tank was destroed.

are they just gonna film the flags so we can't see what happened? is she ok? they said her leg broke?

France is kill.

He was talking about the guy from yesterday

can we get the webms of all the murders that happened yesterday?

I see the Finnish execution has already been posted, did they confirm that he'll never walk again?

Did anyone catch what it actually was that got her?

Probably the Israeli pushing her

macebro shows agility

>quite a serious injury



>poland has already killed someone

fucking hell, today will be a good day

the absolute madman

This looks incredibly lame. Until they're actually fighting to the death, it's just not gonna take off.

Why they got red card? No one got yesterday.

her head was held and then she got hit in the neck kinda like the fins did to the argie

oh its female 3v3


someone has the plan for the day?

That's because it's womens 3v3 at the moment, little weaklings.

Read the thread above.

americans blown the fuck out of the water desu

Goddamn maybe I'm just a bitch, and I have no sports experiece myself but just hearing about an injury like that would totally deflate me. Not for being scared just for being shocked, I don't know

Pigs or Psheks?


Fucking cockhole mod in stream chat.

stop being an autist

>deleting russian comments about ukranian nazis on promo vid
>keep urinian comments about "russian agression"
clearly autism but not from my side.

is that Tatiana Guseva?

Is this Women's fighting? It seems pretty good

>armored duel
>using unarmored techniques
>no halfswording

Shitty sport.

Are they now counting strikes landed on body or how do they know who wins?

Its a battle to the death

Is it this girl again?

>he's a janitor on the internet.
>on a medieval larping stream.
>he does it for free.
>he takes his job very seriously.
>He does it because it's the only amount of power and control he'll ever have, in his pathetic life
>he deletes comments he doesn't like, because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes comments he doesn't like, because they interfere with his large backlog of chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>He'll never have a real job
>he'll never move out of his parents house
>he'll never be at a healthy weight
>he'll never know how to cook anything, besides a hotpocket
>he'll never have a girlfriend
>he'll never have any friends.

>tfw no larp gf who could smash your face in

How do these 1vs1 work? I don't get it, they keep stopping and starting and no one really seems to go for a takedown

Whatever happened to the poor sod that got axed in the spine by mongol axman?

They count hits.

u got a webm of that senpai

They didn't say much, just that he's in the hospital.


Well damn. Hope he didn't get paralysed

But paralysed woman wont say "no"

>that one american getting BTFO by ned kelly


>let's both hit each other in the leg repeatedly


What the fuck kind of dueling is this?

fucking hell it's boring


>what is heavy armor