A Russian gives you a (you)

>a Russian gives you a (you)

>a Polish guy posts girls with long hair in your thread

Russians seem to give me (You)s when I least expect it



>my post number has repeating digits

>two dubs and a trips
Looking to be a good thread


You don't know what you're doing!!

Ass clowns. Slavic Peoples only respond to me.

>an aussie or canadian (you)'s you

i dont know why but it makes me feel cool.


this is the ONLY answer.





Wasn't expecting that

Do you want to go to Tuva with me someday?



check these

nice try cunt


jokes on you, I was saving them for this post

go away poofailia

I'm handing out Dutch limited edition (You)'s for free.

Reply to this post and tell me why you think you deserve a (You).

нy и чтo, блядь, c тoгo

sure, but how about these dubs

I always call your country "Pays-Bas" and not "Hollande"

>see someone has replied to me
>glance over the post
>oh nice, another Sloveve
>mfw a fucking Russian flag
Every fucking time.

oh shit nice dubs


Thanks, I've got a dubs quota to fill. Might even pull a few trips.

:3 That's the correct way.

let me help you hit the dubs quota

It only works if I get them. Claiming other people's dubs is theft.

>finn replies to you
>the post is in the inimitably weird finnish style

gib land back

Remove your people from OUR land, first.
>pic related

>a turks kicks your 'ead in
its what i would do to you faggots irl desu familia

Fuck off, no free (you)s today.

would you you me if I check your dubs, and complement them with my own set of dubs


>a paki replies to your post

>he has the same flag as you

>he's your mayor

>anglos break rule 3

Jesus Christ it looks like it is going to come out of my screen
Kill it before it lays eggs

>You get a (You)
>but the comment hurts your feelings

Would fuck that puppy's throat and abuse it and then smash it on a wall and dump it in the trash can.


>wasting good meat

Now the hair are too short. And the face looks awful too, desu. Is she German?

nice ahegao

>eating your own semen