Thinkpad 700

Is it viable in 2017?

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bring that to a starbucks and you'll get mad pussy

No more obsolete than a T420. Better display too.

If you use Links and TinyCore Lanoogs you might even be able to brows the web!

just gut the internals and install modern components

you'll have to be an expert in electronic though

imagine being able to carry a 6700k in a portable form factor like that, and having good cooling

Have one tailing remote jboss logs on a debian install

Gut it out and insert some small singleboard computer in it, drill some holes on a side for the ports and add an internal battery.

Rhen install your favorite linux distro

Either do what said with a RasPi 3 or buy a shitty Chink PC with an Intel Atom and install Lubuntu or Debian LXDE. It'll work pretty well. Also get female to male 3-4 inch USB A cables so that you can use them inside the case to make use of pre-existing USB port openings to save you the work of drilling extras.

My only concern about doing so is connecting the keyboard to the pi. This might be the tricky part
seems doable

if you use it only for office shit or old games or console software. would be nice if it could connect to internet and run ssh

>imagine being able to carry a 6700k in a portable form factor like that, and having good cooling
you wouldn't, there's actually less mainboard space in brickpads than most modern laptops because they have to devote 3/4 of the space to drives and a big battery

also kill yourself for even suggesting that, 700s are rare as fuck and a much more fascinating piece of engineering than any shit i7 gaymer box could ever hope to be

If you're serious, it depends on the meaning of "viable", they were very expensive, high-end laptops on introduction, and fine for office work and even games with contemporary software. With OS/2 it would probably be decently responsive and a nice piece to keep around.

But for the love of fuck if you actually have one don't put a piece of shit Pi in it, there are many people out there who would treasure one of those systems just as they are and there's plenty of shit you can find to run on it. Even if you fit something in and polish it up so it doesn't look like shit, trust me when I say you'd never use it just like 75% of people who unironically suggest a Pi mod ever does anything with their Pis other than check to see if they boot and then throw them in the drawer because they're a gutless meme toy that's only attractive because it's cheap.

>9.5" monochrome display
are these even sold anywhere anymore? the thinkpads posted here have color screens

Monochrome displays were only a thing on the very earliest ThinkPads, stuff was built for office work on the go so it's not like color was an absolute necessity considering how absolutely expensive a good color LCD display was back then.

Can you find these anywhere?

Looks like your average Thinkpad.

I can shitpost from my 760xl, so probably, just for basic web browsing and text editing. My Grail is a 701c though.


why won't lenovo license this to other companies if they aren't going to use it themselves?

Yes it is viable

- xsauc

Where do you put your palms?

No, but the husk can be recycled.

Oh boy just $4,350 and it's even got color! Will 25MHz be enough for the next 10 years or should I go full blown 66MHz P5 desktop?

Goes to show why they were so rare to begin with, you were probably better off buying a 486DX-33 desktop and a shitty little 386SX-20 laptop to go with it than blowing it all on one of those slightly less gutless things.


I don't think you appreciate the engineering that goes into an i7 processor. It is trivial to print out a 700 clone today. We actually have 3d printers here in 2017.

I want an 850 or 860 so bad.

>It is trivial to print out a 700 clone today. We actually have 3d printers here in 2017.
what 3D printer is capable of "trivially" printing out semiconductors? or do you mean just the plastics/enclosure? the latter would be a great idea.

>I don't think you appreciate the engineering that goes into an i7 processor.
you'll say the same thing about that i7 when it's old news garbage you can pick up for $20 in a thrift store
I fully appreciate the incredible things we accomplish today, and I also appreciate the incredible work that also went into those 486SLC chips too that took the anemic licensed 386SX tech IBM was shafted with and pushed it well beyond its reasonable lifespan, some of them were even competitive with the real fully 32-bit deal for integer maths, besides that, one of the most beautiful aspects of older OEM hardware is the internals just as much as the aesthetic, back when they actually designed their own boards and even chipsets instead of ordering them from foxconn in bulk

all technology is an achievement and an engineering marvel no matter how old it is

I was actually referring to the enclosure; we can print out a clone to the Thinkpad 700 enclosure and fill the contents with modern hardware. It's no different to creating a Nintendo NES clone with modern chips and a 3D printed shell.

Thread reminds of when I picked up one of these old beasts, got it to power up, and then I immediately fucked up the BIOS. Candidate for gutting like a fool? I wouldn't think that there's any way of salvaging it.

that would be pretty nice, plus you'd actually be able to properly fit it for what's going to go in it

personally I'm of the mind that old and new clash too much aesthetically and the past is best left with the past when it comes to things like this, but the brickpad look is timeless enough that you could probably make it work pretty nicely

how did you even fuck it up like that?

I just got a Thinkpad 755CX. It will run NextStep.

It was late, I wasn't thinking clearly, I was flashing the BIOS with a new boot floppy, and I powered down thinking that it was finished. Of the dozens of laptops that I've owned and successfully repaired, this one is my greatest embarrassment. All of the hardware minus the battery is good, as far as I can tell.

Good shit, those were the best of the best in the ThinkPad line until the 760 stole the crown, seriously expensive.
What version of NS are you going to run? And is it 100% supported? I've got two, one parts donor and another one running 95 that I'm currently using to run Sim390, but I was thinking of throwing OS/2 on it, or now NeXTSTEP apparently. I didn't think of it.

That sounds shitty. If you really want to revive it you could try figuring out how hard it would be to replace or re-flash it with external equipment, but otherwise you might as well part out the good stuff, something else would have to be destroyed to bring it back to life anyway if you can't fix what you've got.

Any laptop that old is pretty rare and a nice example piece for anyone into older stuff, but I don't think GW2Ks generally carry much historical or aesthetic significance.

t h i c c

Only method I've seen is to identify and desolder the ROM chip from known good hardware, set that on top of the bad ROM chip and press so that all contacts touch, boot BIOS recovery media, remove good ROM, and restore. Absolutely bombastic.

So yeah, something rare would be pointlessly sacrificed for no guaranty of success. Looks like eBay has one Colorbook with all the bells and whistles currently. Maybe mine will get gutted after all.

Does sound like a lot of effort for not a ton of reward unless the damn thing's absolutely spotless, least you can say you tried to figure out a way to fix it before you resorted to parting it out.

If he served it with the right amount of irony it could actually work (all though what does being a hipster these days even mean)