Burgers are asleep. Post java

Burgers are asleep. Post java

Fully awake burger here, would appreciate it if you didn't.

अमेरिकियों सो रहे हैं। के कंप्यूटर के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट भाषा के रूप में अपने सड़कों पर हमारे गंदगी जमा करते हैं।

मेथ आप प्रोग्रामिंग में अच्छा नहीं है। दवाओं बंद कर रही है और, आप बेवकूफ बर्गर सो जाओ।

I've been up for three hours now, don't you post Java on me

post loos

Night shift burger. Please don't post your Java filth here, this is a western C\++\# and Python board.

literally translated line

package com.structurizr;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.structurizr.documentation.Documentation;
import com.structurizr.documentation.StructurizrDocumentation;
import com.structurizr.model.*;
import com.structurizr.view.ViewSet;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public final class Workspace extends AbstractWorkspace {

private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Workspace.class);

private Model model = new Model();
private ViewSet viewSet = new ViewSet(model);
private Documentation documentation = new StructurizrDocumentation(model);

Workspace() {

public Workspace(String name, String description) {
super(name, description);
public Model getModel() {
return model;

public void setModel(Model model) {
this.model = model;
public ViewSet getViews() {
return viewSet;
void setViews(ViewSet viewSet) {
this.viewSet = viewSet;
public void hydrate() {
public Documentation getDocumentation() {
return documentation;

// 1 out of 2 incoming pajeets

C# is for Wincucks who are apparently totally okay with using an inferior OS to develop on. If it isn't *nix, it damn well better be Plan 9 or Inferno, or you're just fucking retarded, and hate any kind of CLI. Plus, you use an inferior file system.

Python's cool and all, but am I the only guy around here that wishes that it wasn't so, fucking, slow? Like, why can't Assembly just have Python syntax and be as fast as Assembly? It's 2017 for fucks sake and as far as I know, Assembly is Open Source so why hasn't anyone improved on the way it's written? Seriously, it looks like

mov dick, butt
mov butt, up
mov butt, down
cum butt, dick
dick butt, 69
butt, dick 420

when in Python it would just look like


>C and C#
>Anything but LOOWARE
C# is made by Microsoft, for fuck sake.

poo detected

Excuse me Rajesh, but this board is only for western languages: English, Ocaml, LISP. you get the deal, right?

Autist night shift burger here. I bought a house at 25 because I bothered to teach myself Atelier B, the calculus of inductive constructions, how to use and extract code from Coq, and thanks to that there's people somewhere in whogivesafuckistan whose train isn't crashing because I knew how to do all this shit. C's cool if you wanna write your own language or an operating system. Other than that, what the fuck are you even using it for? Because of "muh fast"?
C# is a forced meme and Python is quite literally a toy. It isn't even the best pentesting language (which is Idris, btw, not like anyone knows how to fucking use it)

>having a problem with C
hello rajeev!

common lisp or scheme tho?
sml is more pure. ocaml is like the c++ of ML

Great, go reverse engineer Coq in SML and post it here on a github, big guy.

confirmed for getting cucked by indians

Maybe C#. But I don't think you belong on this board yet

> Assembly is Open Source so why hasn't anyone improved on the way it's written?

You really don't know shit about assembly, huh?

it appears that my masterful ruse may have rustled your jimmies! there is no way that any sensible person could be that clueless, but perhaps we should access the tubes to confirm this!!!

haha burgers BTFO by masterful hindu troll, this is why we take your jobs idiot

>knows enough about assembly to write totally gay mock assembly code
>calls it open source and then some shitposting about a blub meme language

i dunno you tell me genius

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

Nah, after all you western countries are already used to being down with the brown, and you've already sent us all of your jobs, we're going to move in en masse and become your master race, you dumb white pieces of shit. Enjoy having no tech jobs or white race left in 13 years, superpower by 2030 was no joke. Praise Vishnu

import india.Shit
public class Pajeet{
public static Shit designatedstreet(){
return new Shit();

i still don't get it what is wrong with java? also i'm not a indian

It's mostly written by Indians who are severely under-educated.

Indian colleges are a joke.

fuck off, burger

But this code doesn't do anything. It's just fucking bloat. Who the fuck would hire you to program?


I've written Java professionally before, and the language can be quite decent. Yes, it won't ever be pretty, but it's modelling domains that aren't pretty either.

You just need to put some fucking controls into place. Have standards, demand code reviews, etc. And don't hire idiots.

Of course, since Java/C# is the level of langauge that idiots manage to somewhat learn, that can be a challenge if your boss doesn't code. But it's still important to do so.

Lmao kys pathetic scum

>"Don't post Java"
>"Post C# and Python instead"
You're more of a Pajeet than Pajeet themselves.

We have found the Ur-Pajeet.