Tfw too intelligent for gentoo

>tfw too intelligent for gentoo

What is the distro for me Sup Forums?

Linux From Scratch you fucking noob

Boring office stuff like spread sheets: Red Hat, CentOS
Noobs general: Ubuntu
Entry-level coding: Debian
Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hardcore hacking: Arch

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Install Gentoo


>tfw hacking reality

follow in the footsteps of terry f a m

install source mage




Slackware is dead long time ago.


the only possible answer

Crypt OS


>Boring office stuff like spread sheets: Red Hat, CentOS
>Noobs general: Ubuntu
>Entry-level coding: Debian
>Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hardcore hacking: Arch
Ignore this script kiddie. No professional developer uses Arch Linux. Just use Ubuntu or a Derivative of it.

Hannah Montana Linux

>Ignore this script kiddie. No professional developer uses Arch Linux. Just use Ubuntu or a Derivative of it.

Follow the light.