Why do they hate Chinese and Korean when they are them lol

Why do they hate Chinese and Korean when they are them lol.

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I like chinese, koreans and australian as asian friends


I've been to Japan twice and never felt hatred expressed in real life.

I feel sad reading their real thoughts on 2ch sometimes tho.

How many of you are actual Koreans and Japanese.

To much internet is never a good thing.

Netouyo is real phenomenon though, probably has to deal with all those hikki

>implying 2ch stands for the average thought of japanese

actually Japanese hate Korea tho, T. Guen

Many of us hadn't hated them since ten years ago. But their anti Japanese activities made young people hate them.

Netouyo(extreme right)is loser in real life. Never mind what they say.

Tbh as Chinese and Korean are alien to Japanese, we hate them.
As Taiwanese are similar to Japanese and we can understand Taiwanese behavior, we love Taiwan.

t. Lee Kim Park

expressing honest feelings is what only uncivilized people do. I really hate Koreans include you but will NEVER show my feelings to another include Japanese.

why do you hate them?

Same as your dad and mom hate you.

>2ch representing what the average Jap thinks.
What you get in person is more likely the correct impression in most cases. For the love of god never get your ideas of a group of people from the internet.

Well, the average Korean man is more handsome than the average Japanese man, while it's the opposite for girls

>for the love of god never get your ideas of a group of people from the internet
I dont know about that. Brazilians in person are just like they're on the internet, no difference at all. I dont know if this is truth for other groups of people aswell since i'm not part of them, though.

Well, guess it's a just a first world thing then

Hypocrisy is the most shity human trait.

they have grown with anti-Japan education, or they had done among people with unhealthy anti-Japan mind. now I can understand Nazism. I'm really afraid of dangerous people against Japan/Japanese.

pls learn Korean ''history''
they can't live without anti-Japan


It's true. At least for the Western standards, Korean men are more manly than the Japanese ones

Why are Korean schools in Japan anyway?

How manly?

Please don't forget. Netouyo is not average japanese. They are schizophrenia.

Stronger jaws for instance

How Itakou knowing difference of East Asians by looking?

Seriously Italians will never understand our difference by looks.

Korean mens want to be mustle more than us and they also serve in the army.

Koreans are more soft to me.

ignore old fashioned troll.

And payoku is paranoia.

the one on the left is korean and the other one is japanese?
they're so similar it's almost like theyre the same person

Korea is situated between China and Japan, who've had a long history of fucking each other up. Not the best place to be. So they hate Japan.

Japan and China have a long history of fucking each other up. So China dislikes Japan.

On top of that, I think there's some dishonor stuff regarding Japan bowing out of WWII when they got plowed by nukes. North Korea at least still hates them for it.

politically manipulated Japanese hate them
in the same way
manipulated Chinese and Korean have a HAN-NICHI (反日 anti-japanese)
i hate the han-nichi because i am a japanese
i hate politically manipulated fukin things
i love good chinese and korean
i love good people ^o^
no borders
no religions
no nations
yes people on this internet

No one talk about Chinese in these thread.
Poor Chinks...


white behave like Asian expert make me mad.

>the average Korean man is more handsome...

Is it a reason why many ltalian women love Kimchi and micro Venice.

Because many zainichi Koreans are living in Japan.
And these Korean school is for Non South Korean

it's not that hard to distinguish asians though, even for a white man
at least the stereotypical japanese and koreans. mainly the more pure-blooded koreans, with the protuberant cheek bones.
if you have minimum contact with japanese culture besides muh animay and korean culture it's not hard to distinguish them.

why can't you all get along, my asian friends?

>never get your ideas of a group of people from the internet.
This, i saw some guy in a lecture start bringing up reddit potato memes to a lithunian girl. She did not look impressed.

Middle and left are the best. Who are they?

Netouyo deserve to die. They love Korean. But average Japanese ignore Korean.

please do not be manipulated by stupid corapsed politicians
we are the same ^o^

Most japanese people hate netouyo.Especially young people and woman.

But you can tell the difference between chinks and Japanese pretty fast


>shitting on the floor

These day, people think that Japanese are rude and stupid. Because of Netouyo(extreme right). I really think that Netouyo deserve to die. They are not patriot but traitor.

>rapists and murderers


LOL they're just cringing to glorious gaijins.


Don't fight~~~ ㅠㅅㅠ

But he is Korean
Korean in Japan

so Koreans in japan are like the fucking turks/muslims in germany? did I understand that right?

Hey gook proxy in US,

Tatsuya Ichihashi is Korean-derived Japanese.
It's very famous in foreigners in Japan.
Ichihashi's rape and murder has already broadcasted in movie entitled "『I AM ICHIHASHI 逮捕されるまで』"

Moreover, Lucie Blackman was also raped and killed by Zainichi Korean with Japanese name.

>no borders
>no religions
>no nations
dude, have you looked at europe in the last couple of months?

Why do Japanese hate the Koreans and Chinese so much, if they were the one's who attempted to genocide them in the first place.

It's pretty sickening desu family; kinda like if Germans still rabidly hated Jews to this day, while openly denying the Holocaust.

what is wrong with a good beef once in a while? fighting is fun, I want a war again!

But it does

why do you think he uses proxy? because you are regularly abusing it?

Everyone already knows Germans are cucks, you don't have to keep telling us

not really

agree with that


Nice bait

Pew Polls shows it to be true

Maybe he compared us with Americans.

This has nothing to do with being a cuck.
It has something to do with having the honor to admit that one has done terribly wrong.

Instead, the suppossed 'honourable' japanese are doubling down on their crimes; first by committing them in the first place, then try to rationalize it by saying that they somehow tried to save/liberate asians from the white imperialists, and finally, by blaming the victim to this day.

I'm not telling them to commit sudoku, as many others would have. Just that they should stop and think hard about why they are even entitled to hate the people that suffered so much under them.

>Koreans in japan are like the fucking turks/muslims in germany?

Your understanding on the fucking Koreans are right.

it known around the world, that japan is a pretty xenophobic country

I never was in japan, but a friend of mine lives there in your country and allways says that even after the 5 years she has been there she still get's treated like a tourist and outsider. she recieves strange looks in some places even and a bunch of other complains she has talked about

do they have ghettos/parallel societies too in your country?

because I kinda doubt it is as bad as the turks in germany

Because we are shy and reserved

and you seem to have a couple of prejudices towards western people

(I'm not saying you guys suck or anything, just that my friend for example has a real hard time living there etc.)

Of course, Zainichi Koreans have many parallel societies Tokyo, Kawasaki, Osaka, Kyoto, Kyushu and so on. All these are closely linked to Korean government.

We apologized and gave much money to them. Most war generations have died and young people think it's weird to apologize and give more money, because when our goverment apologize or pay money, Chinaese and Korean goverment say "apologize more" "pay more money".

Mafia in Japan is almost all made by Korean

After WW2, Korean and Chinese in Japan took our area illegally but US banned our police so we can't do anything.
Such theaf still keep illegal occupation of Japanese the most prime area.

After WW2, South Korean navy took our islands too. Then they killed 11 and seazed 4000 but US banned our navy so can't do anything too.

We didn't hate any race
You can check Chinese or Korean population around WW2.
While we controled Manchu, Korea, Taiwan, their population were all increasing.

In fact, Jews and Polish espcaped from Russia to Manchu so their population were increasing in Japan around WW2 too.

I mean, look at this chart.

Japan killed a metric tons of Chinese, and accuse them of having 'anti-japanese education', and still the Chinese view the Japanese more positively than vice versa, Japan the Chinese whom they have slaughtered and failed to apologize to this day.

Isnt it Japan who is guilty of having an 'anti-chinese education'?

Still doesnt provide counter-evidence about Manchuko being a facist, Yakuza-ruled puppet state where millions of Chinese slave laborers were worked to death.

Japan did some really fucked up stuff there. And it isnt just the Unit 731.


Manchu population were increasing
Many Chinese, Korean, Polish were willing to come there.
You can check it easily. Please ask Polish who know history.

Do you mean enemy should be treated ease?
But I knew China, Russia, US still continue torture.

Tibet torture

Please search it in youtube

Mr.Chong, your CCP wiped out 75millions of own Chinese people since WW2,
and their genocide goes on in Uyghur and Tibet, far worse than Nazi and Stalin.

This is why nobody trusts the shifty japs

Look it's an actual nettouyo

Neck yourself nip


Asians are all pussies but Koreans are some of the least pussy Asians

They're the same as the ISIS

Nah, you guys were the nazis in wwii and deserved to lose and die

Netouyo is NEET and Virgin. They aren't popular with japanese girls. So they belittle foreign and foreigner to vent their anger in real life.

So it's like Sup Forums?

Then, America is inhumane than Nazi in all war.


They aren't smart like pol.
Because they have not received higher education.

why do netouyos like to embarrass other japanese so much?

disgusting chon on the left is you

Why you always pick those ugliest thing of the country and just treat it as a total representation of "them", and proudly accuse it in front of gaijins ?

Really make me ashamed.

you don't ashamed of yourself acting like an irrational infant at all? you are really disgraceful person for japan.


This is typical Netouyo.
Really, low education and loser.
