This is the new mayor of London

This is the new mayor of London
His name is Sadiq Khan

Other urls found in this thread:

Muslim mayor for a muslim city. Nothing wrong


You know that, mister Moor

Any advice for the caliphate rules ?

Get bombed at least once per year lol congratz

>France talking shit about this topic
Stop right now before you embarrass yourself any further

He voted for gay marriage and was barraded with death threats from Muslims. Even the Muslims hate him

el berberANO

the only way his name could be better if it was "suq madiq"

And still he calls himself muslim.

How many generations will it take?

That is now ruling over this. JUST nuke the british isles already.

He seems to be someone that puts aside his religion for the greater good which I can agree with.

He had his inauguration at a Cathedral.

He voted for gay marriage despite getting death threats from loads of Muslims.

His dad was a bus driver and he beat a billionaire for Mayor, I think that alone is quite impressive.

For caliphate status or for the Muslims to convert?


>I was just pretending to have been atacked by the people I invited in because I'm such a fucking cuck of a country twice in the past year!

esprit détecté

Iberian shitskins always butthurt toward France
Stay quiet in the shadows, latino "brothers"

For the percentage of brown people being atheist to be about the same as the percentage of white people being atheist.
For example.
Or not even, atheist, just not following one of the religions, anyone can be spiritual.

t. Mamadou


He's already showing that islam rules of over christianity, by occupying places of christian worship.

Wasn't Mohammed himself an uneducated caravan robber and slaver?

How many politicians who proclaims themselves Christians oppose gay marriage?

t. Ahmed


so what?
USA president's name is Barack Hussein Obama

he's as secular as any other modern christian nowadays that cherry-pick the bible to conform to the modern world

Khan and his londonistan wife

>no burka

it wasn't aussies who got KHAN'D
it was londonistan
memes were real

>Clooney has Irish, German, and English ancestry.

Some of his ancestors got khan'd.