Why aren't you using Debian GNU/kFreeBSD yet, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using Debian GNU/kFreeBSD yet, Sup Forums?

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Because Debian is for SJW lesbos and feminist cucks and kFreeBSD is for delusional autists who think they can stay relevant by allowing people to waltz all over them using their permissive license (aka cuck license)


Because Linux exists, and if it didn't I could just install actual FreeBSD.

I need Linux for muh gaymes

lol it's a dead project, no updates since wheezy, and none to be scheduled.

Why not grab a working BSD environment like FreeBSD?

Because I use TrueOS, you arseweed.

Why on earth would I ever want to install FreeBSD with a GNU userspace???


Because I have self-respect

using debian, and feeling comfy

That's like buying a car after it's totalled.

Why would it need updates? It just werks. You don't need to make arbitrary changes every six months, that's why Firefox is dead.

If BSD is a cuck license then GPL is a communist or fascist license. Stop being a faggot and accept that pure closed source is the real free market license.

BSD sucks.

what is even the point of it

Because dragonfly is so much better.

I use Debian with a bunch of shit piled on top because I suck at actually doing anything. It's called Ubuntu.

I'm using FreeBSD. Its better.


Because the best part about the BSDs is escaping the GNU userland and glibc (which are dogshit). Why would I wanna use a distribution that combines the BSD kernel with GNU crap?

Debian just works.

Stop shilling the berkley softare disapointment.

The Debian community might be obnoxious at times, but the distro itself is install and forget. It's better than distros like arch linux that thinking spending hours ricing and fixing Xorg is getting anything productive done.

fucking /thread

But i am an alt-right white supremacist and use Debian

Get out of here, you scrub.


Friendly reminder that professional troll weev uses and supports debian, he's used it since 2001 to troll the jews.

Because it's a dead project that was nothing more than a because we can thing. If I want to use a BSD OS I'm not going to shit it up with a GNU userland and if I want to use Linux I'll just use regular Debian.


Because I'm running the superior Dyson, or Debian/kOpenSolaris.