Molex to 8 Pin

Molex to 8 Pin adapters.
Are they worth it?
Does anyone have any experience?
Does anyone have a recommended one?

Molex can't really supply much current, those multiple 12v on the 8 pin are basically useless becaure they're backed by only one molex pin.

From my experence molex starts heating up at 4amps, unless there are versions with multiple molex input it's just a meme adapter.

How many molex would you need?

There is no way anything less than 4 molex could supply the amount of current a midrange GPU draws under load

You need *at least* 2 Molex - on different cables! - for a 8-pin GPU connector. Better three. Better yet, get a new power supply.
If you're trying to power a high end GPU with a single Molex adapter, you're setting up a housefire.

Trying to power a GTX 1070. My GPU only has one 6+2 and not another 8 pin or 6+2.

Trying to avoid a new PSU for a single cable.

PSU model?

Housefire or buying a new power supply. Your choice.

You're going to have to buy one. You'll just burn out your GPU and PSU.

>Are they worth it?
>Does anyone have any experience?
>Does anyone have a recommended one?
Yeah, they're great if you like house fires.

Stay away from Molex ===> anything if you don't want to be homeless.

Not the same person but don't they make 6 pin to 8 pin adapters like these that work? I could have sworn a friend used one.

1070 requires ~150W IIRC, half of which it can get through the PCIe socket. 75W (6.25 A) is a bit much for a single Molex cable, so you should use two to be safe (remember - on different cables! It's the wires that are the problem, not the connector itself). If a cable has two or more Molex connectors, use the one closest to the power supply.

Also make sure your PSU can provide enough current on the +12V rail for both CPU and GPU.

You mean on two different cables coming from the PSU?


PSUs typically use 18AWG wires, which can handle up to ~5A without getting hot. That's 5Ax12V=60W per one pair of yellow+black wires.

The standard 8-pin connector technically is a bit of overkill for a GTX 1070 since it has 4 pairs of wires and can provide over 200W, but extra wires provide redundancy in case of faulty connector pins etc.

Is this a real thing?

Yeah. Those extra 2 pins are just ground, so the adapter just hooks them into the other ground connections.
It's not necessarily safe, but neither is a molex to pci 8 pin

But is it SAFER?

Of course

generally you can do by with one adapter. Don't power your gpu with all molex cables unless you got a good psu, but then if you do then you should already have 8pin connectors :^)

molex adapters generally end in housefires