>me being an idiot a few years ago
>buying hp pavillion
>laptop being shit and overheats easily
What laptops are you guys using and do you regret your choice
Me being an idiot a few years ago
HP Stream 13
Everyone knows HPs are notorious for heat issues but I wondered what would happen if I pushed that to the max. If fan-cooled machines run so hot, maybe fanless would go past stellar core temperatures and wrap back around to cold? Turns out that's what happens. It's a slow piece of shit but it hasn't yet given me a single moment of trouble.
Cheap, butt ugly and handles what little I expect of it. No ragerts.
No regrets, I wasn't a dumbass and bought the new HP Spectre x360 13t
I have an HP envy m6 from 2013. It's not bad. Still runs too hot when gaming with AMD dual graphics mode engaged.
HP ProBook
Pavilions are shit, but their business laptops are good.
Got a first-gen Asus rog for $300 about a year ago. After getting fed up with the mouse pad being screwy I disassembled it and removed the metal tape. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it.
I've found Asus, Toshiba, and Dell tend to make worthwhile laptops. HP is a complete shitfest. Every single HP I've owned has had overheating problems (one so bad you cannot use the dedicated GPU, you have to use the iGPU instead).
>What laptops are you guys using and do you regret your choice
T420, no.
HP Elitebook since I'm not a plebeian
i got a HP g62, it heats like a furnace but has never given me any other problems and it's already 6 years old
Lemme guess, you bought a memepad.
Had a Pavilion Dv6 for a while, then stayed off laptops, then went to a Pavilion dm4, then to a Thinkpad T410.
Each successive laptop was superior to the previous one.
Asus r556la or something.
Perdormance is good enough, but i want to kill myself when I look at the screen and feel the poor buildquality. I fucking hate cknsumer grade laptops.
Im still using a acer idk wtf is the model and made 2 monts ago and i haven't any problem with this fcking pc
Asus ROG 752.
No, it's actually the best computer I've owned so far. Will be building a new desktop once the 1080ti comes out though, just because my 980m shows it's limitations on some games now. Still, no overheating or overly noisey experience as most will claim.
Latest XPS13 (9360)
>shuts down randomly when it tries going to sleep
>when it auto shuts down, it won't power back up for a good 10 minutes even if you mash the power button
>fails to sleep half the time
>ridiculously noisy coil whine, absolutely insufferable when its quiet where you are working
>blue screens whenever you change the wifi, try to disconnect/reconnect/etc
>idiotic port choice with no hdmi, only 2xusbA and 1xusbC
>no physical radio switches
>gets warm when winblows 10 does its virus scanning garbage / update installation
Unbelievably trash for a premium price machine. I should have bought the Spectre x360 or just saved up and bought a Macbook.
Last laptop I owned was a Latitude and it was pretty fucking great. I figured the XPS would be solid after like 4(?) years of revisions but its a joke.
Dell Studio 1747, i7 qm 720 with 4gb ram, readeon 4650 pre AMD buyout. 7 years and still kicking. It will get me through my steam backlog and works good for networking/ work. Haven't even upgraded the ram or CPU. I rement that the GPU is integrated, but I bought it when I was in high school so w.e. could upgrade to a 860? QM and 8gb ram. But GPU to still throughtle. Even with overclock. It actually runs pretty cold too. Solid dell from the olden times.
with an hp at least I won't be cold in the winter
Quite possibly the best thing about the rogs is the fan design. The traditional suck in from bottom and push out side or back is fucking moronic. Yes it's a centrifugal fan but that doesn't mean shit when you're blocking the intake.
2012 MBP i7 2.3GHz 16GB ram
Not a single regret.
X220 & T420
Eventually bought a MacBook Pro and have a better life because of it.
My nig. I'm running a 2.9 GHz.
2011 MBP 13"
Still working fine.
Thinkpad X220T
ii love everything about it, but the fucking battery life is abysmal . 4 hours with a separate battery slice I bought for it which ads a TON of bulk, 1 hour without the battery slice, 3.5 hours with the 9 cell that I bought for it (also bulky AF)
I'm worried that even if I bought an OEM I would still get shit battery life.
using a Latitude 3540 with a ram upgrade. decent specs, solid build quality. does what I need it to, and runs a few games without shitting itself.
>inb4 >Dell
My T420 is in the same boat. I have two batteries at nearly identical wear levels, one genuine and one refurbed by a third party (purchased on ebay for $35) - they give me two hours with Firefox or Chromium, four to five if I'm just using Word, Excel, or SumatraPDF. This is the dirty little secret no one talks about with Thinkpads - those stupid battery benchmarks they claim only work if you keep the screen nearly off and don't actually do anything on your laptop.
Thinkpad x230
The battery life went to shit after one year and many keys don't work.
Sup Forums memes me so hard
No regrets
T420, hell no.
Get a 9-cell then. My counterfeit 9-cell lasts me 7 hours of cartoons with MPV with the upgraded 45w quad core CPU.
Not the best but enough for me.
Which is a shame because they are powerhouses.
>keys don't work
That's your fault for being an idiot don't blame Sup Forums
No really, i even took a screen because it was better than what i got in Windows 7.
You can even see it's a counterfeit because it stays at 6% for a long ass time before dying, paid $40 for it anyway but it just works.
> Buying anything other than a Thinkpad
Fucking morons. You can literally buy a referbished one for £200-300 and it wipes the floor with modern laptops at and above that price range.
>the ThinkPad meme is strong
Almost made me consider getting one
The screens are still shit though.
I had a dv9000t years ago, first the hinges broke out of warranty but they fixed it for free probably due to it being widespread problem, then the video chip died probably from the damn heat issues as said in this thread. Fuck HP so much.
but it's a good meme
>you can see it's a counterfeit because the laptop is reading 11.5-12v as 12v
HP Elitebook 1040 G3
It's a "business" laptop that runs surprisingly cool. With Prime95 and Furmark it will hit 80C, but the fan is quiet and it does not thermal throttle.
This but I have had overheating issues, I need to give the fan a cleaning
i agree, too bad Toshiba completely shit the bed
I have several "junk" HP laptops from 2012 and up that I acquired through my job and the ones that have cooling trouble have generally been dropped.
I guess the heat pipes develop microfractures and leak, becoming inefficient. Other companies (and better HP designs from the non-shitbox division) might support the heatpipes better but HP loves to leave a big honkin' heatskin hanging, just asking for a drop to fuck it up.
>have HP laptop
>rebranded HP Omen so higher quality parts without the gamer aesthetic
>Undervolt cpu .185v
>able to watch YouTube and do work with temperatures under 40c
>fan never needs to turn on, completely silent with ssd
Feels good m8.
>first the hinges broke
>widespread problem
yes, it's spread to literally every single laptop they have made in the past 5 years, I genuinely believe that's how they tried to implement forced obsolescence. If you ever have the displeasure of disassembling something like their 2012 models, note how even on the machines with huge fucking screens and metal panels the hinges are only attached to the rest of the body with a thumbnail-size bracket supported only by tiny brass screwholes pressed into the outer casing.
They are so clearly designed to fail after a certain number of openings of the lid just so you'll buy another computer. What's more, the heatsink for the CPU commonly heats this area, so the shitty plastic HP uses softens and loses hold on the brass bits after a while.
>Toshiba Satellite S40-t
>Bought 3 years ago as my first laptop for ~600 AU
>Regretted it immediately
>Worst laptop i have ever used
>Shit build quality, shit screen, shit performance, shit trackpad, absolute garbage everything
fuck that laptop, wish i actually knew shit about computers when i bought it so i didnt have to waste all that dosh
Surface Book.
It gets the job done.
I have it desi and don't seem to have most of the problems you mentioned. I mean I have the coil whine but it's not a big issue for me cause I don't notice it unless my ear is right next to the laptop and the port choices seem pretty standard for a laptop of it's class. The lack of a physical radio button is again not a problem for me
> I've got a HP pavilion dv6
> i7 720QM (Nehalem), GUI Nvidia, 4GB RAM
> never gave me problems
> it's almost 10! years I have that pc
> if you don't know how to use a fucking pc don't take it out with your pc
> my only problem is the battery life that is now about an hour (I think it's normal after 10 years)
> I had too overheating problem in the first years so I switched from Windows to a linux distro: never had that problem anymore (really with gentoo I had overheating but it's normal)
> I never regret of my pc but unfortunately I think I should change it in the next 2 years.
Every pc is a good pc, it depends only by the user.
ssd and new battery, make your laptop great again.
Kek #jesuisHP..It's an interesting option but after all these years I'd like to change my pc.
oh boy.
DV9000. I have one of those worthless things sitting here. My uncle had the GPU fry on it and he thought that it could be easily fixed. In the end I gave him another computer since he was no longer in need of a laptop and I'm stuck with this garbage that barely works.
Latitude XT2
No, I love this thing
hp elitebook 2570p
i5 3210m
6 hours of work/internet/movies on 6 cell
9h on 9 cell
i have 2 batteries
What i love is dual drive and build quality, it's heavy, but full aluminium body