Why is Trump still using an Galaxy S3

Why is Trump still using an Galaxy S3

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=trump galaxy s3

Replicant OS, he is truly our Sup Forumsuy

He likes it


fake pic. he isn't using Samshit.

Because note 4 is the last good Samsung phone

lmgtfy.com/?q=trump galaxy s3

that's old shit from years ago.

>every link on the first page is from 2017
>some are mere days old
>from years ago
Yeah okay buddy

trips confirms

Because rich people dont get rich by wasting their money on stupid shit.

He knows a s3 is enough to do the job. He doesnt need the latest 200 cores cpu, 16gb ram, super holographic dick scanning to shitpost on twitter.


he's 70 years old, and uses twitter to speak about what he saw on fox. of course he's clueless

Who fucking cares.

You cared enough to enter the thread and post about it

every person in government gets a provided phone that is security hardened

for the Potus the SS actually furthur modifies it

hillary just chose to ignore that

mouth-breather much

Wow, you sure got me. What a hurtful insult

no it isn't. he used s3 when he started campaign. blogs keep on reusing same stock photos. it's how the fucking internet works you low-iQ retard.

Whatever you say, kiddo

You are an Apple fanboy....yea I called you a fag.

What in the everliving fuck are you on about?

No sexual attacks on Sweden! None at all!

Do you have down syndrome, retard? I called you a fag because you love spending your free time sucking as many cocks as possible.

This is an 18+ website.

>22 posts into the thread
>no one brings up the real reason

The real reason why trump doesn't own another phone is because of his small hands.

They would look tiny if he bought another phone like a galaxy s6 or s7

Let's remember this is a guy who paid money to shoop bigger hands on pictures, he's incredibly insecure just like his following

My phone's newer and smaller than an S3.

>Galaxy S3

Fuck Yeah

Because the s3 is a feature complete smartphone and mine hasn't failed me yet.

>My phone's newer and smaller than an S3.
So, you've got tinier hands?

Hand size doesn't directly correlate to phone size, I just like the damned phone.

>hand size doesn't correlate to phone size
But it does, it's not possible to hold them properly if you got tiny hands and a really big phone

I use an S3 too. It's still a breddy good and useful phone.

Worst Photoshop job ever

Try harder

I love him even more now

Just because you can't properly hold a large phone with small hands doesn't mean all users with small phone users have small hands. I simply have normal hands with a small phone. If my hands were tiny I wouldn't have purchased a BlackBerry Passport.

*users with small phones have

it's actually s3 btw


He's 70 years old. I don't think he gives a fuck when he has other problems to deal with user.

>Just because you can't properly hold a large phone with small hands doesn't mean all users with small phone users have small hands.
You can clearly observe Donald's tiny hands in OP's pic, or basically any other pic which shows a common object for comparison.

They're small as heck.

You're not even trying, TrumpCTR, behemoth phone size is an issue commonly reported by people who have tiny and normal hands.
> I simply have normal hands with a small phone. If my hands were tiny I wouldn't have purchased a BlackBerry Passport.
Yeah, stop trying to confuse the record.

so what's your point, you dumb shitposter??????

I never said anything about the size of Trumps hands.

Calm down there friend. I'm not shitposting, I'm just telling you why he would use one. This is like complaining about a chef for not using the latest rice cooker

I'm 195 cm 90 kilo guy that still uses s3, nothing to do with hands size, it's a good phone. I only had to replace a battery recently after 4+ years of daily use

stop quoting me imbecile you

whoops, forgot to (you)


>keeps on insulting

You have mental issues for sure.

(You)s for days haha

>I never said anything about the size of Trumps hands.
You've been denying indirectly that Trump's hands aren't tiny by claiming hand size doesn't have anything to do with phone size.

>nothing to do with hand size
Could you type comfortably in a 7 inch tablet as if you were using a phone?

Not in the slightest. Quit being a fucking dumbass. I said using a small phone doesn't mean you have small hands. Never did I imply Trump's hands are not small.

cuz he a cia nigga

>be leader of the free world
>be most powerful man in the world
>use a literal botnet

>this thread is nothing but complaining about Trump's hands

No wonder Trump won you fucking idiots complain about the stupidest shit instead of the real issues

Trump's hands weren't even brought up till about halfway through the thread, and you're calling us idiots.

>an Galaxy

Hands are too small for a newer phone.


>an Galaxy
a Galaxy

>worshiping drumpft

>Still being salty like 5 months later
lmaoing @ ur life kiddo

are you literally mentally challenged? what's the problem if your hitler uses s3 anyway?

Because it's easier for his Russian handlers to hack.
>Plausible deniability.

At least he doesn't use iCuck.


Tech illiterate nigger get out!


You are a child.

>muh emails

Are you saying that OP is posting fake news?

Worth noting that foreshortening is actually making his hand here appear much larger here.

>nobody realized yet that he runs RAP Gentoo behind the android interface

Because he can't afford to replace a phone and have to retrain his voice model for dictation.


Hillary's PHONE wasn't hacked, was it?

>drumpftards get mad Hillary user an insecure private email server
>yet Drumpf using a unsecured consumer Android device is A-OK

Does ANYONE use a Vertu smartphone?

Or is it shit?


I'm pretty sure that's an S3 mini

why do you shill for the phone companies? you don't buy a new car every 2 years so why would you for a phone?

>hitler uses s3
libbabbies pls go

ok kid

you are like a reverse manlet that complains about huge phones because he can't hold them. Only manlets or insecure overcompensating faggots use this as excuse.
You can be a big guy with big hands and just want to use a smaller (4.6") phone and not a 6" phone.
Anyways the S3 I think it's a 5 inchs phone, which is a great middleground between 5.5" and 4.6".

can you please go back to Sup Forums with this garbage that's blatantly out of a shareblue handbook? this thread by itself is bad enough

>Drumpfkins get so triggered by people making fun of Trump's hand size that they think there's a mass conspiracy to pay people to insult his hand size on a Barbadian tap-dancing forum

I'm still using an s4

>muh russia

its not about insecure

she created a private server to hide from FOIA

and to share top secret documents without logs

try harder shill

Considering she chose to use unsecured networks overseas, it might as well have been.

her phone was breached multiple times over the 8+ years

she had all of her emails forwarded to her multiple phones

thats how the fbi was able to recover alot of her emails

she was still using a blackberry after it was already on the way out (android rise)

this was also the time that there was no tsl and 3g was able to be sniffed (cell tower spoof)

she had like 15+ blackberrys she would cycle through and then have them sledge hammered

But Trump being at a huge risk of being hacked because he's using a consumer grade phone doesn't concern you?

didnt you read my other posts?

the secret service give him a new device when he gets into office

they also security harden the software

and he only uses his phone for twitter

he doesnt use email or anything else

hillary used her phone for everything

youre just a sad little cunt

and what do you mean "consumer"

the usa doesnt manufacture anything locally anymore

no president used military grade phones or what ever you are trying to imply

they take consumer hardware and flash new software

its really not that hard to understand

the pentagon has its own version of the linux kernel for instance

id expect the SS has a fork of android

lmaoo what a cuck

i still have my s3 but i use an s6 now, drump is a loser

did mommy buy it for you?

>damage control
I can pull things out of my ass too. Unless you're with Trump 24/7, you can't say what he's doing on his phone.

damage control?

youre just a pussy who waits till you think im gone so it looks like you have a argument

>"With just days before his inauguration, the president-elect was handed a new locked-down device, just like his predecessor. "


tfw you are nothing but a sad little cunt who lost and never has any counter-arugments or proof to your accusations

"Trump has traded in his Android phone for "a secure, encrypted device approved by the Secret Service," with a new phone number that very few know."

tfw you are brainwashed by the MSMs constant false narative

thats why you will always fail

So if I don't respond in 30 seconds, I'm trying to make you look bad somehow? You're paranoid.

It's incredibly easy for hackers to turn on the microphone or camera of Trump's regular phone. The fact that he's even allowed to carry it around should be considered treason.

This. He probably doesn't even the iPhone 7 exists.

youre clearly a shill

it isnt running stock software you idiot