/ptg/ - Private Tracker General 'albino' edition

>btn pulls their passtheheadphones invite thread proving redacted is no longer /cabal/ and is now /curry/

>An oldfag appears after just now discovering bitgamer is kill

>[Ree]tarded user is terrified of the hacker known as Sup Forums

Previous thread The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
The shitty ptg irc is hereby nuked from all /ptg/ OPs

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:





Is it true that HDB will never recruit from PTP again? This seems to be said about literally every site HDB stops recruiting from.

how much buffer on IPT do YOU have?

Good job posting the same link for every news item. Retard.

Worse nickname: pooloo or retarded? Discuss...

hello albino

I am in all these trackers and how do I learn japanese?

Why are they called private trackers when everyone knows about them?

Is BTN curry?


>not on AB

desu senpai

>update tracker to use HTTPS for better security
>HURR some clients cannot use SSL so we added a profile option to use the HTTP tracker

Fucking retards.

Go drink bleach, shit for brains.

what's wrong with this?
People who want ssl can do so, the ones who can't still have option of HTTP


What clients can't use SSL? I'm still using uTorrent 2.2.1 and even it has no problem with this, I would think if my ancient client can do it then people shouldn't have any excuse

>Sup Forums.org/g/catalog

Who isn't "on" AB? I just don't have it bookmarked.

what happend to mutracker?

>invite someone cause they asked for an invite
>they get on, download merely 3 torrents in a week
>never get on again

Does KG even recruit from anywhere officially?

it died of natural causes

what.cd had a freeleech and nobody cared anymore.

An AWESOME name - I feel like a badass for browsing this site now. Seriously just look at the address bar on your browser. Redacted.
This is what I meant when I said the name PTH doesn't really evoke any emotions. This one does, and it has a color to go along with it. Color + emotion = music. And then the name redacted brings up images of secrecy and piracy. Seriously awesome stuff. Perfect
Thank you.

I love the redacted symbol. The headphones and red dot remind me of goatse. The redacted name makes me think of the shock altogether. Bravo.

Here's the deal with redacted:

312c was mad at Nala and said he would never start an invite thread on PTH if they kept associating with PTP. Now that they changed their name to redacted they're officially /cabal/. Official PTP invite thread soon boys.

>Official PTP invite thread soon
>PTP = 5k+ over the userlimit



But I got invited to PTH from PTP.

it's all i need

>redacted [RED]


same desu senpai

Amazing new name and logo. It fits with my fedora and katana now.

>Sup Forums
>gif for non animated photo


why didnt pth have a user poll? redacted is so dumb

because they were scared of /ptg/!

How do I join laintracker?
I'm no cabals

So why did PTH really change their name? Is it true that PTP threatened to sue them?

because of the boogeyman Sup Forums

it's not a cabal tracker

post your email here and one of us will invite you

IRC logs or gtfo.

I just remembered I can cross-seed on BTN from BakaBT. Then I remembered that BTN is ratioless and I don't even have to go thorugh BakaBT. Then I realized that BTN has anime and there's no reason to be on AB. Isn't having a brain wonderful?

yes, trademark infringement

demontaco ran to 312c crying that zed was bullying him. so 312 got pissed and forced them to drop the passthe*

Same like any other language, studying everyday. Not sure if weebs are capable of this.

be my friend ;_;

They literally said because they can't trust the userbase and heavily implied it was because of Sup Forums. If they announced all of the possibilities then you just know /ptg/era would buy up all the domains.

[email protected] thx

wrong link
>pth staff had to have a secret vote on the new name in case /ptg/ trolls registered the name first and phished the users

Nice links fag.


It used to be possible by posting your email on one thread on Lainchan's /r/, which is what I did.

what happened to the PTH IRC?

>48 KB

>Additionally, our IRC has changed from irc.passtheheadphones.me to irc.scratch-network.net

That is a good question. Possibly Obama placed sanctions against it.


now they have it again, thanks faggot


This explains the still empty Elite+ invite forum

Woah yeah I just saw, and have these channels always been here? there's a bunch of them for fags and shit, WTF


[email protected]

NEWS: Pooloo is uploading more torrents than RED atm.



kind of wish i still had an empornium account, but don't really care anymore. i remember getting an account years ago by googling the signup page, 'cause all they did was change the link on homepage when they weren't accepting new members.

>he doesn't know

based Nala


pls be bait, I'm still member

APL allows v2 whereas RED doesn't. Important to bear in mind.

BTN and PTP basically confirmed for the new elite invite board

What can I get into from BTN's overlord invite section? Is it worth it?

ugh I'm 45gb away from elite

HDB going to recruit PTM+ at RED.

PTM detected

The site is still a few months off being 6 months old, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them require one-year-old accounts which means we're a long way off seeing them on RED. Furthermore there's little reason to assume that they will even consider offering invites on there anyway.


Nala just created that board in hopes they'd recruit

>not etm
are you even trying lad?

complete fabricated

Spanish host took note and didn't want it, and the sysop did not want to sustain it. Donations were more nonexistent than Waffles, albeit operating costs were probably far less. Mutracker was nice but it was the true definition of "a mirage".

>there's now a lgbt, gay and ""bakespot"" channel on [RED]ARDED IRC


Gee... I wonder who can be behind this


Whats the easiest way to get upload on RED?



>people who steal turn out to be degenerate leftists
wow! I never would have guessed

>implying you don't steal yourself

Glad you aren't like those stupid leftist degenerate cucks, amirite?!


What theme be that

did you attempt to do some kind of logical fallacy there? fallacy of equivalency, perhaps? you did a botched job

Free Bandcamp albums. 2017 FLAC Album.


i ant clickin that shit niga

But you're not like one of those degenerate leftist cucks are you? You haven't ever stolen, right?